They benefit from what the Democrat Party is doing to this country. If they invade Taiwan and we do nothing, they're going to see that as a go light to invade other countries and expand their power. The Democrats are always telling us how they're pushing for women's rights. And now they're -- the Congress passed a law which says to states, we're going to bribe states to put in place red flag laws, which, in simple terms, say, if someone doesn't like you, they can go file a petition with the court or with law enforcement. And I think this is real important, Maria. BARTIROMO: Yes. LEVIN: The Casey vote was 5-4. MARK LEVIN, HOST, "LIFE, LIBERTY & LEVIN": My pleasure. The takeaway of "Reversing Roe" is that Stern and Sundberg are issuing a warning, one backed by a grim timeline, forcefully presented, that makes it all too clear what's at stake if a . (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: Coming up, Senator Bill Hagerty on the economy and what's important to voters today. However, he explains that he does not respect the people who are outside the. BARTIROMO: Right. Using interviews and archival footage, Reversing Roe tries telling the story of how abortion became such a divisive and political issue. Notes on "Reversing Roe" (2018)- documentary available on Netflix Introduction 'Texas introduced new abortion regulations' 'Texas house approves of abortion ban' 'Lawmaker proposes bill to ban abortion in Kentucky' 'Missouri house passes 20-week ban on most abortions' 'Abortion bill passes Mississippi House' Since 2010, 300 abortion restrictions . (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: And, with that, protesters took their cues and took to the streets, in some cases destroying property across big cities, as Nancy Pelosi made it about a choice of her and her power. Again, Biden is pursuing this theology of green energy. But that's something that needs to be answered. What do you hear from constituents that make you believe that, in fact, you will be successful in November? BARTIROMO: And there has been evidence uncovered that shows Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats had ample evidence that there would be violence on January 6. Adam Schiff presented it to the country as if it was true. We know that there are at least some justices on the court who would like to reverse a whole variety of other decisions . She's next. That's had the effect not only to drive energy prices through the roof. And God bless President Trump. And we have already caught them in multiple lies. And there's a hearing that you're not allowed to be at. Quick break, and then the real issues that are eating away our paychecks and our savings accounts, as we head into the most expensive July 4 holiday in 41 years. Eric Greitens, who was forced to resign. JORDAN: Well, the government has already shown that it will weaponize -- the left has already shown they will weaponize the government against their political opposition. After. Yet while the documentary sheds welcome light on Roes history on the road that brought us to this crucial juncture the filmmakers, perhaps inevitably, bypassed some key stops and turns along the way. And it's happening right here at home as well. BARTIROMO: Yes. She's the one who said January 6 is the ultimate day of significance in finally determining who is, in fact, the president of the United States. Tweet: VIDEO: Josh Brahm analyzes the documentary "Reversing Roe" and exposes the biased editing tricks and responds to the pro-choice arguments made. It's not Obamacare. Let's walk through the ruling. HAGERTY: I know. The Democrats would have blown out. [7], Last edited on 1 September 2022, at 06:05, "Review: 'Reversing Roe' heralds looming battle for women's reproductive rights", "Review: 'Reversing Roe' Shows How Abortion Became Political", "NOMINEES FOR THE 40th ANNUAL NEWS & DOCUMENTARY EMMY AWARDS ANNOUNCED The Emmys",, This page was last edited on 1 September 2022, at 06:05. Why was the draft opinion leaked? People on the border know that the cartels control who comes in and who comes out, including drugs, of our border, and they want no part of it. More with Congressman Jim Jordan and John Solomon right after this short break. And I know for a fact that President Trump told Xi Jinping, stop sending this fentanyl into America. [4] Ben Kenigsberg of The New York Times stated that the film "provides a clear and accessible overview of more than 50 years of the social and legal history of the issue in the United States". Who benefits from all this? Which of the following isolation precautions should the nurse, A nurse is reviewing the electronic medical record of a postpartum client. There is a Marxist thread that appears to be traveling throughout this economy and this country. I'm endorsed by the National Border Patrol Council. Politics Jun 24, 2022 10:27 AM EST. The New Rijksmuseum, Part 2. MONICA DE LA CRUZ (R), TEXAS CONGRESSIONAL CANDIDATE: Thank you so much for having me. Very, very, very disturbing. CNN Sans & 2016 Cable News Network. We saw it with the FBI spying on President Trump's campaign. They have taken the transparency away from them. Texas introduced new abortion regulations, Lawmaker proposes bill to ban abortion in Kentucky, Missouri house passes 20-week ban on most abortions, Since 2010, 300 abortion restrictions have been passed in America, Planned parenthood in St. Louis is the only abortion clinic in Missouri, - Physician who focuses on abortion care in the St. Louis, explains that when asked about abortions, he gives them his, opinion. Reversing Roe. Then it was Schumer on the steps of the Supreme Court saying all the ridiculous things he said. SENATOR EDWARD KENNEDY, D-MA Well, the 11th Circuit this . We're on the outer edges of perhaps another terrorist attack. Reversing Roe (2018) - full transcript. Intense and unflinching in its commitment to telling the whole story, Reversing Roe provides a gripping look at whats happening on the ground in 2018. SOLOMON: Well, listen, the amount of information they put out is shrinking every day. We will defy them. MARIA BARTIROMO, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Good Sunday morning, everyone. The course of that narrative, however, provides short shrift to or omits elements that seemingly deserve more attention. BARTIROMO: That's right. . Well, Texas Republican Congresswoman Mayra Flores was with us last weekend. I mean, this is -- this was a huge victory for life. Great to have you this morning. This is according to Bloomberg this morning. He says this is Biden's war. LEVIN: We're not debating Roe vs. Wade. They gave you this reversal of Roe and Casey. They're not standing up for traditional family values. Ricki Stern and Anne Sundberg's Netflix documentary unpacks the process by which abortion grew from a personal issue to a political one. And they are overwhelmed by the amount of people that are crossing. JORDAN: Of course. Today: chaos and choice. The film offers candid and riveting interviews with key figures from both sides of the divide . You ain't seen nothing yet, no matter how they try and stop us. Welcome back. HAGERTY: Exactly. The U.S. Supreme Court has overturned the constitutional right to an abortion, reversing Roe v. Wade, the court's five-decade-old decision that guaranteed a woman's right to obtain an abortion. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. He is the host of "Life Liberty & Levin," which airs Sunday nights at 8:00 p.m. Eastern right here on FOX News. Tell us what's going on in Brownsville right now. Above, anti-abortion campaigners celebrate outside the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, D.C . Monica, let's talk about the heart of the issue where you are. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. We know that Border Patrol have apprehended 239,000 migrants just in the month of May. And then, when we dig in and we get the full body of evidence, you find out that what they claimed was never true. The film is internationally distributed by Netflix, where it was released on September 13, 2018. Joe Biden says he's doing everything he can to get inflation down. But, first, a nation divided this morning, following a weekend of protests and demonstrations in response to the Supreme Court ruling to overturn Roe v. Wade, a 1973 decision which established a constitutional right to an abortion. LEVIN: All state laws invalidating abortion after five months of pregnancy, they would invalidate so. And I am back with Texas congressional candidate Monica De La Cruz. The technology isn't there. Since the war in Ukraine began in late February, the rate of inflation has risen incrementally another 1.6 percent to a current level of 8.6 percent, so, again, from 7 percent to 8.6 percent. He walked into office and on day one canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, signed in the COVID relief bill in March, signed in an infrastructure bill in November. And yet Biden says he's doing everything he can to get inflation down. Anna Muthalaly (Duke '23), Representative from the Carolina Abortion Fund. So I think Germany is acknowledging the harsh reality that these green policies do not work. They support abortion. This decision says something really unique in American history. The Supreme Court has voted to overturn the watershed Roe v. Wade decision. He said Biden's war in Ukraine is currently financed by the United States; $100 oil provides Putin a billion dollars a week. They don't have enough agents to support them. We will show evidence of the president's involvement in this scheme. Through interviews, the film analyzes the abortion laws in the United States and the effects of the 1973 Roe v. Wade case. Ziegler said, "We don't know if this court is gonna stop with reversing Roe. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)JOE BIDEN, PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: I think the Supreme Court has made some terrible decisions. That's what happens. Directors Ricki Stern and Annie Sundberg began production . We saw it with the IRS targeting conservatives. You have been talking about what has taken place all weekend. We have got the inflation rate timeline. I'm talking about the Supreme Court ruling. This is the first time the U.S. has financed both sides of a war. BARTIROMO: Yes. IDA Members! BARTIROMO: Yes. And in the first quarter, we had 1.25 million barrels a day. This month's Supreme Court confirmation hearings have highlighted deeply held fears that abortion rights are in danger. We could actually come to the aid of our allies, increase our own national securityBARTIROMO: Yes. It's still coming in now under Joe Biden. JORDAN: I think our people are going to be motivated -- motivated to come out and vote. All Rights Reserved. Here's the deal. The Roe vote was 7-2. BARTIROMO: Yes. Thanks very much for being here. He said, we ought to look at different parts of the Constitution to see how we justify them, rather than a big something called substantive due process, through which the left pushes its agenda. There's only one way to go. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)REP. NANCY PELOSI (D-CA): A woman's right to choose, reproductive freedom is on the ballot in November. I mean, isn't this exactly what we're talking about in the January 6 hearings? Hispanics believe that that opportunity exists. In this special episode of CAFE Insider, Preet and Joyce discuss the leaked Supreme Court opinion written by Justice Samuel Alito, which, if adopted by the Court, would overturn Roe v. Wade. 2023 Cable News Network. BARTIROMO: Yes. It considers the health and safety of women and their unborn children, a choice for those women who face difficult decisions from rape, sexual assault or any threat to a mother's health or wellbeing. That changed, however, as Roe became a rallying cry for evangelicals, who in turn became increasingly pivotal to the electoral fortunes of GOP candidates, starting with Ronald Reagan in 1980. And I believe that the CCP, the Chinese Communist Party, is watching all of our political debates, abortion included. Before Roe v. Wade, many in the GOP viewed abortion as a public health issue. I want to get to the breaking news that, John, you had this weekend. Chevron wrote a letter to the president and basically said, look, we're doing all that we can, and yet we continue to produce as much as we can, given the -- in the face of pushback from this administration. HAGERTY: Well, it doesn't surprise me at all that Germany's taking this posture. In fact, we caught them in another lie. George H. W. Bush is seen in a clip from 1980 opposing the idea of a constitutional amendment banning abortion. SOLOMON: Yes, no, absolutely. So we only get to get a little bit of the evidence. But this is just more lies from this committee. DE LA CRUZ: Well, the Biden administration has caused the crisis on our borders. If you're from the Northern Triangle, they're charging $4,000 a head. They're no longer going to post that publicly. Roe's "survey of history ranged from the constitutionally irrelevant to the plainly incorrect," wrote Alito, a . So we're constraining supply at every point. And we are going to see a massive walkaway movement from the Democrat Party to the Republican Party because of this. Legal Statement. Biden waged war on the American industry and energy industry from the day he came into office. Which of the following actions should the nurse include in the plan of. I want to get to the activity of the weekend in a moment and the Supreme Court decision. Netflix. And we're making ourselves far more vulnerable. This doesn't happen if he doesn't put the right people on the court. Kavanaugh will vote to reverse Roe, and women will lose their rights as a result. But, first, I want to get your take on the economic issues. If the Supreme Court overturns Roe v. Wade, as the recently leaked draft opinion suggests, arguments over how to regulate abortion will move from the courts . A deep historical look at one of the most controversial issues of our time, highlighting the abortion debate from various points along the ideological spectrum in a winding story of abortion in America. But it was also a victory over the intimidation tactics of the left. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)BIDEN: Bring down the price you are charging at the pump to reflect the cost you are paying for the product. And this is a huge win for life. No, Maria, I don't. A nurse is caring for a client who is at 36 weeks of gestation and has methicillin-resistant. (END VIDEO CLIP)BARTIROMO: That was Democrat Congresswoman Maxine Waters fanning the flames of violence after the Supreme Court decision on Roe v. Wade, more massive hypocrisy, given the January 6 hearings under way right now and the Democrats' efforts to try to blame President Trump for just that. DE LA CRUZ: Look, what we're seeing down in the Rio Grande Valley is a self-made disaster by the Biden administration. And God bless the Supreme Court. That is a very clear majority in the court that speaks with that voice now. It serves us who live in the here and now. I'm sorryBARTIROMO: Go ahead, Jim Jordan. And yet we continue to get -- the energy sector needs cooperation, because we continue to get pushback from this administration." Your reaction to what took place this week, Congressman? Gentlemen, great to have you both. Reversing Roe: Commentary. And that's had the impact of benefiting Vladimir Putin. And, of course, the Democrats were pushing their $5 trillion spending package throughout. The High Court sending the issue back to the individual states to decide and to manage, the landmark ruling capping a week that saw the High Court's first major decision gun rights in over a decade, striking down New York's handgun law, which required those who want to carry a handgun in public to show a reason for it, a special need to defend themselves. Have a great rest of the Sunday, everybody. Posted by ; On Maj 26, 2022; 0 Comments . Now, John Solomon, you have written this week about government transparency dimming under Joe Biden. We're seeing it as we -- today with the Department of Justice going after moms and dads who have the courage to show up at a school board meeting and speak up for their kids. Legalized abortion provides a choice for both who support or oppose it. Market data provided by Factset. Had Hillary Clinton been president, you would've gotten three more like Harry Blackmun, William Brennan, and Ruth Bader Ginsburg (even as RBG knew and candidly . How do you see it? We so appreciate it. BARTIROMO: Well, we have been to the border four times just in the last couple of years, and I have seen what's taking place there firsthand. Reversing Roe. Thanks so much for joining us. I am one of many Hispanics who have been generational Democrats. Monica De La Cruz, we will be watching your journey. I mean, it started with the Kavanaugh confirmation, all the crazy things they did. Reversing Roe premieres Sept. 13 on Netflix. They actually told me of a case where they were going down their farmlands and cartel came with guns, told them to stop while they passed illegals through their farms. This entry was posted in Abortion, Inconvenient truths, Pro-choice fallacies, Roe v. Wade and tagged abortion, abortion on demand, compelling interest, Dr. Colleen McNicholas, Feminists For Life, Kelsey Hazzard, legalized abortion, Rev. Senator, thanks very much for joining me this morning. And it's never going to be in there, unless they add to it. It's better that we weaken America from within, to your point, so the communist Chinese, Russia, the Iranians, the North Koreans and all the rest have a leg up. Tell me about the impact on the border towns, because I have spoken with people who own ranches, and they say they don't even throw out their garbage without carrying a pistol. BARTIROMO: Yes. Jason Smith in the House, the ranking member in the Budget, told us hundreds of billions of dollars went out in the last couple of weeks to states, and they haven't even appropriated that money yet. Theres also something to be said for bringing perspective to the conversation and trying to turn down the temperature not an easy thing to do when the term baby killer is being tossed around. Germany is pushing the G7 nations to walk back a commitment that would halt the financing of overseas fossil fuel projects by the end of the year. This landmark case protected a woman's right to choose, her right to make intensely personal decisions with . To hell with the Supreme Court. How can I watch documentaries without an IDA membership? I think she's turned some Democrats' stomach with this tweet: "I have always been strongly pro-life.

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