Memorial Day (aka: Decoration Day) was established as a U.S. federal holiday in May of 1971, to remember and honor all those whove died, serving in our Armed Forces. So, to copy a forty-eight-ounce jar of Hellmans mayonnaise, she blends the expected ingredients oil, eggs, lemon juice, vinegar, salt with some that you might not expect three-quarters of a cup each of sugar and evaporated milk and two sticks of margarine. However, as frenzied as it was, in the end, it really did open a lot of doors for Mom that might never have happened otherwise; bringing Moms unique style of copycat cookery to the attention of MILLIONS of new eyes. She said, in part, that Mom was a regular guest on her radio show at WMB-Radio, adding, she was my favorite guest and a guarantee my mom would listen too!. Similarly, the meant-to-be powers of Fate have taken me (and my own inherited love for writing) on this unexpected and incredible journey of blogging to honor Moms legacy. I miss all the German culture experience that this small tourist town has to offer! You really are a detective after all, Colonel Sanders told me on the air that next week, by telephone from his home in Kentucky. American media personality, writer, film producer, and the creator and host of The Phil Donahue Show: Nationality: American: Birth Location: Cleveland, Ohio, United States: Birth Date: 21-Dec-35: Age as in 2022: 87 years old: Heights: 1.83 m: Heights in Feet: 6 feet and 0 inches: Heights in cm: 183 cm: Weight(s) 75 kg: Weight in Pound: pollute! During that same time period, while I was on my own journey in the Houston area with my boyfriend, I also found that to be so true. Who benefits from having their man in the White House? 00:18:08 - How often do you get to talk to a former President and First Lady about love? We sent out hundreds of thousands of Moms free recipes and product-ordering information sheets, in exchange for the self-addressed stamped envelopes that came in, per the offer that aired on that Donahue episode. Donahue did, indeed, parade bizarre guests at times and was not above risking offense to capture high ratings. One survey said that, next to Santa Claus, he was the worlds most recognized personality. This triumph was built on the brilliant intuition that a lot of home cooks were tired of the recipes offered in most cookbooks and newspaper food pages. Phil Donahue: Alright, Reverend, I want to continue with that, right after this word from the people who pay the bills! Transcripts: The Phil Donahue Show Television Program, October 1979, Folder 9, Box: 2, Folder: 9. Likewise, rather than fight against Fates meant-to-be moments, Mom put her faith in Fate and went where It led. I followed the 2008 Election very well and determined that Obama was going to increase the troops in Afghanistan and he said that explicitly in speeches and in the debates. We couldnt print our books fast enough, to fill all the orders! Plus, she thought, if she wanted more and her recipe column readers wanted more and her increasing, radio fan base wanted more; then maybe she should just create it and publish it herself! The onslaught of mail had forced us to do this. Thus, I cant find it in me to say, Happy Monday as I usually do in my blog openings. Although they might be afraid to admit this, even to themselves, what would most excite them would be to learn how to make the food they most loved to eat: the fast food they bought at McDonalds or Kentucky Fried Chicken and the brand-name treats they brought home from the supermarket, stuff like Oreo cookies and Hostess Snowballs. Just about the time we planned our move, the Phil Donahue Show called and invited us to appear on their . A rough recording of that episode can be found on YouTube, in 5 parts. Our phone bill had been buried in some of that mail and in a months time, being something like 23 to 24 days behind in opening the mail, our phone was shut off for non-payment of our bill. Similar to the development of life, creating and producing something can be a stressful AND beautiful AND rewarding time all rolled into one! It wasnt long before I realized that being in a new place with my boyfriend was not making either of us happy. We were afraid, then, that our cup would REALLY have run over. Beyond Vietnam A Time to Break Silence, by Martin Luther King, Jr. + MLK: Why I Am Opposed to the War in Vietnam. I feel for those who have been deceived by this man and his administration, however, if they were paying any amount of attention in the campaign of 2008, it shouldnt be that big of a surprise. Our phone bill had been buried in some of that mail and in a months time, being something like 23 to 24 days behind in opening the mail, our phone was shut off for non-payment of our bill. Donahue is joined by the cast of "The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of The Desert", as well as the Family Research Institute's founder, Paul Cameron, and drag performer CoCo LaChin 0% 1x90 Episode 1 November 6, 1967 12:00 AM 44 mins 0% 13x01 Sammy Davis Jr. | Visit Mom insisted that she would never do another NATIONAL television show, after the fallout from her Donahue experience. Watch this 1992 interview of Dr. Duke on the Phil Donahue show and see if you don't agree with him 15 years later. Totally let down the youth of the US who also voted him in. Please watch this interview with Cornel West: I love it and I think Phil Donahue is my long lost soul brother!! The point being he was chosen, but not by the people. I watched it. Psychologist Robert Williams discusses whether intelligence tests are culturally biased. We watched Phils show religiously in the early 80s, and to my best recollections, he was the most progressive TV personality, and never wavered in his beliefs due to corporate pressure. In the middle 1980s, Thorne moved to coastal Maine to devote himself exclusively to food writing, and where he became associated with Matt Lewis, who later shared a byline for a number of his books and his newsletter. Our condolences go out to all their surviving friends and families and may they all be resting in peace. A lot of people around us, were having their own backyard celebrations all weekend. Mind you marketing necessity has already rendered much of the Internet a dead zone. On July 6 [1981], Paul and I flew to Chicago, staying at the Hyatt OHare, and did the Donahue show, live for an entire hour on July 7th, flying back that same afternoon. All of us can, and should, bring any one of these things (or all of them) to fruition, in observance of Memorial Day. Additionally, Mom, who was always a big fan of saving time and exertion, would often revamp her recipes to include ingredient short cuts (like using Mayonnaise in place of oil and egg or boxed cake mix in place of some flour and sugar ingredients). I wish him the best! Corporate Media is Destroying Democracy Phil Donahue on Reality Asserts Itself (2/3). Happy Monday! Collection 074 Ephemera of The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, CN 074. A compulsive liar as well! Scheduled topic: some black women's expectations of black men. Remembering Recollections of how we developed our Secret Recipes and the unique circumstances under which this dining room table operation has endured will surely never make the best sellers list, and perhaps not even interest most critics, let alone the skeptics. Likewise, when I changed the searched term to secret recipes, Moms last cookbook didnt come up until #58 of more than 7,000 results (again, sorted by Featured). But, every success Mom had in writing usually had something to do with food and home, rather than dramatic sagas and love stories. Hell is God, giving you what you thought you wanted. Dick Syatt. Mom said, of that whole experience, Sometimes we need to have something, lose it and get it back again, before we can really appreciate what we have.. Happy Monday AND happy June to one and all! So, on July 6, Paul and I flew to Chicago, staying at the Hyatt OHare, and did the Donahue show live for an entire hour on July 7, flying back that same afternoon. Guests seated on stage, facing audience. Gloria Pitzer [My Cup Runneth Over and I Cant Find My Mop (Secret RecipesTM, St. Clair, MI; Dec. 1989, p. 23)], RADIO has become one of the biggest blessings in our work and my recipe visits came about as a result of my initial work with Bob Allison and his Ask Your Neighbor show, I found [radios] family of listeners [to be] just like neighbors on our street, friendly and receptive! Youre so right about the insidious aggression of vulgar TV and now with cinema- (everything has to be super-) sized wide digital screens it is a horrendous assault. As much as they loved being near their family members, out there, that they rarely got to see, Mom couldnt work or create in California! I think it was because I had just tangled with Grit, the weekly newspaper in Pennsylvania, over giving credit to the Food editors teenage daughter for having developed a fish batter like Arthur Treachers, using club soda and pancake mix and received an apology on the back page of one of their issues, placing the item between an ad for corn and callous remover and waste cinchers. All content has been used with permission from the copyright owners, who reserve all rights, and that for uses outside of fair use (an excerpt), permission must be obtained from the respective copyright owner. We were receiving about 1,000 letters a day from the radio shows that I took part in and the newspaper stories that I was more-or-less an acting consultant on subjects related to fast food. I am going to share one of those recipes with you each week, here in my blog, as they also appear in her last book, Gloria Pitzers Cookbook The Best of the Recipe Detective [published by Balboa Press (January 2018, 1st Printing) a re-write of her famous, self-published book, Gloria Pitzers Better Cookery Cookbook (May 1983, 3rd Printing)], asking only for proper credit if you care to share it. With Bobs generous help in mentioning my monthly newsletter, my subscriptions began to climb I was finally showing a profit! Thats where Gloria comes in, as she attempts to figure it out, following her hunches on which ingredients will probably produce an identical flavor or similar texture to the famous product or dish. But that show remained on their repeat schedule for almost a year, playing in the Panama Canal zone, Greenland, Iceland, Australia and on hundreds of small-town stations. I was happy to find many of her books on the Internet. Unfortunately, evil is still evil, and Obama proved this himself with his actions and non-actions (you mentioned some in your comment) over the past 6 yrs. I was looking through rose-colored glasses at something that was just not meant to be. It was an experience of mixed blessings! I get anxiety just from the idea of interviews! I thought the author gave a wonderful, easy-to-understand explanation of plagiarism specifically among recipe writers and how difficult it is to prove, let alone prosecute, the theft of someone elses original work, especially in recipes, thats being passed off as ones own work. We were all working from 7 AM until 1 or 2 AM, the next morning, just to open and read the mail. Originally, I worked with Bill Miller, whoseshow [called Contact] drew a good following. The Phil Donahue Show, also known as Donahue, is an American television talk show hosted by Phil Donahue that ran for 26 years on national television.. Phil Donahue Punk Show 1984 Part 1 hipsville 10 Phil Donahue punk show 1984 part 2 hipsville 11 Phil Donahue punk show 1984 part 3 hipsville 12 Phil Donahue punk show 1984 part 4. Mom and Dad thought that, by moving to the Los Angeles area with my younger sister (near one of my older brothers, Mike, and Moms oldest sister, Hazel, and her family), they could all have a new beginning and leave all their problems behind, in St. Clair. Because it bombards us with pleasurable and un-resistible stimuli, junk food offers an immediate comfort that ordinary food cannot a comfort that few of us can resist all the time. Still convinced that she was right, she took in ironing until she had scraped up enough to purchase a mimeograph machine, and started sending out a food letter, The Secret Recipe Report. Copycat recipe authors, whose names popped up on when I searched for the term copycat recipes (again, sorted by Featured), before my moms name ever appeared, included Lina Chang, JR Stevens, Todd Wilbur, Becky Bopp, Olivia Howard, John Andrews, Alexander Moretti, Bonnie Akins, Ron Douglas, Stephanie Manley, JP Brown, Samantha Schwartz, Nathan Isaac and David Pietras; plus, company names such as Six Sisters Stuff, Taste of Home, Prime Publishing and Publications International Ltd. Please be aware that works in this archive created by other organisations and individuals are not covered under this license, and you should obtain any necessary permissions before copyright or adapting any such works. Some of the radio shows that I took part in were on-the-air at midnight, especially my favorite visits with KMOX in St. Louis and WGY in Schenectady. Now that Moms last cookbooks royalties are mine, I need to learn how to promote it, myself, (since Im not rich enough to pay someone else to do it, as in the solicitation I received in my email). I have enough poems to fill two or three nice size books. The show touched on the serious social and political issues of the day and was the . Phil Donahue. She appeared, again, almost 12 years later, on April 16, 1993. While the money did help that I cannot deny it was the anonymous angel cards, themselves, that meant the most to me. The Donahue Show people called once more and requested our appearance. in power, to do many things that he did not plan on doing during his presidency. In California, it wasnt long before Mom and Dad started missing the things about St. Clair that originally attracted them to move there from Algonac, in the first placethe friendliness of the town, the security of walking the streets without fearing harm, the simplicity of her small-town life. She also explains what we surely would always have wanted to know if we ever believed anyone would tell us: how to make Liptons instant cream of tomato soup, Eagle Brand condensed milk, General Foods Suisse Mocha instant coffeeand a host of other such familiars. Debating scores of people during the past two elections on that concern, my final answer was this: If the American working-class are that stupid and ignorant to vote for McCain or Romney, then theyll get what they deserve.I asked them: Do you have any courage or integrity to vote for McKinney or Stein? Needless to say, I didnt make any friends with that one. We did not want another 1 million letters [like we received after the Donahue show] and surely that would be inevitable, considering their circulation. (Nor did she return to the Phil Donahue show for another twelve years. Gloria Pitzer (1982), Marian Burros,author of Pure and Simple , [Thank you] for your encouragement and enthusiastic endorsement as Food Editor of The Washington Post, making my research of the food industrys secrets an exciting and interesting labor of love. I laid my head on my desk many a time, in tears of anguish and fatigue. Ive been searching for a history on the copycat recipes movement, using various different terms and search engines; but, I have yet to find anything! HISTORY BOOKS have said little of the one person who really put the state of Kentucky on the map, namely the gentleman whom will always be associated with finger-lickin-good fried chicken, Harland Sanders. Kudos Loreally cooking with gas now ~ an it aint all fracked up (neither.) Therefore, when I started helping Mom rewrite her favorite cookbook a few years ago (so it could be republished by Balboa Press for a new digital generation), it rekindled that flame in me. 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