The court shall, on application of any party, or on its own motion, confirm or disaffirm the referee's report; such report shall then be reviewed only by appeal to the Appellate Division. WebPart IA-2. (f) Reinstatement of Note of Issue. 202.23 Staggered Court Appearances. Article 78 is the article of the Civil Practice Law and Rules (CPLR), which establishes the procedure for challenging the determinations of administrative agencies, Such request will be granted in the discretion of the justice assigned to the case upon finding that such a separate settlement conference would be beneficial to the parties and the court and would further the interests of justice. The officer before whom the videotape deposition is taken shall cause to be attached to the original videotape recording a certification that the witness was fully sworn or affirmed by the officer and that the videotape recording is a true record of the testimony given by the witness. All information required by CPLR 3101(d)(1)(i) is attached, a request for such information has not been made. Such general appraisal reports shall be served and filed as provided in paragraph (1) of this subdivision. If there are The ESI Guidelines are advisory and should be applied to the extent appropriate under the circumstances. (d) Filing Note of Issue and Certificate of Readiness; Additional Requirements. Section 202.67 Infants' and incapacitated persons' claims and proceedings. Unlike jurists in other civil parts in New Yorks court system, Commercial Division justices devote themselves almost exclusively to these complex commercial matters. Discovery of Electronically Stored Information. When any notice is served by mail on the creditors of the insolvent debtor pursuant to the provisions of the applicable statute or this section, every envelope containing such notice shall have upon it a direction to the postmaster at the place to which it is sent, to return the same to the sender whose name and address shall appear thereon, unless called for or delivered. However, counsel may not read from any of the pleadings in the action or inform potential jurors of the amount of money at issue. eff. July 21, 1999. ", Alternatively, in the event that parties wish to express their consent to the exclusive jurisdiction of either the Commercial Division or the federal courts in New York State, the parties may include specific language in their contract, such as: "THE PARTIES AGREE TO SUBMIT TO THE EXCLUSIVE JURISDICTION OF THE COMMERCIAL DIVISION, NEW YORK STATE SUPREME COURT, OR THE FEDERAL COURTS IN NEW YORK STATE, WHICH SHALL HEAR ANY DISPUTE, CLAIM OR CONTROVERSY ARISING IN CONNECTION WITH OR RELATING TO THIS AGREEMENT, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE VALIDITY, BREACH, ENFORCEMENT OR TERMINATION THEREOF. We hear (1) For every responsive pleading, the party preparing the responsive pleading shall interlineate each allegation of the pleading to which it is responding with the partys response to that allegation, and in doing so, shall preserve the content and numbering of the allegation. Motions to reinstate notes of issue vacated pursuant to this section shall be supported by a proper and sufficient certificate of readiness and by an affidavit by a person having first-hand knowledge showing that there is merit to the action, satisfactorily showing the reasons for the acts or omissions which led to the note of issue being vacated, stating meritorious reasons for its reinstatement and showing that the case is presently ready for trial. Receipt of the additional notice by the defendant does not confer jurisdiction on the court in the absence of proper service of process. The instructions shall also advise litigants that, if they have a mortgage, they should speak with an attorney as well as the bank before the transfer is made. This subdivision shall not apply to a reference to a special referee or a judicial hearing officer or to a reference to a referee in an uncontested matrimonial action. (c) Every brief, memorandum, affirmation, and affidavit which was prepared by use of a computer shall include on a page attached to the end of the applicable document, a certification by the counsel who has filed the document setting forth the number of words in the document and certifying that the document complies with the word count limit. (3) Where the condemnor puts in issue the compensability of any item in the inventory, the appraisal report submitted by the condemnor shall so state and shall state the ground therefor, as well as its appraiser's estimate of the value of such item for consideration in the event that the court should determine that it is compensable. Section 202.20-d Depositions of Entities; Identification of Matters. (g) The affidavits required by this section shall be supported by exhibits, including a copy of the credit agreement as defined in this section, the bill of sale or written assignment of the account where applicable, and relevant business records of the Original Creditor that set forth the name of the defendant; the last four digits of the account number; the date and amount of the charge-off balance; the date and amount of the last payment, if any; the amounts of any post-charge-off interest and post-charge-off fees and charges, less any post-charge-off credits or payments made by or on behalf the defendant; and the balance due at the time of sale. Sec. We have neglected nursing parents in economic policy, and we have turned a blind eye to the political economy of breastmilk. (a) Upon the trial of an action, the following papers, if not yet submitted, shall be submitted to the court by the party who has filed the note of issue: (1) copies of all pleadings marked as required by CPLR 4012; and. Linda J. Kevins (i) When documents are filed. Where a cross-motion is made, reply affidavits, affirmations, briefs or memoranda of the party who made the principal motion shall be limited to 4,200 words when prepared by use of a computer or to 10 pages when typewritten or handwritten. All parties are directed to exchange e-mail addresses with each other at the commencement of the case and to keep these e-mail addresses current, in order to facilitate notification by the person(s) receiving the court notification. Hon. 2020, effective February 1, 2021. After the submission of letters, the court will schedule a telephone or in-court conference with counsel. In addition, the parties to a contract may consent to having New York law apply to their contract, or any dispute under the contract. (2) If a party intends to offer at trial expert evidence in rebuttal to any report, an expert's report shall be filed within 60 days after receipt of the document sought to be rebutted. John H. Rouse (b) In such a case, the papers opposing a motion for summary judgment shall include a correspondingly numbered statement responding to each numbered paragraph in the statement of the moving party. For purposes of this section: (i) electronic means shall mean any method of transmission of information between computers or other machines, other than facsimile machines, designed for the purpose of sending and receiving such transmissions, and which allows the recipient to reproduce the information transmitted in a tangible medium of expression; (ii) NYSCEF shall mean the New York State Courts Electronic Filing System and the NYSCEF site shall mean the New York State Courts Electronic Filing System website located at; (iii) e-filing, electronic filing and electronically filing shall mean the filing and service of documents in a civil action by electronic means through the NYSCEF site; (iv) an authorized e-filing user shall mean a person who has registered to use e-filing pursuant to subdivision (c) of this section; (v) an action shall include a special proceeding and an e-filed action shall mean an action in which documents are electronically filed and served in accordance with this section; (vi) hard copy shall mean information set forth in paper form; (vii) working copy shall mean a hard copy that is an exact copy of a document that has been electronically filed in accordance with this section; (viii) party or parties shall mean the party or parties to an action or counsel thereto; (ix) unrepresented litigant shall mean a party to an action who is not represented by counsel; (x) expedited processing shall mean the expedited registration of a person as an authorized e-filing user; and. (a) Where prepared by use of a computer, unless otherwise permitted by the court: (i) affidavits, affirmations, briefs and memoranda of law in chief shall be limited to 7.000 words each: (ii) reply affidavits, affirmations, and memoranda shall be no more than 4,200 words and shall not contain any arguments that do not respond or relate to those made in the memoranda in chief. The submission of direct testimony in affidavit form shall not affect any right to conduct cross-examination or re-direct examination of the witness. 202.20-f Disclosure Disputes. (e) The parties are encouraged to use the most efficient means to review documents, including electronically stored information (ESI), that is consistent with the parties disclosure obligations under Article 31 of the CPLR and proportional to the needs of the case. Any such motion shall be determined within 30 days after the motion is submitted for decision. The note of issue shall include the County Clerk's index number; the name of the judge to whom the action is assigned; the name, office address and telephone number of each attorney who has appeared; the name, address and telephone number of any party who has appeared pro se; and the name of any insurance carrier acting on behalf of any party. The party causing the first paper to be filed shall communicate in writing the county clerk's index number forthwith to all other parties to the action. Notwithstanding paragraph (1) of this subdivision, where documents are required to be filed and served electronically in accordance with such paragraph (1), such documents may nonetheless be filed and served in hard copy where permitted by paragraph (1) of subdivision (d) of section 202.5-b of these rules. (h) Application to Continue Business of Assignor. (b) Notices and subpoenas directed to an entity may enumerate the matters upon which the person is to be examined, and if so enumerated, the matters must be described with reasonable particularity. (i) The paper does not have an index number; The above-entitled action is for (briefly state nature of action, e.g., personal injury, medical malpractice, divorce, etc.). (a) If an action is settled, discontinued, or otherwise disposed of, counsel shall immediately inform the assigned judge or court part by submission of a copy of the stipulation or a letter directed to the clerk of the part along with notice to the chambers of the assigned judge via telephone, or email. (d) Interlineation of Responsive Pleadings. 202.20-i Direct Testimony by Affidavit. Section 202.28 Discontinuance of Civil Actions and Notice to the Court. Judges to whom actions and proceedings are assigned pursuant to the individual assignment system may schedule calls of any calendars they have established at such times as they deem appropriate. (1) At the time that proof of service of the summons and complaint is filed with the county clerk, plaintiff shall file with the county clerk a specialized request for judicial intervention (RJI), on a form prescribed by the Chief Administrator of the Courts, applicable to residential mortgage foreclosure actions covered by this section. Uniform Civil Rules for the Civil Courts outside the City of New York Part 212. (2) Notice of the time and place of the hearing before a referee appointed to take and state an assignee's account or to hear and report on a referred issue of fact shall be given by mail, with the postage thereon prepaid, at least 20 days before the date specified in said notice, to the assignor, the assignee's surety and to each creditor whose name appears on the books of the assignor or on the schedule, or who has presented his or her claim or address to the assignee, and to each attorney who has appeared for any person interested in the assigned estate. The jury Panel number for designated alternate jurors shall be equal to the number of alternates plus the maximum number of peremptory challenges allowed by the court or by statute that may be exercised by the parties. All such exhibits must contain exhibit tabs. (i) identification of potentially relevant types or categories of ESI and the relevant time frame; 202.20-e Adherence to Discovery Schedule. (b) The court may further direct, if a defendant filed a motion to dismiss and the court dismissed some but not all of the causes of action, plaintiff and counterclaim (1) Except where otherwise required by statute, all documents filed and served in Supreme Court shall be filed and served by electronic means in such classes of actions and such counties as shall be specified by order of the Chief Administrator of the Courts and only to the extent and in the manner prescribed in this section. (c) Where the plaintiff is the original creditor, the plaintiff must submit the AFFIDAVIT OF FACTS BY ORIGINAL CREDITOR. (7) The selection of designated alternate jurors shall take place after the selection of the six jurors. (c) In the event the parties wish to incorporate a privilege claw-back provision into either (i) the confidentiality order to be utilized in their commercial case, or (ii) another form of order utilized by the Justice presiding over the matter, they shall utilize the text set forth in Appendix B, Paragraph 18 to these Rules of the Commercial Division. A pretrial conference calendar is for actions awaiting conference after the note of issue and certificate of readiness have been filed. (h) Unless an order to the contrary is made, or unless the judge presiding at the trial in the interests of justice and upon a showing of good cause shall hold otherwise, the party seeking to recover damages shall be precluded at the trial from offering in evidence any part of the hospital records and all other records, including autopsy or post-mortem records, x-ray reports or reports of other technicians, not made available pursuant to this rule, and no party shall be permitted to offer any evidence of injuries or conditions not set forth or put in issue in the respective medical reports previously exchanged, nor will the court hear the testimony of any treating or examining medical providers whose medical reports have not been served as provided by this rule. Section 202.5-a Filing by Electronic Transmission. (1) All documents to be filed and served electronically. vi. Accelerated Adjudication Actions. Amended (a)-(c), (e), (h)-(i). Tax assess. Where a party is prevented from filing a note of issue and certificate of readiness because a pretrial proceeding has not been completed for any reason beyond the control of the party, the court, upon motion supported by affidavit, may permit the party to file a note of issue upon such conditions as the court deems appropriate. Parties in uncontested matrimonial actions shall use the forms . We hear more than three million cases a year involving almost every type of endeavor. Section 202.36 Absence of attorney during trial. No surprise that corporations like Chevron with cases Rule 28. injury and wrongful death Part 14 Failure of counsel to attend the trial at the time scheduled without good cause shall constitute a waiver of the right of that attorney and his or her client to participate in the trial for the period of counsel's absence. Unless otherwise stipulated, the examination shall be held not less than 30 nor more than 60 days after service of the notice. (c) Where the trial is by jury, counsel shall, on the pre-trial conference date or such other time as the court may set, provide the court with case-specific requests to charge and proposed jury interrogatories. Papers that are stapled or bound securely shall not be rejected for filing simply because they are not bound with a backer of any kind. (b) Considerations upon such a motion, and in support of a showing of good cause, shall include but not be limited to: (1) The distance between the parties and the witness, including time and costs of travel by counsel and litigants and the witness to the proposed location for the deposition; and, (2) The safety of the parties and the witness, including whether counsel and litigants and the witness may safely convene in one location for the deposition; and, (3) Whether the witness is a party to the litigation; and. filed Aug. 4, 1998 eff. Office and P.O. Counsel for all parties shall consult prior to a preliminary or compliance conference about (i) resolution of the case, in whole or in part; (ii) discovery, including discovery of electronically stored information, and any other issues to be discussed at the conference, (iii) the use of alternate dispute resolution to resolve all or some issues in the litigation; and (iv) any voluntary and informal exchange of information that the parties agree would help aid early settlement of the case. In the event that a party objects to this procedure or timetable, the parties shall request a conference to discuss the objection with the court. filed: Feb. 16, 1988; Dec. 14, 1992 eff. contested, shall include language substantially in accordance with the following decretal counterclaims. (1) Mandatory commencement in general. April 1, 1988. Such depositions can be done either in person at the location of the deponent, a party or their counsel or in real time by any electronic video device; and. Oct. 10, 2001. Note of issue and certificate of readiness, Objections to applications for special preference, Proof of Default Judgment in Consumer Credit Matters, Additional Mailing of Notice on an Action Arising from a Consumer Credit Transaction. Counsel may exercise challenges for cause at this time. Where feasible and appropriate, the court is encouraged to grant such requests. (1) In all actions and proceedings to which this section of the rules is applicable, a preliminary conference shall be ordered by the court to be held within 45 days after the request for judicial intervention is filed. Counsel shall comply with CPLR 2103(e). Puede obtener informacin adicional en el sitio web del sistema: There shall be a recapitulation at the end of such schedule and inventory, as follows: Debts and liabilities amount to . $, Fair value of assets $, Assets realized on liquidation $. A filing fee of $25 shall be paid at the time of filing, which may be in the form of a check payable to the County Clerk. (3) Such notice shall be filed after the expiration of 60 days only by leave of the court on motion and for good cause shown. Sec. A trial by jury may be demanded as provided by CPLR 4102. Where an application for poor person relief is made, payment of the fee for filing the request for judicial intervention accompanying the application shall be required only upon denial of the application. 1. (c) If the net amount obtained for the infant, or incapacitated person in any approved settlement does not exceed the amount set forth in CPLR 1206(b), the court may permit it to be paid pursuant to CPLR 1206(b). COUNTY/CITY OF __________, COUNTY OF ______________ INDEX NO. (f)No waiver shall be inferred as to any testimony if the defending attorney was prohibited by technical problems from interposing a timely objection or instruction not to answer. Sealing of Court Records in Civil Actions in the Trial Courts Part 217. Failure to appear shall result in the petition being dismissed or in the petition being determined upon inquest by the hearing officer based upon the available evidence submitted. At that time, counsel shall be prepared to argue the motion, discuss resolution of the issue(s) presented and/or schedule a trial or hearing. 3. (b) any deferred compensation plan of any type or nature in which the party has an interest including, but not limited to, Individual Retirement Accounts, pensions, profit- sharing plans, Keogh plans, 401(k) plans and other retirement plans. The counsel last able to exercise a peremptory challenge in a round is not confined to the exercise of a single challenge but may then exercise one or more peremptory challenges. 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