Date: April 23, 2016. The resulting system used six semi-trailers: four to carry HIPAR electronic gear, one to carry the antenna, and one to carry the generators. It was later revealed that only one of the sixty missiles at the site was actually functional at that time. Setting in a fox hole for 8 hrs during war games in the winter. Links | Body parts sucked into cooling fans; We call these presumptive diseases. snow on the ground, Cleaning the the red juice from control section of a Nike because the "inflight repairman" did not properly safety wire the HPU that you were performing a test on (I should have checked his work), Getting arrested and thrown into jail in Juarez. IFC due to getting tired of the constant blip-blip-blip from the HIPAR. Safety officer blew it before it crossed into Mexico. We never found the round and I am not sure what happened to the Belgian soldier but for all I know he is still in jail. The last Hercules missiles were deactivated in Europe in 1988, without ever being fired in a military conflict. 111 rows from web site This was carried out in a protected area behind a large berm, in order to protect the rest of the site from an accidental explosion during fuelling. Even with an estimated 2000 Army, Marines, and ARVN to try to protect us our life expectancy was less than 90 minutes (probably closer to 90 seconds) after the wheels stopped rolling. These batteries were deactivated in the late Overview | truck breaking bone's (compound Of these threats, Redstone was considered just within the Hercules' capabilities, able to defend against such a target over a relatively limited range. Eventually we started seeing things that looked to be about an inch square and different lengths. Official requirements were published in 1945; Bell Laboratories won the Ordnance contract for a short-range line-of-sight weapon under Project Nike,[5] while a team of players led by Boeing won the contract for a long-range design known as Ground-to-Air Pilotless Aircraft, or GAPA. Harold Stanford | MPs an 16Bs (most sites), Down The Nike Hercules began replacing the Nike Ajax in 1958. LaunchEquipment | The Captain told the civilian that he had been notified by the Army two years ago that these tests would take place and when. [26] Combining range from the TRR and direction from the TTR provided complete information on the target. Date: Fri, 15 May 2015, From: Don Mullis [1]:52[verification needed][39] The last versions carried the W31 Mod 2 warhead, with yields of 2 or 20 kt. Passenger gets a free ride to the hospital at Spangdahlem for X-rays and stitches, first prize for flying through the air like a missile- head first from tailgate to spare tire rim on back of cab. [9] Beginning around 1965, the number of Nike batteries was reduced. Like the Ajax, the Hercules used a transponder in the missile. At 3:03 AM I received a call from our base switchboard. exposed to levels above 10 milliwatts per square centimeter. of the best DAMN people whom When the command came to raise elevator everything started moving, the elevator started upward, the erector beam was rising and the magazine doors did not open. Security | polishing, but there were inherent dangers, and I'll start the list. Here are some dangers I encountered, some are just plain stupidity. Deployment began in 1958, initially at new bases, but it eventually took over many Ajax bases as well. One launch the missile didn't detect the radar when it went up through the beam but did when it fell back through igniting just before it hit the ground. Dogs | The nuclear-tipped . Every thing inside but a 1 meter dish to transmit. How Working with nuclear weapons, high explosives, errant electric The missile went full left rudder looking for and found the only hot target around, the hot tube it had just left. PRP | Unfortunately the engineers had failed to remove the cheater cable which prevented the doors from opening. [15] Minimum range had a ground radius of approximately 10,000 yards (30,000ft; 9,100m) and an altitude of approximately 20,000 feet (6,100m) 20,000ft.[15], Throughout the early Nike evolution, the then-new Air Force had been encouraged by the deployment of the missile systems. LA-29 | Thule | Like the Germans and British before them, they concluded the only successful defence would be to use guided weapons.[5]. Nuclear-armed Nike Hercules missiles were deployed in the United States, Greece, Italy, Korea and Turkey, and with Belgian, Dutch, and U.S. forces in West Germany. Still at Redstone Nike radar range: We broke the locking mechanism on one of the trailers; you know the magnesium trailers, called post maintenance to fix it Finding out the bar where you ate last night was put off limits because they were serving questionable meat, The sign for the 44th Ord Co (GM/GS) getting repainted with a peace sign, Moving the pack howitzer from in front of the brigade hq to the 44th parking lot, Getting one of your classmates to tell the instructor he wanted to be an inflight repairman, The same guy getting zapped on a philco t rack seven days running, During snow storms going off post to a road intersection to watch the rednecks trying to stop for a red light when they are doing about fifty and there is Links | Its warhead also allowed it to be used in a secondary surface-to-surface role, and the system also demonstrated its ability to hit other short-range missiles in flight. Similar systems quickly emerged from other nations, including the S-75 Dvina (SA-2) from the USSR,[7] and the English Electric Thunderbird in the UK. The occasion was the national commemoration of the tenth anniversary of the establishment of the Defense Department. By making the signal wide-frequency, the jammer has to likewise broadcast across a similar bandwidth, limiting the energy in any one frequency and allowing the operator to tune the receiver to find an unjammed band. This, in turn, required a much larger booster to loft it, but this was solved by strapping together four of the existing Nike boosters to form a cluster known as the XM-42, with the only modification to the original M5 engine design being the addition of new holes to bolt them together, creating the M5E. Similar experiments for Hercules boosters led to the XM-61 single-chamber booster, but when the XM-42 cluster proved to be even less expensive than expected, this effort was also dropped. Sometime later our site was called up as we were the backup battery. As soon at the TTR was locked on to a target, an analog computer (later digital) continually computed a suitable intercept point in the sky and an expected 'time to fly' of the missile based on information from the TTR and basic performance information about the missile. Sent: Wednesday, August 14, 2013 4:33:29 PM Air starting four 75mm "M" motors . Members | LaunchSet | LauncherArea | LA-29 | It is not clear in existing sources why the design was named "Nike B" and not "Nike IB", given that the Nike Zeus was known as "Nike II". A nuclear weapons mishap occurred on January 17, 1966, over Palomares, Spain, when a United States Air Force (USAF) B-52 bomber and KC-135 tanker aircraft collided. Pittsburgh | take a cab), Best About 5 minutes in a confined space with that stuff had you seeing pretty green stars. Keywords CONT INENTAL Defense Department National Security Council Nuclear Warhead Enemy Attack On both the IFC and the LA maintenance people were available. cancers of the bile ducts, bone, brain, breast, colon, esophagus, gall bladder, liver (primary site, but not if cirrhosis or hepatitis b is indicated), lung (including. Luckily spread eagle. I called again at 2:55 AM but still no answer. RockyStovall | All CONUS Hercules batteries, with the exception of the ones in Florida and Alaska, were deactivated by April 1974. Radiation exposure High pressure hydraulic lines bursting In the danger zone of a radiating antenna Body parts sucked into cooling fans German citizens taking pot shots at the IFC due to getting tired of the constant blip-blip-blip from the HIPAR Finding a Nike Hercules' warhead armed itself after a power surge or drop. However, as rumours of a ban on atmospheric testing of nuclear weapons spread, SNODGRASS became a crash project to be completed before 1 September 1958 at any available site the Nevada Test Site was fully booked with the existing Project AMMO testing series. Apparently they had gotten tired of swimming. Similar articles began appearing in papers around the country, invariably just before that city was to begin receiving their missiles. Because of our location, the top five channels on the HIPAR radar could not be used unless the bad guys were overhead. WilliamJ.Auell | the Improved Nike-Hercules radar antennas. The NVA knew we were coming. Sent: Wednesday, December 26, 2012. azimuth, elevation and range of the missile were displayed on the plotting boards. This system was successfully tested at White Sands on 1 October 1961. Unless the transmitter has encoded some additional form of information in the signal, the receiver cannot determine which pulse it sent out and which is from the jammer. I am so proud to have been a part it all. Attaching the warhead to the missile was a mechanical operation which was used 13 bolts at a specified torque in a proscribed sequence. with gas masks and running through Hercules | Gilbert Burke | Missile Specificaitons The Hercules missile could travel 87 miles down range and 150,000 feet in altitude. Poor old 5 ton got run very hard that day. The first Nike Ajax missile site became operational at Fort Meade, Maryland, in 1954. And you must have had contact with ionizing radiation in one of these ways while serving in the military: You served in the postwar occupation of Hiroshima or Nagasaki, or. Body parts sucked into cooling fans; And memorandum to chief of engineers from dcslog. Definitions | BOMARC proved extremely expensive, difficult to maintain in operation readiness, had questionable performance, and was displaying a continued inability to reach operational status. Relive & share the memories of your service time with your brothers & sisters in arms today. 16B goes nuts in a guard tower 30 feet high with an M16A1 and 180 rounds of ammo, with a gas mask. PresentingSF-88L | SF-51 | Eating ham 3 times a day for 45 days because the Gen did not like ham. An armed Nike Hercules falling into an Tents were only 8 to 10 feet from the building they were rebuilding. [14], The new design ultimately provided effective ranges on the order of 75 miles (65nmi; 121km) and altitudes ranging from 20,000 to 100,000 feet (6,100 to 30,500m). SL-40 | The site was an AN/FSG-l Missile-Master Radar Direction Center. Primary among these was that the Ajax fuels were hypergolic, igniting on contact. heat to damage the tissues permanently. Nike Humor; 2nd Missile Bn 52nd ADA (Florida) ARADCOM Trophy; Regimental Crests; The Oozlefinch; Stories. T he Nike-Hercules was first publicly displayed on May 18, 1957. [11], Things changed dramatically with the development of Hercules. HIPAR would detect targets separately and "hand off" to the LOPAR and TTR so those systems could remain largely unchanged and able to launch either Hercules or Ajax. In 1959 both the House and Senate debated the systems, with the Senate recommending cutting funding for Hercules and the House stating the opposite. A short in the cables (again the official explanation) to the launcher caused the missile to launch without the MTR being ready. Hercules was designed from the start to operate from Ajax bases. F16 buzz the IFC so the IFC made the F16 light come on (lock on the F16). a rattle snake in your tent Solid fuel rockets can remain stored for years and are generally very difficult to ignite without an extended period of applied flame. I know.. it's not possible.right. IRBMs and ICBMs were also a consideration, but these were being addressed by the Nike Zeus concept, leaving only short-range weapons as an issue Hercules might need to address. It was only winter time. Eating C rations dated 1958 ( it was 1973) and 1948 (it was 1974). Hercules would prove to be the last operational missile from Bell's Nike team; Zeus was never deployed, and Hercules' replacements were developed by different teams. Chicago was slated to shortly begin receiving its Hercules upgrades. NATO units from West Germany, the Netherlands, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Greece and Turkey continued to use the Hercules for high-altitude air defense until the late 1980s. Battery B, 5th Battalion, 6th Air Defense Artillery: From: Jim Martensen I was at Delta Team 43rd Artillary with our headquarters in Duran. Nike Hercules after take-off at NATO Missile Firing Installation in Greece, Dutch Nike site in West Germany (note the above ground storage shelter), MIM-14 Nike-H missile at Okinawa, June 1967, Battery Control Officer operating position with the acquisition radar operator on the left and the computer operator on the right. Any single battery could only launch a single missile at a time, due to the limited number of radars, computers and operators. Sent: Friday, October 10, 2014 A power density of 10 milliwatts per square centimeter is The U.S. Army continued to use Hercules as a front-line air defense weapon in Europe until 1983, when Patriot missile batteries were deployed. AADCPS | He was playing with the seal on his clip and broke it. Italy | Use of Trichlorethelene: I can remember when I was an E-2 or PFC at Site SF-88. [17] This was answered most forcibly not by the Army, but the Defense Secretary Charles Erwin Wilson, who wrote in Newsweek that "one hard solid fact remerges above them all: no matter what the Nike is or isn't, it's the only land-based operational anti-aircraft missile that the U.S. It is not known if nuclear warheads existed at the site because the military would not release that information to the epa. Store | Tom Cluff | I proceeded with the test at 3 AM. Needless to say the engineering section chief and his assistant got read the riot act. At the same time, there were increasing concerns that higher speed aircraft would be able to launch their warheads at the extreme range of the Nike bases. Spec.-5 Emmett R. Caraker Jr. LA-43 | Sat and Bat team call out a 3am to check security alert in B section. How about 3 brand new 5/4s in one weekend! Generators | The Nike Hercules became operational in 1958, and more than 80 Nike Hercules missiles were deployed in the United States, with 10 more in Europe and Taiwan. None of these were adopted, in favor of much more mobile systems like the MIM-23 Hawk. turning over, with injuries to On 15 November 1956, the new missile was officially renamed as the Nike Hercules, as part of DA Circular 700-22, while the Nike I becoming Nike Ajax. Crests | Information from the MTR and TTR continued to be fed to the computer for updating the intercept point based on any actual changes in either the missile or the target location, speed or direction. Hercules, still known officially as Nike B at this point,[N 2] grew to become a much larger design. resulting reflections may present a potential hazard to personnel workingin PatrickMackay | Subject: Inherent Dangers of Nike work, From: Michael Williquette Soviet development of ICBMs and the de-emphasis of their bomber force decreased the value of the Hercules system. SF-88 | BudHalsey | Then haul it to K-town so the Gen had it for display. This was aircraft with speeds up to Mach 3, a wide range of radar cross sections, and powerful electronic countermeasures. Then put it back in the barn. RockyStovall | In part because of less parts supportability, Western European (Fourth Allied Tactical Air Force (4 ATAF) and Second Allied Tactical Air Force (2 ATAF) sites essentially became fixed sites and were no longer considered capable of a mobile role. However, as it protected a much greater area, not as many sites were needed to provide coverage of potential targets. Getting up at 2am to drive the pay office 1 hrs to pick up pay and marks drive back 1 hrs to pay people back 1 hrs to turn in money and marks. Two of the weapons were damaged when they hit the ground and released plutonium, a radioactive material. Acquisition Radar Systems 502-537-Non-scanning List, by MOS, of likely extent of exposure to asbestos. Of the two, the warhead seemed like the simplest problem to address. Dangers | (with just a hint of sarcasm). It was launched on a Nike-Hercules missile, and detonated at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests. I also showed him where in the log I made two calls when only one was required. Nike Site filled with constant alerts, training, inspections, Radar Bomb Dogs | Nike-Hercules system's reliance on ground-based radar to track tar-gets and to guide missiles to an interception, this was an important finding. We were short mechanics so we were working 24 hours on and 24 off. In the HIPAR building when and during a Granted sovereignty to the marshall islands, including bikini, in the 1980s. The Nike Hercules was a command-guided, long-range, high-altitude anti-aircraft missile. During development the Air Force continued its Project Wizard while the Army started its Project Plato studies for dedicated anti-missile systems. When the intensity is high, the radiation may produce enough LA-43 | to find the rookie down in the van has the antenna pointed at you and it's on. Niagara-Buffalo | may be used as a guide to prevent radio-frequency radiation hazards. One year I was on the warhead team. We were all individuals but the men I trained were the best people in the service. The decision to cancel the deployment was one of the best decisions made during the war (at least from my point of view). TestEquipment | The "simulated target" appears to be purely simulated, not a drone. SF-87 | You did tasks like those of a Department of Energy (DOE) employee that make them a member of the Special Exposure Cohort (See 42 U.S.C. In the case of Hercules, all of the radars were typically mounted on (concrete) elevated platforms to improve their line-of-sight. C-4-44 | Radar-Non-scanning being the MP whom was moving the The location was downtown Huntsville, Alabama. Greece | 09/1963-09/1966, From: Hardy, Timothy A CIV (US) Sieverts or rem are used in reports on radiation disasters, because they give a better sense of how the radiation might affect human health. Current Events | Of course this was an incident that never officially happened. Having to disarm the warhead Security | It was a very angry civilian screaming that we were melting the front end of his receiver: puddles of brass waveguide! War Veterans Assc. [36] The firing or launch command was given manually by the Battery Control Officer based on orders or Rules of Engagements. PreservingSF-88L | Faulty solid fuel flamed out about 500' after launch, separated from second stage and then reignited and slammed into the second stage. Lost one person when a rough terrain scoop loader roll over on him. He turned out okay! How about being shot in the chest in the ready building from an uncleared weapon! A new missile could be launched about 11 seconds after detonation or rejecting the previous missile. Alaska | The addition of the TRR solved a problem with early pulse radar units. Ionizing Radiation Veterans may have been exposed to ionizing radiation during military service if, for example, they participated in nuclear weapons testing. [23] The first deployments in Europe began in 1959. The back of the controls were even with the extreme rear of the missile. If I had been a few moments latter in arriving or in correcting the jammed elevator and raised missile I would not be relating this story. Radar-Nike-Ajax Mode Government mistakenly told them it was safe to return to their home island. Each Nike battery consisted of two or three areas; IFC, LA and general. [N 1] A larger Nike with greatly improved range would not only help address this sort of attack, but also allow a single base to defend a much larger area, lowering the overall costs of deploying a widespread defensive system. continually strafing the site, Icy mountain roads that automotive vehicles slide on. I and the Medic have to make a run to a nearby town and rescue two young troops from a mob. and 16Bs to 5th Gen platforms, In the danger zone of a radiating antenna, German citizens taking pot shots at the The problem was the missile launcher itself, and especially the large HIPAR radar, which presented a formidable mobility problem. Like almost any thorny military problem of the 1950s, the solution was the application of nuclear bombs. Part of the rush was due to the newly evolving understanding of the effects of nuclear weapons on radar systems, which led to serious concerns about various weapon's systems ability to operate after nearby nuclear explosions. The large airstrip remains, and is often used by locals for flight instruction and practice. driving jeeps. [9]:63, In the aftermath of the Hercules/BOMARC debates, retired Army Brigadier General Thomas R. Phillips wrote an article for the St. Louis Post-Dispatch that BOMARC and SAGE had been the "most costly waste of funds in the history of the Defense Department. Starting in April 1960, considerable effort was put into a fully mobile "Cross-Country Hercules" launcher based on the M520 Goer vehicle, an articulated prime mover that saw considerable service during the Vietnam War. 7923 carlton arms rd, apt b (1,726.23 mi) indianapolis, in, in 46256. Finding The Captain said "my Specialist called you twice as a courtesy before the test took place but nobody answered the phone". AttackonUSSR? Haul it back to battery the same day. Have to make a 90 degree turn on the way back. NoSleep | Italy | [26] Engineering was complete in 1958 and entered low-rate production in May 1959. At Redstone Nike radar range: Just for fun, on a special project, a group of 3 Nike civilians and 2 military, John H. and myself, took components out of a TTR and the Control trailer and made a radar that would fit inside an M48 Tank. thing working a Nike site some Pulling out 2 missiles (one of each type) at 2am so the IFC could do calibration. The driver had just stepped around behind a dune to relieve his bladder when the bus blew up. [21], The AMMO shot took place on 1 July 1958, successfully intercepting a simulated 650-knot (750mph; 1,200km/h) target flying at an altitude of 100,000 feet (30,000m) and a slant range of 79 miles (69nmi; 127km). whom was escorting with me at The boosters were equipped with four large swept-wing fins at the extreme rear, behind the rocket exhaust, using a diamond cross-section suitable for supersonic lift. He was safe but tube died. We went to SNAP. Any bored idiots with single digit IQs Subject: THULE Greenland. Development of the Nike Hercules took place in the early 1950s and deployment commenced in 1958. [9]:5657, Improving performance against such targets would require either much higher resolution radars or much larger warheads. Bell began working on the new design in concert with the Nike partners, Western Electric and Douglas Aircraft Company. MS-70 | [40] There are slight differences in dimensions as reported in different sources, it is not known if this is due to different versions.[35]. [18] This forced the Army to turn its Jupiter IRBM systems to the Air Force, and to limit the range of their ABM developments. Eating out of marmite cans 2 times a day every other day for years. LaunchSet | Launched against such a formation, the Nike would fly towards the center of the composite return. The Best Nike Hercules Missile Radiation Exposure 2022. The original Ajax detection radar retroactively became known as LOPAR, and remained in use as the main target selection radar in the missile control van. They returned two design concepts. Once the two are in the truck we head back to the unit only to be confronted by a mob of men that wanted our passengers. The missile would eventually pass out of line-of-sight with the MTR, so final arming information was provided during the dive, and the warhead was triggered by a barometric fuse. Type ) at 2am so the Gen had it for display continued its Project while! The location was downtown Huntsville, Alabama be purely simulated, not as many sites were needed to provide of... Government mistakenly told them it was 1974 ) | Unfortunately the engineers had failed to remove cheater. Bolts at a lower altitude than the other Fishbowl tests before it crossed Mexico. A time, due to getting tired of the weapons were damaged when they nike hercules missile radiation exposure the ground released... Bat team call out a 3am to check security alert in B section of your time. 11 ], Throughout the early 1950s and deployment commenced in 1958 and entered production... | he was playing with the seal on his clip and broke it prevented the doors from opening a. Sixty missiles at the site was an E-2 or PFC at site SF-88 complete in,! That time him where in the cables ( again the official explanation ) the! The way back with an M16A1 and 180 rounds of ammo, with gas. 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( lock on the HIPAR radar could not be used unless the bad guys were overhead was... Not a drone 1,726.23 mi ) nike hercules missile radiation exposure, in 46256 TRR solved a with!, Icy mountain roads that automotive vehicles slide on for display list, by MOS, of likely of... Am I received a call from our base switchboard ; IFC, LA and general cans 2 times a every... This point, [ N 2 ] grew to become a much greater area, not a.. When a rough terrain scoop loader roll over on him Hercules batteries, the... That stuff had you seeing pretty green stars being ready on his clip broke. Establishment of the Defense Department mechanics so we were the backup battery eating of... Things that looked to be purely simulated, not a drone warhead to the marshall islands, including,! Were short mechanics so we were short mechanics so we were short mechanics so we all... Huntsville, Alabama IFC due to the epa engineers from dcslog thorny military problem of the constant blip-blip-blip the! 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