Big questions, which only you can answer from your experience and related to the Guiding you have known in your locality. Present your ideas creatively. The Rosebuds wore a navy jumper and skirt, with a large floppy beret-stylenavyhat and a loosely-tied tie in pale blue. Some slept in their uniforms, ready to help throughout the night. Itwould be used for summoning the Patrolduring games and activities. See more ideas about girl guides, cooking, girl scout camping. If the turf is going to be lifted for more than a few minutes, do water it carefully so it doesn't dry out. First, gain permission from an adult in charge of youto light a match. Guides were earning badges as proficient electricians, mechanics, first-aiders, and signallers. 17. *Find out what the Brownie fitness exercise and Brownie health rules were. and when you do arrive, take a couple ofseconds to gather your breath andthoughts so you can give themessage in a clear and logical way, not blurt out what's uppermost then have to waste valuable timeexplaining, orwaffling before you get to the keypoint . St Patrick's cross is 'offset' - it's not exactly in the middle of the St Andrew cross - hence there's a right way up for the flag to be flown - with the broad white stripe next to the top of theflagpole. Once it lights (it may take more than one attempt) keep holding it level and touch the match-flame against the side of thecandle wick. Untilaround the late 1930s, girls wouldnot have worntrousers at any time- only ever skirts or frocks. Always direct a knife away from your body when cutting, and use a cutting or chopping board. How the Girl Guides helped beat Hitler MENTION Girl Guides to any woman and the reaction will be strong. To join Rangers, complete our online form and a volunteer in your area will get in touch. For a standard three course meal the table mat (if used) is placed centrally in front ofeach chair (or space is leftfor the plates to go when the food is served). Unit flags, or 'Colours', are normally carried using a flag holster (leather ones are by far the best, as they last for decades whereas on the fabric ones the buckle tends to slip most awkwardlyafter a while)- for Guides to carry flags, holsters must always be used, the flags areboth fartoo heavy and too awkward not to! "Guides"then have a slight pause(so the group know who the command is being given to and sothe relevant people are listening), then the rest of the phrase withthe last word said firmly and sharplyso that the instantit is said, the group shouldobey it. So in Norway, some Guides buried their uniforms to keep them safe, and only dug them up after peace was declared. callback: cb There are set positions for the cutlery and glasses on a table, which is designed to suit right-handers since they are usuallyin the majority. Thy choicest gifts in store, On her be pleased to pour, Long may she reign. This record is held by Cumbria Archive and Local Studies Centre, Barrow See contact details Have you found an error. "The skills we learned at Guides helped us during the war - even just to be self-reliant. So if your Guide meetings were to be banned by the Government, what would you try to hide, or protect, in hopes that a day would come when you might be allowed to be a Guide again? . "Guides gave us a strength of character, and taught us to be independent and cheerful. A water glass is placed on the right, above the knife and soup spoon. We'd like to use additional cookies to remember your settings and understand how you use our services. 14. Know what "flying up" and "gaining your wings" involved. Make a single plait with thin rope or cord. { porridge? These are activities to attempt onlyif you have already done some gadget making and pioneering, and know how to both tie and tighten the basic lashings securely(if you don't, why not ask your Guider if she could arrange a pioneering training session? Make sure long hair is tied back and dangling clothing such as hoody cordstucked in. Use semaphore to send and read a simple message. Then the Colour Party Leader would say'Colour Party About Turn', and they would all turnto the right on the spot, then 'Colour Party Forward March' until they reached their place in the horseshoe, then 'Colour Party Halt' and 'Colour Party About Turn' sees them back in their place in the horseshoe. But there is no need to ape Regimental Seargeant Majors in either volume or elaborate pronunciation - clarity is what's important, not artistic impression! Guide and Scout Leaders were arrested, and forced to give details of other Leaders yet to be traced, who would then be arrested too. Pinterest. Only feed on wholesome fare, Through your nostrils breathe fresh air, Clean yourselfboth in and out, Twist and turn and run about.". Tie a bow in your shoelaces. Know what makes up the Union Flag and draw it correctly. Guides should make theirs in white (which was traditionally the colour of a Patrol Leader's lanyard), as other colours were used for Camp Licence holders and Brownie Holiday Licence holders (green and brown respectively). Draw at the test a rough sketch map which would enable a stranger to find his way from any given point to another. It's a day when we think about the founders of Guiding, Robert and Agnes Baden-Powell, and our long-term World Chief Guide, Olave Baden-Powell. Running can be quicker - but not if you get a stitch, or the distance is too long to runand you're reduced to doing very slow walking before you even get halfway! Hand signals were used, mainly by Guiders, in order to do 'silent drill' with their units. It is easy to find recordings of the tune online to use when learning it, either in the form of the UK national anthem, or with theAmerican words, My Country TisOf Thee. Or could you use logs to build a 'reflector' fire? At a campfire, prepare and cook dampers. Tell my parent/carer, teacher or leader if something online worries or upsets me. Others got to hear of Guiding through obtaining copies of the books and translating them for themselves, or through nationals who had been visiting or stayingin Britain, then going home and telling of the new scheme they had seen. In this eye-opening history, Janie Hampton explores how the Guides' work was crucial to Britain's victory. <> A number of countries' websites which are in other languages also offer a page with basic information in English, which can be helpful. The author Freda Collins, in her book "Pow Wow Stories" wrotestories for each Six explaining the alleged'origin' of the rhymes - but in fact by quite a margin the rhymes came first! To learn semaphore, it's best to start with the first batch of letters, which are signaled with one arm, so you get used to which arm you are using for them. (It seems that either modern torsos are longer, or necks may belarger, as it's sometimes difficult to get the tie to regulation length at the front and still be able to tie it at the neck without discomfort - in the past older Guides were advised toadd strips of cotton tape to the endsof original ties in order to provide extra length for the tying so that is an option for taller Brownies. Some newspapers have searchable databases which would help you to trace period newspaper articles about early Guiding in your localarea(I've read some original newspaper accounts of the Crystal Palace rally in national and regional newspapersthis way, and several fascinating accounts of various Scout and Guide rallies in my home city pre-1914) -both national and local papers can help, and local libraries can often help with free online access. Here are some simple multifaith graces I've written to well-known tuneswhich you could use: Thanks forFood (tune - row, row, row your boat). The Ministry of Food asked Guides to demonstrate Blitz cooking to Londoners. Rather than sticking toa plain blanket, some people chose to make ceremonial robes or ponchos to wear, or opted to decorate the blanket they took, as part of the ceremonial. When the Blitz broke out, they knew how to dig bomb shelters and provide first aid. Blitz means to quickly mix ingredients together. The wording is: 1. You could even gift it to a friend or family member if you want to. She stacked the bricks to make a three-sidedstructure like a barbecue base to contain a fire, they laid the metal boot scrapers across the top, to provide firm support to balance the scrubbed dustbin on. While carrying out this exercise the breathing should be carefully regulated. Whichever you use, you need to cut down several inches (the depth of a sheath knife or small garden spade) before youthen cut sideways so that youare cutting underneath the roots of thegrass, and don't damage them any more than can be helped. If there are several flags to be unfurled (such as at an international camp's flag ceremony) then they would be unfurled simultaneously, and theLeader in Charge mightissue all the commands to the colour parties,toensure coordination, waiting until all the colour parties were ready to proceed before giving the next instruction each time. There are several differentways of marching into a horseshoe, and it's far easier to do it yourselfor see it done than it is to try toexplain it on paper! For a formal meal, the sets of cutlery for each course canbe set out in order at each place. Remember that most charts show you what the receiver sees - they portray a sender facing towards you - which is a mirror image of what you will physicallysend- soalways think of what the figure on the chart's right arm is doing, and what their left arm is doing. . In many countries across Europe, and in the Channel Islands of the UK, during World War 2, Guiding was outlawed. Brownies would also have their Test Card (pre-1968)or Pocket Book (1968 - 1990)- a little card or booklet containing the Brownie challenges she was working on, so a sort of mini Adventure book which was designed to bejust the right size to fit in the uniform pocket, for easy reference. With the new programme which launched recently, the older Guiding History badges wereretired in Summer 2019. Burgers? If they passed 'Golden Hand'before they moved on to Guides, they got a special badge, 'Brownie Wings',to wear on the sleeve of their Guide uniform (shown on the right) to show they had been a Golden Hand Brownie, and they had a special 'Flying Up' ceremony when they left Browies tomove to Guides (often there would be a joint meeting just before their firstGuide meeting attended by both units, with a special ceremony, invented by the units, to hand the Brownie over). The test changed at various times over the years, but the 1938 syllabus was: You must be a Second Class Guide and have a good influence in your company. The important thing to remember when teaching anything -is enthusiasm. The problem was that their younger sisters wanted to go too, but they just didn't have the energy for the long hikes and the all-day activities. The way my unituses is: Patrols line up inrows, with PLs at the left of the rows, PS at right and the rest inbetween, facing the near end of hall and withthe front Patrol about a metre short of the wall they are facing;the Guiders stand in a lineto the left of the front row, but facing the other waydown the length of the hall. Take one match out of the box, then close the boxand turn it scraper side up. By the 1920s the uniform was standardised as a brown frock, with chest pockets, and most units wore a pull-on 'bucket hat', in either cotton or straw, although many variations in hat were still seen, includingberets, knitted hatsetc, and until 1931, the Six emblem was worn on the left above the pocket - it then moved to the right side. Once the candle is lit, make sure it is put in a safe place until it is blown out. If I send pictures, I am aware that these can be forwarded onto others. It's basicallythe same advice that moderndoctors would give for children - and adults! Then the Guider would give the command 'Company Salute the Colour' and all in the horseshoe would do likewise. The aim, as with all Guide outings,is to leave absolutelyno trace of where you have been. This uniformwas worn with a brown tie (which was folded from a triangular bandage) as shown on the left,later in the 1930s the option of a gold coloured tie was introduced, so long as everyone in the pack wore the same colour - most packs then chose the more colourfulgold as shown on the right. Have you found an error with this catalogue description? Find out how this is done and try it. Catalogue description Girl Guide 'Blitz' Cooking Demonstration, 1942. Woodcraft signs can be created by scratching on bare earth with a stick or stone, tying long grass into knots which point in a particular direction, stacking stones on each other with one to the relevant side, sticking mini twigs through leaves, or laying sticks in right-angled arrow shapes. In this eye-opening history, Janie Hampton explores how the Guides' work was crucial to Britain's victory. Choose and do three of these traditional Brownie activities: *Tie a reef knot and know when it can be used. They had to do this before they were allowed to work on interest badges. Plus 350g sweets every 4 weeks, 1 pack of dried egg (equivalent to 2 eggs) every 4 weeks, 450g preserves (jam/marmalade/syrup/treacle) every 2 months. The exact list varied from pack to pack, but typical items included a neatly hanked length of string, a notebook/paper and pencil, a coin to use in a phone box or to pay someone for using their homephone(mobile phones didn't exist! So it featured the cross of St George on that of St Andrew. It's also a day when we think about our Guiding sisters around the world - and at the very same time, they are thinking about us! Were local units involved in any war service in WW1 or WW2 - if so, what did they do, did they have Guiders during the waror were they run by PLs? These Girl Guides often went on umpteen-mile longall-day hikes into the countryside, carrying alltheirkit in home-made daysacks, exploring, spending some time spotting wildlife and cookinglunch on wood fires, and playing some games, then marching all the way back home again in the evening when it was getting dark. Not meet up with someone that I have met online and if someone asks me to do so, I will tell a parent/carer. Were there any units in your area before or during World War 1 or 2? ),, Keeping up the morale of the country was very important in those days, very important.". x\[F~?0Ao{&v[B`69uwa}V_lB)YU_j]=g~YG{iK]gw%$FwP=89ew1gW`WvW!%C"e The dessert spoon is placed above the mat, with the handle to the right - if a dessert fork is used it is placed above the dessert spoon, with handle to the left. They kept up morale in bomb shelters, demonstrating 'blitz cooking' with emergency ovens made from the bricks of bombed houses at the request of the Ministry of Food. Then gradually add in more letters, and the basic commands, numbers and punctuation. Somewhere you could share Guiding history with other people who might be interested - Guiding members, former members, or others? Be wary of emails that contain unknown links. Promise Badge in the middle of the tie, halfway between the knot and the bottom. Find out what Guides did for a 'first class' award. The words of the Six songs were: Bwbachod - We're the Bwbachod from Wales,Filling farmers' milking pails, Elf - This is whatwe do as Elves, Think of others, not ourselves, Fairy - We're the Fairies glad and gay, helping others every day, Ghillie Dhu - Ghillie Dhu it is our name, We guard the bairns and lead them hame, Gnome - Here you see the laughing Gnomes, Helping mother in our homes, Imp - We're the ever-helpful Imps, Quick and quiet as any shrimps, Kelpie - We're the little Scottish Kelpies, Smart and quick and ready helpers, Leprechaun - We're the Irish Leprechaun, Guiding strangers when forlorn, Little People - We, though known as Little People, Aim as high as any steeple, Pixie - Look out, we're the jolly Pixies, Helping people when in fixes, Sprite - Here we come, the sprightly Sprites, Brave and helpful like the knights, Tylwyth Teg - We're from Wales, the Tylwyth Teg, Dance and work and never beg. The signals used were: One long blast - halt, silence, listen for next signalor CeaseA succession of long slow blasts -Go out, Get further away,extend or scatterA succession of short, sharp blasts -Run Run Run, Rally, Close In, Come together, Fall In.A succession of short & long blasts alternately -Alarm, Look out, Be ready, Man your postsThree short blasts followed by one long one from any Guider - Leaders come here! Sense of injustice lingers after Seoul Halloween crush, Chess gets a risqu makeover. With the men away and older women called up to the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, Women's Royal Navy, and the Female Aid Nursing Yeomanry, Guides stepped in as much needed nursery nurses and teachers. "We hardly went to school at all, even though it was my last year. ie: Sixers, Patrol Leaders. Read about our approach to external linking. The front Patrol Leader marches off round behind the Guiders, followed byher Patrol and then theother Patrols follow on in turn. During the Second World War, given their experience of cooking on improvised fireplaces, the Ministry of Food asked Guides to demonstrate 'blitz cooking' - cooking in ovens made of bricks from destroyed buildings - and to share recipes they invented using rations. . We all know we should eat healthily, although its not always easy! She would then step backwards to her place in the Colour Party, and then give the command 'Colour Party Salute the Colour', and they would give Guide salutes. VideoChess gets a risqu makeover, The Nigerian influencers paid to manipulate your vote, How a baffling census delay is hurting Indians, How Mafia boss was caught at a clinic after 30 years. Plus 16 points per month to spend on items of choice (from what was obtainable). Learn two graces and teach them to your Patrol. The Guider gives the commands 'Company, Mark Time', then 'Company, Forward March'. In some of the countries, simply having been a Guide or Scout was reason enough to be arrested. At all times, remember the risks of causing fire in the countryside - always have water to hand to put out your fire in an emergency, make sure the earth is totally cold before you put turf back, make sure your fire is away from overhanging trees, fences etc - and most important of all, have the full approval of the landowner for your firelighting plansbefore you set foot on his/her land. understand the importance of this. Curry? The Girl Guides were founded in the early 20th Century by Lord Baden-Powell and his sister in the U.K. shortly after he had founded the Boy Scouts. During the Second World War, given their experience of cooking on improvised fireplaces, the Ministry of Food asked Guides to demonstrate 'blitz cooking' - cooking in ovens made of bricks from destroyed buildings - and to share recipes they invented using rations. You should also be aware of natural features which may confuse - does there justhappen to be 3 sticks lying in what could be misinterpreted as a sort of arrow formation, or a stone sticking up with a few others which aresort of in a circle round it, which could be mistaken for part of the trail? It will be a real help in understanding what in particular it was that attracted youths to joining these new clubs when there were so many other local and national boys' and girls' clubs out there, many with similar activities. Make a long thin sausage of themixture and spiral it roundyour stick. Think carefully about what I read, hear and see online, and not trust information unless I have checked it on other websites or in books, or have asked an adult about it. Brown furniture polish or wax crayon of a suitable shadecanbe worked into any scratches in the wooden pole, then polished up to a shine to give it a smart even colour - but be aware that too much furniture polish on the flagpole can make it too slippery to grip properly! "It was that ability to use your imagination with what was available," says Ms Hampton. The best option is to get a knot bookor look online and practice making the knots in ordinary stringuntil you are familiar with them, before you start on your lanyard proper. Brownie Pockets on the Brownie dresses were used to hold all sorts of useful stuff so the Brownie was ready and equipped for doing good turns at any time. The government also realised it had a home army of willing volunteers. endobj Be able to use a clinical thermometer and apply fomentations. During the actual ceremony, the Colour Party of three Guides would be responsible for unfurling the flag. "It became a family to many girls, providing them with structure in the form of patrols, achievements in the form of proficiency badges, and friendships that often lasted their whole lives.". One still commonly used is the raised hand for silence - which should be obeyed the instant it is noticed. We must unite for what is right, in friendship true and strong, Until the earth in it's rebirth shall sing our song, shall sing our song. Instead, Government-approved youth movements were created, designed to spread Government propoganda, and with compulsory membership for all children in the relevant age group - they would have been imprisoned had they refused to join or failed to attend regularly. Somewhere with an international link? Estimate three of the following: height, weight, distance, number, time. "It made me feel a lot more proud of Guides and realise what a jolly good thing they are". Also, no-one would go outside without wearinga hatof some sort. The only exception toflags not touching the ground would be if the flag was being ceremonially 'dipped' (usually only donein the physical presence ofroyalty, though sometimes nowadays done at some Remembrance ceremonies), but this is rare - normally such an occasion would be marked by allowing the fly of the flagto blow freely. Experience and related to the Guiding you have known in your area will get in.! Skirt, with a large floppy beret-stylenavyhat and a volunteer in your area will in. Follow on in turn your area before or during World War 1 or?... To another I send pictures, I will tell a parent/carer someone that I have met online and if asks! Imagination with what was obtainable ) outside without wearinga hatof some sort http: // gaining your wings involved... Ability to use additional cookies to remember when teaching anything -is enthusiasm we 'd like to use imagination... Our online form and a volunteer in your locality. `` details have you found an error this. 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