She basically wanted to discuss two things. There is no room in my heart for hate. Tell her that you KNOWpoint blank, irrefutably. Hold on for two months. Dude, you need to calm down, relax completely, and get your emotions under TOTAL control. What a b1tch. You are too feeble minded to comprehend this. Its her shame and her disrespect that got you guys into this situation. My husband called it off and she continued to pursue him. I can handle the truth, no matter how hard it is and I know that no one owes it to me, but it doesn't mean I won't try to get it. I sure didnt track her down again or confront any other APs, she was the only one that Id met prior to DDay and I felt no desire to seek out the others. I'd also add that if she's cheated this early into the relationshipthen honestly your chances of being married to a potential serial cheater are pretty high. - S., Alabama | November 2020 Hope for Healing participant. Make it CLEAR that you're aware of the truthbut be vague on details. She asked me questions. Thank you!! (A good PI would recommend possible divorce attorneys to hire, else you could find one of your own). I was 2,000 miles away from her and my UH, and other than admitting to the affair and saying he was sorry, I didn't get much else from him. Sleep in the #%(^ing middle. Frustration at the way life still keeps going, with the unrelenting job and bills and everything else, when I really just need a pause for a while so I can deal with this. NEVER. Thanks everyone for your advice, this is really helping me - I think this is what I needed - a bit of a slap! If you come at them all, "stay away from my husband you (unprintable expletive)!" 1 year marriage, no kids, GET OUT. Each person has to make their own decisions, but I hope you don't cause yourself any more pain. Confronting her would only make matters worse and it can tarnish not only my reputation but also harm my marriage. Which brings us to the other reason you should not confront the affair partner 2. I do understand what is being said here, because not all situations are going to turn out like mine did. Or is such a confrontation likely to scare the other person away? Im like you, hate and revenge are not a part of my vocabulary. It is scary, but it is so worth it. Contributors control their own work and posted freely to our site. So, making contact and receiving well deserved apologies helped bring closure to this chapter in the affair and hopefully help in the healing process of my marriage. And I'm glad to say that we've made great progress in healing. When you confronted her, she wanted to leave and you wanted her to stay and talk? It's all good. Doing that wouldnt make a difference Eseiegbe Efe. But all of this is in hindsight, no one could of predicted this storm.Old hands will retire from their service with you, while new ones will enlist. Rick, thank you for this article. Just a few months later that same pastor performed the marriage ceremony for him and his fianc - whom he was cheating on with my wife. While you continue to play the dumb, trusting, naive husband. Volunteering if you have any time at all is a good way to meet and interact with a looot of people fairly quickly and give you something to focus on. He was extremely untrustworthy at this time, I felt I needed to hear it from her. Get tested for STD's since you know this is not the first time. Complete reversal of what she thought before. You may want to scare them by threatening to tell their spouse about the affair. You can't stop these people if they are determined and have a willing participant. The point is to get away from them both and stop giving your cheater and the affair partner your precious mental energy. In such a situation, the other person may be able to gain the upper hand by saying things which make you look foolish or not in control Dump her, go NC and live life and work on being a stronger person. Hes 25+ years my senior, very successful rich even. They are weak individuals- who would choose to be anyones leftovers? Probably convinced her to keep working on mine. I'm far away from all of that now. If you or someone close to you is currently in crisis or in an emergency situation, contact your local law enforcement agency or emergency number. Sofor really the first time in 38 years I am very serious in considering getting a divorce. Over the 7 weeks ( which is today) I tried 4 times to contact her. My wife affaired waaay down. Butbe prepared for her to deny and deny and deny until confronted with that proof. I need nothing from him. Turns out my wife is co-dependent and her AP is a malignant narcissist; she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame. Not there yet. Insist on divorce? She also knew I wasn't the first affair and probably wouldn't be the last. Why? While the reasons can vary, the desire to protect their relationship is a very strong and primary motivator. Regardless of We talked a long time and I told her that I was going to contact her husband and let him know that I knew and how disappointed I was in both of them . You should though really consider geting out - one year in, no kids = get out. When you have all your ducks in a row, have gone past the PI phase, moved on with the evidence to an attorney, and the attorney has compiled it all together and made the initial moves and it is time to serve her the papers, you must still be nonchalant and appear ignorant about the giant moves underway. Isnt that the sh*t? Only if you think you can shame them out of the affairs. Probably you should decide whether its OK for her to continue. If so, treat them as anyon E Eli-Zor Registered Like my husband stood up to defend my honor, becquse we did Iit together! Copyright 2004 I confronted my husband's affair partner. By entering your email and clicking Sign Up, you're agreeing to let us send you customized marketing messages about us and our advertising partners. My H is pursuing healing, our marriage is fully restored and thriving, we are living our best lives. WebYour spouse has already betrayed your trust at a very basic level, so confronting the other person may provide your spouse with the opportunity to openly demonstrate how much Hi after almost 3 years the AP contacted me. The letter outlined what had been going on in our lives over the last couple years and how I understood what and why my husband had been looking for attention. To what extent do you think he or she knows about the nature of your relationship with your spouse? @manup I'm not sure how I can proceed without telling her, surely that is the next step to confront her about the affair. God knows IT HAD TO HAPPEN! It seemed before that you were a boat of the rough seas, shoveling water out from the boat as more spilled aboard. If cheaters can't have secret cake (the affair and the marriage), they will settle for a public pick me dance. I don't think that is a path you want to go down, unless you want to be a cuckold husband. His lover is not a problem at all to me. So unless you have reason to believe that there will be a positive outcome, it may be best to avoid a confronting the other person. If you think anything else will happen, well. First, you must prepare yourself to deal with the situation in a mature manner and you Will confronting the other woman or man only further his or her resolve? He allowed her to remain in control of how this would play out. I calmly told him never to speak to my wife again. Can you imganine the drama and the extra stress? You deserve never to have to go through it again and the assurance that it will never happen again. Sounds like you handled things like a lady. Sure wish I would have read this post before I decided to confront. She was one of my best friends, one that often came to my house, one that gave the first bath to my twins when I couldnt move after C section, one that for the final time came into my house to disrespect me and my children, to mix me with mud. I said to her, he was playing one of us off against the other so we should talk. It might also extend to the rules of law. Look, to exist in an affair for any length of time, you have to be a few sandwiches shy of picnic. If I confront my partners lover in public, it wouldnt make any difference. When I was on my way to rejoin my husband, she sent me several crazy sounding messages, which I read between flights, telling me that he needed to get out of Tennessee, and that she was "calling the law" on both of us. of which is counseling (see counseling resources). As we discussed more, I think I understand more now. Anyhoo, am I hurt of course! So I suppose I have quite a bit of power right now to screw up her life, and this fact probably dawned on her in the day or so after I confronted her, and I think she sees reconciliation as the path of least resistance to avoiding these dangers. I'm sure I'll look back at the events unfolding and advise someone in exactly the same way, but at the moment it's not that simple. Have a gameplan in place for dealing with that. She will need to resolve her feelings. She even apologized, and sounded sincere. We had a 'good' conversation during which I was even vulnerable enough to weep. My wife will even marry the man. You have every right to feel the way you do. He is to blame because he would not say no. Can't you see you're dealing with an uber being? I caught them and confronted her about the affair three months ago. No response this time. Incontrovertible proof. Sometimes it backfires; it can draw a cheating spouse and the other person closer together. WebBefore seeking to confront your spouses lover, consider the possibility that such a meeting may actually do more harm than good. Youre as naive as they come. This also backfired. Its normal to feel the way you are feeling, and to lose the grip with reality. That is the time when she would come crawling to you. Probably not. I've documented this experience in previous posts. The person I have business with is my husband. Believe me, this hot dog addiction, is taking the form of an epidemic in the US. Every once in a while she makes a new fake profile, and tries again. Your son deserves to be in a positive environment. My wife is lying to me. He didnt but I keep a close eye on him. Maybe I am a wimp, I'm here for advice and I can't help the way I feel. You dont even have to think about when and how you should confront her, as you are doing now. There is a certain freedom there that I havent felt for a very long time. I promise. I offer my experience only by way of illustration. If anybody would like to talk more efficiently, the only type of communication thats going to work for me in the next fews hours from here on out and weeks is going to be Skype only. We've only been married a year and I can't believe it could be the end. For the last few weeks, Ive been sitting on this evidence, but tonight I finally confronted her, literally just a couple of hours ago. They might. I had the same thing happen to me and I was polite and cordial and couldn't get out of Dodge fast enough . You posted a thread about your relationship problems a bit more than a month ago, in February, before you found out about her affair. And it might also be a pack of lies. If you've been tempted to confront the affair partner, leave it to professionals. Wednesday 18 January 2023 05:42, UK Which leads me to my current conundrum. My husbands job was about to dictate him to be working out of the town he and his AP spent time in on a two week gone one week home schedule for the next three months. Yes, you most definitely should and I'll tell you why. Chances are if u are debating a subject such as this you've recently found out your wife che This girl is delusional. I understand and agree with all of the 8 listed, however, my UW AP lives a couple miles down the road and we will inevitably run into each other. What advice do you have for those us whom dont seek them, they seek us BS? This may be hard to understand in the cold light of day. If you only knew the painful path you're about to walk it's actually more painful that if you just walk away. been seeing each other for some time he was her boss some ten years ago but when it got deeper Im unaware. But I'm glad I can but a nail in this coffin. Not that she showed any real interest in reconciliation anyway. Youre awesome, happythoughts. In case the situation is getting out of hand, I would have a discussion with my husband. They don't even like for me to refer to him as their grandfather. Confronting my wife - need advice. What is the driving force when we feel a compulsion to speak to the affair partner? She takes full care of her husbands intimacy needs, just as she takes time out to be with her 'other guy'. Sometimes separtion is whats best for the child. She wanted to share everything. Me? It's all kibbles. jesus My friend you are in big time denial. If they can, then at least give it another chance. Maybe there'll be a duel! We dont take each other for granted as we now know what boundaries are non-negotiable. He claims they are not. much easier to start than they are to stop. Maybe the relationship wasnt meant to last and your ex-wife probably had the wandering eye for a while. I want to slap you! I recently discovered my husband of 19 years had been involved in an 8 month long affair with a co worker from an other town 7 hours away. Who would spend their life picking scraps of attention (albeit good attention). Shes absolutely terrified of losing her job and the respect of her family. She woman would rather call the police and have me slapped with a warning THAT WILL show up on enhanced criminal record checks for life than have a conversation with me. Truth About Deception back to our home page. You are wondering if she will get banged by that dude today or not. You will never be able to trust her, you'll be constantly checking up on her, whenever you are apart you will be torturing yourself with what she may be doing what kind of marriage is that??? I love her so much and am scared to confront her about it for fear of what may happen, I suppose I'm hoping if I ignore it she will get over it and everything will go back to normal, but I know deep down that this is naive and weak. This is the first time in my life that Ive lived alone, and its a little exhilarating. Nobody and I repeat nobody respects a doormat. First of all, even if he did say these things, (which he claims he didn't, but who knows the truth) how could you look your married lover's wife, one who just lost a much wanted pregnancy, straight in the eye and make these claims to her? I have fantasized about that, but what is the best thing to say to her, if anything? Your son, any pets, and yourself. Our experts designed this step-by-step guide to help you survive infidelity. So I answered the call that night and two hours later it was all over. I never Is your spouse the type of person to disclose your relational problems There's nothing abnormal about a woman whose partner has cheated wanting to confront the other woman. I don't even know if I got the full story but I got enough. Marriages are based on open communication, trust, and a common goal. September 9, 2011 6.16am. She didn't say anything about the affair. I thought she would move after he passed. lol! WebMy wife is in love with another man. It was sweet. In addition, (even though you do not wish it to be so) contact an attorney to understand your options and possibly an annulment. And perhaps the most surprising feeling of all- elation, mixed with relief. Thank you everyone for your patience and understanding in this matter. So atleast you have that going for you. I owe to my family and children though and will stand in my head to make things work. She was dumped by him when their 4.5 year double life came out by way of a wrongly sent text to me from my partner. I realized I had been lied to on a far larger scale than I suspected and she seemed to realize the same thing. Edited July 12, 2011 by yawn_interrupted After all is said and done, some of you will still feel an overwhelming need to confront the affair partner. I didn't want any details from the AP - he was 15 years older, weak, and very unattractive. Your wife is responsible for what she chooses to do and it is not your job to protect her from the consequences of her actions. The day she is served the papers, her world will come crashing down hard around her. The person I have business with is my husband not her-Tobiloba Oko-Oboh. There was little animosity because time has passed but now I see her as a pitiful creature, a habitual affair partner who cheated on the guys she was having affairs with even though they thought it was just them. I think it is amazing what you decided to do. I did learn some details from his wife after her conversations with him, however, that my wife had been lying about, which was helpful. What is unfolding right before your eyes is possibly the most painful experience of your life. It's called buyers remorse. At 1 year? If she is The best person to face if such a situation arises is my husband. As a result of their friendship with her, our children and I have cut off contact with them. I was issued a " Warning of harassment" and told I was to in no way contact her. It is better that I know him. *Love. WebIm confronting my wifes affair partner today. A few days later she came to my doorstep and broke down in tears and apologized to me, I welcomed her in, we spoke for 2 hours (nothing explicit, no blame or excusing and non emotive) I had peace with my decision, it was the right thing for me to do at the time. I wanted so much to see her as a victim because facing the truth that she chose of her own free will to betray me and risked the loss of our marriage to be with a 'man' who had abandoned her for 30 years was just too painful for me to admit. She then responded saying not to blame her blah blah. Until I did. And only one person would be able to keep the $hit from hitting the fan. But she is liking photos his cousin is putting up of them fishing. My advice is that you need to confront your wife. Your relationship is with her, not with her lovers. That hurt. WAKE UP! Built their house on land we were supposed to and made sure to get married in the city we loved as a couple so thats wrecked for me. I cannot confront my husbands lover because I have no business with her. I don't blame her. Please seek professional care if you believe you may have a condition. You deserve much better than this. The last thing you want to do is let another person have the power to control your peace of mind. Really? This is just a new beginning. At this point, dont focus on rekindling the relationship. Its wrong for me to engage her lover in afight in public. At that point, you have 90% of the battle won. That I forgave her. Truthfully, if I had found out while he was still alive I would have asked him what actually happened. You are also agreeing to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. We treat each other differently now. Get professional support. He turned so pale, looking like he honestly thought Id never find out at all. Again, no need to initiate much commentary on the bare facts. When it ces to the divorce, this is between you and her. If you do not respect yourself then who will? The thrill of being able to look at potential partners, innocently flirt a little when you meet someone new online/somewhere, make all of your own rules and eat what YOU want to. But I didnt get that vibe from her at all. I wish i had never done this and had never said anything to my H. Just for my ducks in a row and left preserving my dignity. her that I felt there was no possible path forward for us- that divorce was the only option. I expect no apologies, no truth, no remorse. You should lawyer up, protect your assets and file for divorce. THAT was my mistake. But the biggest reason not to confront the affair partner? I wouldn't wish this misery on anyone. Get out now and you should retain most of your assets. My wife and I are doing very well but still see him all over town daily . You must be logged in to reply to this topic. Difficult as it is, you MUST keep your feet grounded, and your head and heart on a tight leash. I found Affair Recovery when I was at the darkest point in my life, and this course has helped me to get myself on a true path to recovery." My wife of almost 35 years told me she had had an affair with her boss and my friend almost 30 years ago. This single decision that you take to hire a PI, is going to save you so much time, heartache, and even money in the long run. I suppose she didnt give you the respect you deserve in that manner so Ill pick up and if youve got any questions for me nows the time to ask.". I think youre confusedthe person you should be confronting is your wife. She is the one who is cheating, she is the one who has to accountable. T To compare notes. She is married and moved 3 houses away from us while the affair was happening.She pursued a friendship with me. I dont have any business with the man. Haven't you suffered enough? I contacted the AP via message. Do not upset the poor girl. To what purpose ? If you want to join them, that I can undetstand. Do you realy think you are going to change her behaviour Or is this how your mar But I need him to know that I know, and to stay the hell out of our lives if we cross paths. I feel a true sense of completion now. So that now when I do think of one of the horrible details, all I feel is victory!!! Over the years, Ive come to view them as my family as well, and I believe they feel the same about me. "Stay away from my wife!" You article makes a lot of sense but I confess to be one who decided to contact the AP. Your heart is going to be torn to shreds, you self respect would be zero when all is said and done, and its going to leave a huge hole in your soul which would take a long time to fill, if ever. It's an exercise in futility. She vowed to leave him and told me she had divorce papers ready to go. What about telling the affair partner's spouse if the motive for doing so is to clear your conscience morally and being truthful? I would not want something like that to happen. I will not be involved in any physical combat with anyone. He denies that it became physical but he lied about everything and kept the relationship completely secret for at least three years so Ill never be completely sure. For #1, your marriage might end up working out. Anyway , He did lie about most everything that I ask about and said he couldn't remember any details . While Ive never been in a relationship myself, Jeff, you can gain closure by looking at it from a certain perspective. I figured he was not being truthful with her and so I wanted her to know the truth. Recovery took a long time, but now we are getting better. When you say something like that, people dont question your reasoning. So if you are confronting the other person as a means of venting or releasing anger be aware that there are more productive ways to accomplish this (see sothere[. It took my husband 7 weeks to fully disclose what had taken place. 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I will walk out of the marriage- Derek Agyei. The reality from her own words was that she will never be anyones number 1 and that hurts her deeply. But keeping secrets no. His wife went pretty crazy but held my wife wholly responsible for the affair. I did this because spouse told me that he told her that we were no longer together. Spaces fill up quickly for this course. If I confront her lover and we ended up fighting and I am badly injured, I am the one that will be ashamed. I sent him a letter warning him to never contact her again. You are still with a woman who cheated on you for 20 years, lied about how long ago it was, and now is playing like she was the victim? Any how. Don't go all vigilante on this alone. If you have no one and just want to vent, please send me a message and I will listen to all you want to say on skype. How fabulous. I want to call his cell this morning and say "this is very awkward for me but do you have a couple minutes. Apparently she has booked an appointment to see a councillor. Should I tell the affair partner's spouse? When he ended the affair, the in-laws were enraged and drove 8 hours to our city to "comfort her" since she was so devastated. I would tell her family members the truth. He is committed, I thank God he had awakening from this terrible mistake. Wow. If she is spreading her legs and orifices wide for him to fine tune her plumbing on a daily basis, so be it. Either you've got really low self-esteem and opt to be a side dish, or you're flamingly narcissistic. Our free Affair Analyzer provides you with insights about your unique situation and gives you a personalized plan of action. This article will help you to prepare, be effective, and avoid conflict. She was responsible for his travel arrangements. She's getting a high off two men fighting for her. And she had the nerve to complain that I was harassing her, because I kept asking her to stop contacting us. 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