Its the HARDEST book I ever read but PROOF of what BILL says. In other words, you could not see exactly what would happen, like a series of events. ( Please pass on this message to Bill if you can and to let him know I have a group so happy for him, and in such deep appreciation for ALL he has done to date! AboutPressCopyrightContact. Coming away with a true understanding of the darkness and its purpose through duality. version: 2, LISA HARRISON. This interview was conducted in January 2012 following the earlier interview with Bill Wood in the same month; January 2012, about Project Looking Glass, which can be found here: Cassidy interviews Bill Wood and David Wilcock.The first part is only about Bill Wood's credibility. Groundbreaking in every way. That is the end result and everything that the Black Hats do just propels us closer to our spiritual evolution. For what its worth, my sources have confirmed the presence of electromagnets and a barrel-like device which is injected with some kind of gas.these components seem necessary for LG to function as a viewing device. Thank You This is the original full length interview of Kerry Cassidy with Bill Brockbrader in Januari 2012. Time to wake up to the fact that we are Divine Sparks and love is the key. The guys examine Project Looking Glass and how the Great Awakening movement is occurring around the world. The use of time lensing technology has all but confirmed a future they could not alter. I am heartened by the message of hope that you bring. Gaia is expanding just as our DNA is expanding. I couldve gone into denial, but Mass Awakening is my way of fighting back by documenting humanity awakening to these generational abusers. Only one possible explanation. This website wouldn't be the same without the ethical web hosting provided by Modern Masters. I haven't watched the video in years, so if I remember correctly, Bill Wood explains that the good guys have won, and project looking glass . #Camelot #projeto #trecho #Above/Below project. The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. Read here. One such device, dubbed the "Yellow Cube," was used by global leaders to look into the future. You can see this type of technology revealed in the movie Contact (1997). refers to Mike Adams video which I mentioned earlier. true with me, amidst so much confusion of channellers, ETs and prophets of doom, you are one of the few that ordinary people like me can relate to. (Group Update Feb 17th) Convergence of Timelines Represents the Diminishing of Duality Lessons. It is self-contained in operation. I used some brilliant memes and images in this article that I couldnt find their creators. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. Why would the timelines converge specifically this year and how would it happen? Since I was also told many years ago about an experiment that went very wrong in the early years of the LG project, involving a test subject of some kind. Many are lost at the point of density relative to our own vibration and level, and continue deeper, to obvious conclusions. I wonder if the Looking Glass could show images about aliens from higher dimensions? Back to Forum; Post New Thread; Bill also said that the absence of material scarcity would have to happen this year, which can be very possible if the aliens appear and assist humanity to get off scarcity of food and energy. Slavery or freedom. We believe this constitutes a fair use of any such copyrighted material as provided for in 17 U.S.C 107. Thank you both for a wonderful interview. Burisch talked often about a top-secret program called "Project Looking Glass.". Your email address will not be published. Remote viewing, according to Internation Remote Viewing Association is: a novel perceptual discipline for gaining information not available to the ordinary physical senses. Our topics include Conspiracy Theory, Secret Societies, UFOs and more! This is in contrast with being able to influence the timelines (scenarios) before 2012. However, we are not aware about the war going underground or in the sky. explore the history of project looking glass: the technology, its origins, related technologies, main protagonists, the extraterrestrial element, the breakaway civilization, potential earth shattering coming events, and their incredible implications for all humanity in this 3-part, deep dive webinar brought to you by frank jacob, writer/director Yes, this is sounding like the plot behind Avengers: Endgame, but its a fascinating premise: the glass is actually a portal for us to not only view alternate timelines but also to use it as a sort of time travel device thatll allow those who possess it to influence our current timeline. Cheers, If you listen to his language in this interview, you will hear every description of Project Looking Glass, only absent that name. Your contributions allow me to continue researching and providing investigative insight, whether from news or intel sources, along with my commentary. This is the risk we all take in carnation. Or maybe solar flares will create disasters on Earth to get people to group together to raise their consciousness? Source: Project Camelot. This website distributes this material without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for scientific, research and educational purposes. Bill said that the timelines hittting a wall would mean the end of time, which could also mean the end of duality since duality has its own kind of time or frequency. It/She expands to hold larger population. Kerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood and David W. Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. This technology was given to President Eisenhower by the Orion ET races (that Corey Goode, an SSP insider recently disclosed). Used extensively by so-called psychic spies during the Cold War for classified military projects, it has a long history both as an intelligence gathering tool and as the subject of research and applications in the civilian world., Courtney Brown, Ph.D., defines remote viewing as, the mental ability to perceive and describe places, persons, or events at distant locations in the past, present, and future. height: 300, Ill share more information about this in a separate post. This interview is also fabulous more food for my disclosure group (we have been discussing Quantum Jumping and the timelines) and I am so excited and inspired, as ALL of your questions were ones I wanted answered! Lisa is an excellent interviewer. Many spiritual sources like Princess Nakamaru and Dolores Cannon have said that the planet and some people would ascend to the 5th dimension. Stay strong, dont submit to tyranny freedom IS coming and the all-powerful Cult is in its last desperate death throes ( According to Burisch, US intelligence agencies had several devices they built using instructions found in ancient Sumerian and Egyptian tombs. Built by. Its eminent. Ultimately, though, it is their focus on that stuff that aids in its perpetuation. - NLH Bill Wood was a member of Navy Seal Team 9, with three teams of three men. I can feel the positive energy growing and growing as people stop feeling helpless to change the corruption and start feeling empowered. This would suggest that with this technology, they fixed Jesus after being dead for 3 days and are bring him through time to our future, which should be anytime now. Its an end game for the so-called global Elites, Powers that Be (my hope is they will soon be the Powers that were). Beginning in the year 2020 a series of man-made natural disasters would start and last for about twenty years. Partial interview with Bill Wood about Project Looking Glass can be found here: Qanon and Looking Glass In recent months, it became apparent that the reason why the Q operation had been so good at countering the "bad guys" agenda was because the "good guys" or Alliance/White Hats had access to Looking Glass as well. Burisch warns that this type of device is not very reliable, or safe, as he saw a person who died during one of those experiments ( Nothing can stop what's coming. The operator would sit in a chair that was apparently recovered from a downed extraterrestrial craft capable of interfacing with consciousness directly. (, According to Courtney Brown (Cosmic Voyage), the biases of the operator would have a direct effect on the images collected. Any chance there is a written transcript available, somewhere, so this interview can be heard by those who are hearing impaired? I have to admit that I too had questions about Bill Wood, but after this interview, I see now why the second Project Camelot interview was so awkward. Well said Bill and you know by now what you have been giving in truth to others around the world is why you are receiving more of the awakening powers that you have asked for as you did in the beginning of time here Q reference "Project Looking Glass" Bill did some work with this technology. Its the only possible explanation. Note: The more someone has been demonized, the more credible he is. Remote viewing and Project Looking Glass are few of the most suppressed technologies out there. It brings up 2012 in a new light. History of Earth &.. News video on One News Page on Sunday, 9 January 2022 All opinions published on this website are solely my own. To understand what is a timeline, please check my article about the Mandela Effect. Therefore the planet would either cease to exist or ascend to another dimension where the measure of time is different. Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. You are., 9:29 You can create whatever it is you want.. Bill Brockbrader was supposed to be a United States veteran, a loving husband and a doting father. They are doing this to delay to have a move, while the white hats Earth humans and off-worlders (benevolent star nations) are forcing the moves now. Next Page. We then may release the darkness, rising at our own progression. Full interview (1:17:12 min.) And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. He is also a professional lecturer, filmmaker, and researcher of ancient civilizations, consciousness science, and new paradigms of matter and energy. Lisa we love you..x x, p.s. Taking on density and a new swimming suit. They can look at possible timelines, explore them, and if you change things in the present, the probabilities of these timelines would shift accordingly (1:05:18 hour mark). It is up to each of us to see past this elaborate illusion to the truth that this was all a lesson in duality and it is almost over. This is an interview with an ex-Navy Seal, who, during the years 1992-2000 was sent on top secret bombing missions in the Middle East, predominantly in Iraq. According to, Lyn Buchanan, a former military who participated in remote viewing projects in the army and the Executive Director of a company that provides remote viewing training and applications to both individuals and organizations (Problems>Solutions>Innovations(P>S>I)), shared in a talk with George Noory (that obviously was removed from YouTube) that he was tasked to predict the situation in the United States up to 2050 in 1998 (Awaken_Now Bitchute channel). You are not to blame. Thank you for your help. My name is Shoshi Herscu, an investigative journalist and activist from Israel. New Release! However, those trained remote viewers started experimenting on more interesting targets than seeing behind the Kremlin walls and began to examine the UFO phenomenon. Former military and secret space programs whistleblowers and insiders have exposed these technologies. Article continues below advertisement. You are important to this mass awakening of humanity. (6:38 minute mark). wonderful interview with Bill, very inspiring and uplifting.Thanks Lisa and Bill for all that you do in these fantastic and changing(ascending) times! The last 45 minutes specifically are rather monumental. A wonderful interview, Lisa. From 37:00, Bill Wood says, you cant prevent fate, you cant prevent the end of this lesson called duality from its eventual conclusion. By March 18, 2016 1 Min Read. I wish itweren't true because it make me sound totally nuts but, guess what? Watch on Brighteon from 1:05:02 hour mark by clicking on the highlighted channel name Brighteon, as WordPress wont allow me to embed a video from this platform. You honestly think Iwouldcomethis far to lie now? Well we did it in ones and twos, so that the mirror would never find us until it was too late.. and it has worked ~~ for the things you speak of ~ Lightworkers have known, some of us since birth . commentary sums Bill Woods testimony brilliantly, although he doesnt mention his name. I have often wished If after watching this video you wish to contact Bill Wood here is his email address for that purpose: bill wood : above & beyond project looking glass. Dan describes a stargate in Area 51 as a huge apparatus with a platform that allowed to throw the object inside the wormhole to travel to other stars, teleporting people or materials from one place to the other instantly. ( However, this is not an invite for any trolls to post any comments. This is taken from my Facebook group. 31 Comments bw2012 on February 11, 2012 at 4:38 am A wonderful interview, Lisa. Looking glass is technology to see probabilities of the future. The other version is of something that looks like engineered, huge rings (mentioned by David Wilcock) which, if I understand correctly, becomes a machine that operates as a stargate and opens a wormhole to travel through. For example, if one were to look back to the time of Jesus crucifixion, if the person doing so was an atheist, they may not see anything at all. BILL (WOOD) BROCKBRADER & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS BILL (WOOD) BROCKBRADER & PROJECT LOOKING GLASS INTERVIEWED BY LISA HARRISON I apologize for posting anything that reflects on Project Camelot in a potentially negative manner, but this interview contains too much valuable information to not post. interval: 6000, It became useless to the Elites as they were unable to control or manipulate it. DonateYour generous donations make it possible for us to continue our work. It was the only time when I cured myself without taking any medicine, only by applying the principles that Joseph Murphy discusses.. According to Courtney Browns remote viewing trainer, our focal point needs to be raising our consciousness to deal with what is coming in the coming years (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). Project Looking Glass According to Health Ranger Report situation update (March 30, 2021), Project Looking Glass is an exotic technology that allows scientists who are working with the U.S. government to essentially see the future, or more accurately, they can calculate probabilities of future events or future timelines occurring. Kerry Cassidy interviews Bill Wood a third time about Project Looking Glass, early February 2012. This is the key to setting the timeline. If you happen to see a commercial, it's from youtube, not from me. Quoting: Yo Adrian. I receive royalties from KDP when you buy these items. Thank you, An incredible secret is than many children that are being born today they are born with a third strand of DNA. Lisa is an excellent interviewer. It is an expos on dark agendas and how people are fighting back offering hope for the future. The timelines converged around 2012 we're on a positive timeline now. Alien Interview Of EBE3 Was Released In 2016. 2:09:58 When Kerry Cassidy asked him to verify whether all different types of looking glass devices, systems, were shut down, he says that yes, because they all came to the same timeline. Nevertheless, they work and live in a human environment. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). It doesnt mean they wont try to cause as much pain, suffering and destruction as possible in their last remaining moves, but the final outcome is already preordained. ( Because youre the creators. March 24, 2013. About researchers and whistleblowers :We, Kerry Cassidy and Bill Ryan, do not necessarily agree with or endorse all of the views presented here. Please remember this andshare far and wide on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media networks. Human emotions, too, would often cloud and influence the results of the events being holographically projected, interestingly enough. (, There are two versions of this technology, according to my knowledge. Despite the post's brevity, there is much behind this highly classified project that is relevant to the QAnon movement and the efforts of the Deep State to marginalize it and remove President Donald Trump from power. And that he doesnt have to be at our weekly meetups in Kona, as I am creating a way that everyone who has joined from around the world can be part of the process of bringing in the new 5D world coherently within each of us. Did the Alliance Take Back Social Media? But if the person was a Christian, they may see the infamous crucifixion event. ( In order to understand the dynamics of Time Travel we must first understand the laws of theuniverse. [] So whoever uses the Yellow Cube can, theoretically, see probable outcomes as a result of specific actions. 5:12 The entire galaxy is here to support us., Then he shares what also Corey Goode, an SSP insider and whistleblower, exposed that we are the sum total of 22 extraterrestrial races that have been here for hundreds of thousands of years who have interbreeded with humanity and left offspring., He mentions Blue Brain Project that the researchers found out that although we are third density in our physicality, some of us have fourth, fifth, sixth dimensional structures in our brain! All guest blogs are published with mutual consent and are the opinions of the guest blogger and not my own. The Illuminati could no longer affect the outcome by the choices they made; i.e., they couldn't manipulate the . Hi! bless thee and keep thee well. Re your interview with Bill thank you so much Lisa! And the pieces fall back together again, contrary to what all the kings horses and all the kings men could do. Thanks again for your continued support! But the reveal about this is coming out. You can check this document by clicking on the highlighted FBI records. 11k views. Heres the excerpt from the movie that shows this technology: Dan Burisch, PhD in microbiology who worked for the U.S. secret military forces came forward and revealed his knowledge about this project. Importantly, we have already passed the point of convergence in these timelines, meaning theres nothing that Satan, the deep state and demonic forces can do to stop the ultimate victory of good over evil. color: '#ffffff' He was asked in another talk if the massive die-off had to do with the vaccinations campaign and he replied that it has everything to do with it (2:37 minute mark). } Best of Bill's interview. He invented Project Looking Glass here on earth from a formula supposedly given him by a Space Alien that landed at an airport he managed in the California . As the timelines converge as the end of 2012 approaches, it would mean that the different kinds of lesson paths for people to learn about duality are diminishing. Copyright (c) 2019 Shoshi Herscu * All Rights Reserved * You may copy and distribute this material as long as you do not alter it in any way, the content remains complete and you include this copyright notice with a link to this article. I do not hold any responsibility for the views expressed on the referenced contents channels. I urge you to watch this incredible talk here: I would like to end this article with a track that I recently listened to and I feel its very relevant to our extremely chaotic times. 31 December 2008, Bill Wood : Above & Beyond Project Looking Glass: An interview with an ex-Navy Seal. The entire assembly can be rotated 90 degrees from the horizontal axis. Alex Collier, former CEO of an accounting practice, the author of several books, and a lecturer (Mass Awakening, p. 214), gave an amazing talk at Mount Shasta Summer Conference where he shared where we are and where we are going to in the very near future. loop: false, According to Wilcock, they have been using this technology at least since the 1940s. Don. Wonderful interview! Federal Reserve Bank has now merged with the US Treasury, paving the way for a new economic system that will likely be backed by precious metals and not debt (this is huge). You Are Now Subscribed. It was a cube about eight centimeters wide by another eight centimeters long, capable of predicting the future. Please join me on Telegram This triggers changes, in awareness . An attempt was made to look into the future, but no concrete data was able to be received past the infamous date of December 21st, 2012, suggesting that this date is a nexus point in time, whereby either timeline one or timeline two would gain momentum. (, Burisch suggested that the positive timeline had an over 80% likelihood of coming to fruition and since today, we are nine years beyond that date in 2012 and no major cataclysms have occurred, we are most likely well entrenched in the positive timeline. ( contact Daniel. It was a heart to heart talk and much good came out of it. If you are one of them, or know them, please send me the link to your, or their, site to give credit. new TWTR.Widget({ I am. As the dark ones almost have no moves left, they are creating havoc, including Covid, Afghanistan and other false flags that were going to see very shortly, according to Alex Collier. Colonel . But he does talk . So here we go again and dive in the world of Project Looking Glass: Rumored Technology Classified Technology is rumored to be 10,000 years ahead of public sector technology and is accelerating away from the public sector technology at a current rate of 1,000 years per calendar year. Best of Bills interview. Nevertheless, most of the research in this field was conducted by U.S. Army intelligence. (Cosmic Voyage, 1996). The targets would be attacked by Tomahawk missiles. There is amazing promise and hope to be had with the world. Dolores Source mentioned that as the vibrations increase, the alien ships around the planet(as well as its beings) could be seen by people. EBE3 is me in 1964, 17 years before my birth from our future. There are no plans to imprison. Project Looking Glass. (Dr. Michael Salla) Soon after returning into the public arena with posts on the newly created 8kun channel, Q(Anon) made a very brief reference to a "Project Looking Glass". This was recorded ten years ago - and of course the project itself was much longer ago than that. It is a wonderful interview .Your interviews are great. It was also used to see the probabilities of future events ( Notable Mention: Crystal Balls, real crystal balls are ET quantum time viewing devices probably gifted to The Elite by the aliens in the past. They close the show by talking about what to expect within the coming years with Trump, 5G technology, and evolution of culture. Phil Godlewski and Jerome Corsi have answers. Dearest Bill Previous Page. Because the Looking Glass was placed and used on Earth, it can only show lesson paths that are meant for people of this planet, it cannot show the lesson paths meant for beings of other planets. Buchanan answers to this that the survivors will, on one hand, enjoy all the scientific advances while, on the other hand, be free and self-sufficient agrarian society. According to his testimony, they panicked by what theyve seen. As while I understood Kerrys point of view, I was so uncomfortable for Bill and just knew he had something Ive never heard to say around human spiritual growth. AdvertiseAnother way to support our work is placing ads on our sites. The issue is with every choice . Bill is in a Federal Prison because he gave away secrets the American Government wanted kept away from the American People. Find out how this highly trained young man and his team were coerced by the military into purposely destroying villages and creating future terrorists as part of a plan that would ultimately serve their dark purpose, the war on terror and 911. George Van Tassel called his version, the Integratron. He gies on talking about the looking glass tech and what the elites seen when it came to year 2012 but this year 2020 is actually 2012. . 1:12:35 and now we have the looking glass technology that is telling us (that God wins in the end, the mass awakening). As strange as it may sound, another whistleblower, Dan Burisch validates Bill Woods testimonys conclusion that we, as humanity, are on a positive timeline. The Academy of Remote Viewing and Remote Influencing Reality also offers tools and technologies for civilian applications. David Ickes made a powerful statement related to insiders future (Bill Wood) according to the Looking Glass device. Also, he came to me in 2002 so I know he's real I justdidn't know who he was until I saw him speaking in this video 15 years later. Q Bill Wood and Project Looking Glass. The program is one of forgetfulness, karma, and darkness. Bill Wood/Brockbrader Top. theme: { And if that weren't enough, hear how he was trained in Area 51 as a specially gifted group of highly classified psy spies to see beyond the famous Looking Glass technology into the future involving 2012 and beyond. April 11, 2022. tweets: { timestamp: true, Moreover, this blog is massively censored by Google. 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