Youre myopically focused on one item at a time because youre not thinking about the possibilities as it stretches out across all of the list or beyond the list because youre not even exploring what value is possible outside the list. Youre not going to look bad here. Required fields are marked *. The cool thing about this is, are we tricking our subconscious mind? My daughter is looking at a Toyota RAV4. This is how were built as human beings. Five present things in the current deal that youre in, and then five things about your upcoming thing that youd like. Yeah. Also, everyone can approach it uniquely. Thats negotiation. Very, very cool. It gives you room for that curiosity. So, lets give them the best place. Didnt work out. So, weve got this list of past, present, future. That goes beyond winning because you cant win in a relationship. Youre trying to give me this book, and its got all these methods. But I have built up enough of a goodwill where I can tell them something and theyll buy it because they already have that expectation based on all the other positive experiences Ive given them. Right. Andrew Kap, The Last Law of Attraction Book You'll Ever Need To Read: The Missing Key To Finally Tapping Into The Universe And Manifesting Your Desires 1 likes Like "We're all "magnets." And what we focus on is magnetized to us. March 04, 2016. You will notice things or you will take certain actions. Even though Im glad to talk to you again, I want to try to do my part because, this is my personal opinion, I dont believe, in the law of attraction space, you need a guru. I went through a divorce. We have another great guest for an episode of the Publish. Itll say whatever it needs to say to get you out of that rhythm or state of improvement of what youre doing. Theres another Andrew Kaplan already on Amazon. It can be about money, health, or anything, and then you write something from your past that you are grateful for. So, it might be interesting to check that out. You could type it out. You could take a week off now. A quick reminder, they would not be negotiating with you if they didnt need you or if there wasnt a benefit to you. We understand human nature. By being grateful and appreciating what you have, you invite more situations, circumstances, reasons, and excuses to continue to feel gratitude, which is another way of feeling good, which is another way of attracting more good. 11:54 The . Which is why it might be like; you do a couple consecutive days of gratitude and youre feeling really good. Its a dangerously fine line to walk. Hes making more than what he would have likely been making even if hed stayed in the old job from before because he had that change in his thinking. Love it. Its like, If you get a discount on something, we got grandfathered in on cheap internet. That was something Im like, Im thankful for that. And its really cool because the amazing growth that weve seen in each others lives as were doing this, has been miraculous. I have with me, Andrew Kap. And then the other one, I just call it gratitude blitz, where youre just like boom, thing after thing, after thing, after thing and let the enthusiasm carry you. Weve been doing it for three and a half years. But I mean, I like to pour all my energy into this. Everything around us is a vibration, including our thoughts. Maybe theres going to be something in their gut, like, This person is not the one.. But I love adding in the future things. It sounds so philosophical and grand, but when youre really in service to your audience, the products that you come up with and the way you deliver on them, will be effortless. And sometimes working till 4:00 AM and really grinding it out. Thats amazing. Now, again, whether were speaking to the universe or the subconscious mind, lets be strategic here. Of course, you dont want to screw over the other person. Absolutely. And I do want to speak to what you said, because you articulated better than me about titles and covers. One of my totem animals is an eagle or a hawk. Ill teach new methods. Ill show them how its expressed in the book and they can see how easy it is to either do something exactly step-by-step or make it your own, which I love. And I think that helps, lends a lot of credibility to what Im doing with it. Theres something to the cadence and the structure of your wording and the tonality of your voice when thats in the mix that people can feel on the other end. Love it. If you were thinking in a negative way, they read that in you immediately, and then they respond in kind. I have a big issue with it because what its become is a nudge, wink, Im going to screw you over. Ive had somebody say to me, It was a decent deal when you both walk away unhappy. Im like, No, thats not the case because if you were effective at negotiating, youd figure out where theres more value with each other. Talk about some of the other things that people can do around. Im much more focused into this. The exercise I got to do was focused on money and gratitude for different things. If they reach out to me, Ill say, Okay, you dont need me. When you can do that, people will talk about you. So, you can go to Therefore, they can get back there. Im sure that it bleeds over into many aspects, even in your negotiation style as well. Something is happening when you focus with gratitude on things that you want. One of my instructors used to always say, Worry is nothing more than negative goal setting. What we focus our mind on, we bring into action. Andrew Kap holds one goal above all others through his various projects: Genuine and Sustainable Impact. Im walking around and Im noticing every little thing in nature, like this little, teeny, tiny ant that crossed in front of me. If you dont have those experience points and youre in a situation where lets say, youre a midsize company or small company doing business with a big company, and youre only going to do one of those deals a year. >|>f7]EZ?'KA,|T+LuR4 You have well over 1,000 reviews on Amazon, along with the thing with Forbes, and Yahoo. Win-win has become this thing that people are using as a battering ram sometimes and theyre disingenuous about the idea of both parties winning. Theres so much abundance that we dont realize no matter where we are in our lives thats almost begging us to claim it. He took a job with his dream company but he took a massive pay cut. Thats the part I like about your book. I look forward to seeing you on the next episode of In the Venn Zone. Maybe its something that we still havent discovered that we can see, feel, taste, or touch. If you do, you'll just lose interest and stop. If Im understanding correctly, the thing that you have against the win-win is a lot of times, people are hiding behind a false narrative where they dont even care about people getting their own unique wins. If you hit a point where you are feeling that your counterpart isnt valuing you at all or youre feeling disrespected, then theres this great word. Gravity of the Cosmos: Advanced Level 90-Day Guided Program ($2,997 Value) Feeding The Ego A Steak-Flavored Salad: 6-Week Training Course For Managing Your Fears and Doubts ($497 Value) The Ultimate Abundance Meditation Set: Guided Audio Sessions in Money, Relationships, and Health ($110 Value) And I hope that itll give value to somebody out there. My long-winded answer is this is about understanding are you engaging in a way with enthusiasm and confidence and feeling good or are you frustrated? Talking about safety, the parallels are so interesting, because I go into this a little bit in my book, where I give my version of the ego. This isnt the right company. So, I guess thats led to some media opportunities for you and other things in this space? Ive been thinking about it for a year and nothings happened. And once youve done so, your ego looks around, it sees youre alive, and now it will fight tooth and nail to protect that. I agree with that approach. You can always add the other things in later. So, to start with, in my opinion, any law of attraction book worth its salt is hopefully going to explain the law of attraction in an easily digestible way. I believe the fact that he took those data points and the fact that he allowed himself to accept the fact that he can be paid that much. There is a social currency. I have many times in a negotiation where Ill say, I will acknowledge my feelings. What is my company or organization bringing thats giving you guys value? Rip this to shreds if Im wrong, but the way I see it is like, all of a sudden, youve opened the door where theyll say, We want you for your distribution. Im like, Lets talk about that. You teach them how to do it in just five minutes a day, which is really cool. Whatever it might be, youve got to step into your own and it all begins with doing what you can do to feel good about that situation. But you have other ways and bonuses that they can receive. Gravity Bridge chain will act as neutral ethereum to cosmos bridge. So, could you, in a few minutes, give us some background on what one of these gratitude visualizations might look like? Theyre more responsive to you. Its amazing. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Its because thats their new safe financial thermostat. I am excited about where this episode is going to be able to take people and how its going to impact their businesses and their lives and elevate what they do and what they achieve. But it was a labor of love. Im stubborn, indignant, and upset enough where maybe I can go all-in for a change. When I say all-in, I dont mean all day, every day. Actually, I designed the cover myself really early in the process. The thing that Ive seen, though I havent always loved, about law of attraction is the disconnection between the doing and the believing that Ive seen in some elements of the teaching. You can do anything in life just to feel good or if youre a person who goes into a lot of the negotiations, why dont you take five past points of negotiation that you got that you enjoyed? And Im sitting there in my chair or wherever and thinking about it. Thank you to everyone who stayed tuned in. Im projecting now. Until then, have a great day. This sounds simplistic and this is personal. Not that it cant turn around anyone for anything else. Your programs are amazing. The fact of all the science and all the studies that have been done that revolve around being grateful, and gratitude, and bringing gratitude into your life, and how that creates this both positive self-image, this desire to be good to other people, your fellow human beings, et cetera. And whether its 90 seconds or three minutes or five minutes, I just describe all the things that Im grateful for. I didnt think much of it. What about your heart? Its called the time-lapse method. And by the way, when youre serving people, this is something thats very easy to do. To hopefully get them the best bang for their buck here, lets talk about the elephant in the room and the fact that people think it doesnt work. We dont want something thats going to blow up anyway in our faces a month later. Even when things are bad, theres always something to appreciate. Not only as a means to enjoying the moment but also as simultaneously a means to sending that communication out to either the universe or your subconscious mind, whichever one you believe in more. Its clear what limited vision I have into your world. You can do whatever you want. Or itll play on fears. After having been unemployed for a few months, he was nervous about needing to get a job. Sometimes things are going to feel out of reach. I think youve given great value today. Meaning, sit on your couch, visualize, experience gratitude, let those things go in. What Using The Law of Attraction For 90 Days Did For Her (Interview with Angie Low) Watch on. Probably not. Thats K-A-P. Thats where I have interviews with law of attraction experts. I dont need to worry about it. And obviously, you are over-delivering by offering additional bonuses and things like that really makes a difference for people. And so, Im writing in my journal. 90% of my life is gone. Thats a cool way to think about it. Its just the one method of many. So, I was just wondering if there were those elements in play. I would hope that its really hitting a note because it is in fact keeping its promise of addressing, why we get excited about this stuff; we actually do it, it actually starts to work, and we still stop it. Even though I can, I can flip the switch whenever I want to. I say that because some people might read this and be like, Im going to speak it into being.. Its about being transparent. This is awesome. I started doing it and I dont know how many times Ive texted you or called you a few times, and said, This stuff worked. I was working and doing a gratitude thing when I had a friend call. Negotiate that effectively now so it doesnt have a negative impact on you in the future so you can look back at what you did and your decisions with pride. episode with Andrew Kap about the law of attraction and The Last Law of Attraction Book You Will Ever Need. How do I make it relate to negotiation? But its certainly, with or without publishing anything else beforehand, what I really have is Ive got 20 years as an entrepreneur, 20 years of marketing consulting experience, a bunch of years of copywriting. Certainly, Im not saying is of yours. But I highly recommend that the action be inspired, that its out of a place of abundance thinking, out of a place of confidence and certainty and enthusiasm and gratitude, versus trying to bend reality to your will, being in a lack-full state, being in an impatient frustrated, downplay kind of state. Its an evaluative process. But by the time I finally threw in the towel, Id already invested $14,000. Its going to influence your future absolutely, so do it now. Thank you very much. 4 0 obj When the book sells 50,000 copies, Im putting it out there. Im going to do my best to give a short answer because its actually a long answer. If youre negotiating with a huge company, it doesnt matter. Its a wonderful opportunity for an awareness to notice it and if they do notice it and they dont know why ask themselves the questions why. Well said. His latest offering, The Last Law of Attraction Book Youll Ever Need To Read offers readers a never-before-seen understanding of the topic that no other LOA book has ever been able to do by going the extra mile of finally addressing WHY people who get excited about trying it still cant manage to get in the habit of using these methods for just five minutes a day. And to be candid, they couldnt, or they didnt. Ive already done that. If you poke a hole in it and you drain the yolk from the white and the yolk and white out of the shell, you have an empty shell, and then you separate the yolk and the white. This exercise lets you acknowledge as the negotiator that you are indeed setting precedent and youre taking ownership of that precedent. They were not thinking about the job promotion. I didnt say that I wanted her to split it 50/50 but its like, This is how I envisioned this unfolding, and I felt confident about it. I truly enjoyed this conversation. It might be a thing where people dont realize, in my opinion, youre the expert and I defer to you, its going to lead to a healthier negotiation. But number one, hooks and titles. And by the way, they will buy from you sight unseen. You dont have to write it. I was reminded because you said it on the Gravity of the Cosmos program. Someone that knew they were lying to themselves, theyre going to structure their wording differently. Five of them are from your present. I have a black belt in martial arts. In my book, Im meticulous about making the exact step-by-step instructions so people that want to follow that can. Yeah. We all have our challenges. To give ideas that I havent followed through on yet, along with what you said, when travel gets a little bit lighter for people in this day and age. Talk about some of the other things that people can do with respect to the Law of Attraction to help them move forward in this thinking. And I mean, we can talk about this from a marketing perspective. In truth, if youre getting any positive experience while thinking about what you have or what you want or both, youre doing it right. Your email address will not be published. When we become afraid that something is or is not going to happen, one of the things that I use is one of his mind models. When were reading those five future things in the present tense intermix through it, we also have that confidence, certainty, and enthusiasm that was infusing our being. That came through in his communication. No one can replicate anyone elses magic. Itll come across naturally through how you behave because youve got that mindset and thats how youre looking at things. People will buy from you. The way by which you do this is by finding a gratitude or visualization exercise that you genuinely enjoy. Hearing you say that is so exciting. As he watched the apple apple, Newton realized that in order to make the apple move, the Earth had to apply a force to it. Theyre just trying to look like theyre good so they can get an advantage in the negotiation. It loves you and its a misguided thing but the fact is, its keeping you stuck in place in a way that might not necessarily be in your best interests. In the sense that the way youre coming across will make them relaxed enough to ask for something that they would not normally ask about that they needed, that if they didnt have, they will resent five months later. The fastest version off the top of my head is I learned about the law of attraction years ago when I was sixteen. Every single day. We think about it as, If you win something, that means Im losing something. Versus it being an overall relationship and you cant win a relationship. Its a little pricey because Im so busy. I dont visualize very much. And I do also do a podcast, but I cant give you any specifics on income that might be bringing in. Id love your viewpoint on it. Now, I would hope that Ive accomplished that in my book. Its one of those things where you let down your walls enough or saying, Im going to invite this result that I want. And maybe the community could communicate the missions better, maybe they couldnt. Im paraphrasing you already, but whatever you said was brilliant, and I love it. Youre always worth more than you are acknowledging yourself for. If someone says that their back hurts, I dont get a commission by saying, Hey, check out DDP yoga. Because its done great stuff for me, and I know it goes well. Its amazing. And by the way, really quick. Its making an impact that I imagine you hoped it would make. 02:15 In his book, Andrew addresses why people get excited about the law of attraction and begin to get results but still quit. Im going to focus on harmony. Regardless of what form that harmony takes, you will be surprised to see not only how that other person shows up, but how you show up. Thats the lack of the result. I dont care. So anytime somebody that, you immediately have credibility in their eyes. Christine, if I may, you did something interesting and Id love to teach your audience the method that were talking about here. Been doing it for three and a half years negotiating with a huge,! Each others lives as were doing this, has been miraculous feeling really good it goes well Venn... Would make somebody that, you are over-delivering by offering additional bonuses and things like really. Said was brilliant, and then they respond in kind an Impact that I imagine you hoped it would.! 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