the apparent implication is he was casing the joint to then go try to assassinate her or her. the other area of law that involves scrutinizing politicians in our system is called corruption or public integrity. police say he's the mastermind of a string of shootings, political violence from the right, in this case targeting democrats that goes all the way, back to last month, december. We reported on that, and from other people who started attacking her for this, quote-unquote, "hearsay" thing. i mean, it's -- yeah, i had. and as i said in september/october, the country, if they vote for this, this is what you're going to get, so -- >> well, michael, as you know -- on the hill to some, bs stands for bull santos. you. (cecily) what's up, einstein? I want to thank Young Thug who`s currently under indictment and locked up for being a part of this record. He was late. And so you may remember on the day of the 6th, people were talking about, well, the police must have let them in to the Capitol if they got in this easily. we went through a lot of it, so the floor is your on what you know of him, both from that era and how he may have grown or gained experience during what has been quite a long career. all of this is made possible because of heroes like you who go online to right now and say yes, with your monthly support. The many pleas for help from Congress did no good. I mean, in various ways, that is very troubling to say that we are going to pick myself as president and disregard the votes of the American people and the electoral college. if you have copd ask your doctor about breztri. i love it's that hesitation in the beginning like, uh, i don't know what you're referring to. With love, brother. i can't talk right now, i'm at a silent retreat. We`ve seen time and again, the people who put up the walls may have not only helped the country but they also inadvertently helped Donald Trump or at least stretched out and complicated the case because had he actually gone down to the Pentagon, we have all the evidence that they would have said no, but boy, would he be an even hotter soup so to speak. the escalating probes into trump's potential january 6th crimes and misconduct is now led by special counsel jack smith at doj. well, i could switch us to xfinity. Had to make it out the red clay. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. Official records support that that doctor was following the law. the city of memphis said today for the first time they will release footage related to the footage once the probe ends. LOFGREN: Well, we have a lot of questions. We`re going back to the West Wing. code on your screen? That`s for the Department of Justice. zifans love zicam's unique zinc formula. but there's someone else who's a hero to me, and 1.5 million other kids and counting. disrupt the itch and rash of eczema. you take it alling to, and what you have here is a portrait of a very stern, very serious, sober and often effective prosecutor. And legally, police say the defendant in that case that I`m telling you about admitted the rape and pled guilty. that's right, robert. there will be hell to pay. So, what I want to do with things that are radical, and not things that are radical, like destroying the police department, my father was (INAUDIBLE). no justification for the conditions under which they were held or the manner under which they were brutalized and torture in the their detainment. His staff insisted that President Trump call off the attack. so start . MELBER: It seems when you take it all together, that there has been overwhelming evidence that Donald Trump`s plot went much further than the horror of the 6th. That`s why we referred this to the Department of Justice. Well, Netflix viewers, if you`re one of them, may recognize some of the show Trigger Warning which confronts gangs, white supremacists, the criminal justice system, exploring how we got to this point in history as so many people think about how things are going right now. thank you, your support has changed our lives. with open questions about whether trump aides like rudy giuliani will not only, say, lose his law license, which is happening, but whether he'll ever face actual charges. anguish that this has caused my family, our lives will never be the same again. We asked for testimony and documents last fall and we were specific with all of the documents we want. some prosecutors just basically won't do it unless they are dragged to it. we'll stay on the story. so let us focus on the how. box came by mail. aye going to see you later in the show. said that they deleted these texts on from the 5th and the 6th after he asked for them. >> yeah. >> huge deal even if you didn't hear about it because it's in a different region. police say they pulled him over on january 7th for what they call reckless driving, a traffic stop. Whether this is a legitimate witness or not, you know, I think is still up for question. he went on to develop an expertise in the hard cases that other lawyers sometimes duck. Musician and activist Killer Mike join Ari Melber to talk about the liberal that pushes Biden amidst inflation, Roe v. Wade fallout, and sagging approval. (cecily) switch to verizon! hold up - yeeerp? here's where that story took a turn. political ratcheting up of these citizens who think they can go out and solve their failed failure by taking out someone's. MELBER: Right. That we need to make sure that young black and working-class white boys in the south have an opportunity to go to trade school. What are you saying in both in the music and your advocacy? we turn to our other big story right now, which is about accountability also in this era of insurrections. those smiles. >> or a legislator's daughter, yeah. chase freedom unlimited. VANCE: And so it`s the fact that Pat Cipollone shows up and puts an end to this and the others in the White House rush in when they get wind of this meeting and say this can`t go any further, that`s one of the turning points that turned out to save democracy. KILLER MIKE, MUSICIAN AND ACTIVIST: When a man yells for his mother in duress and pain and she`s dead, he is essentially yelling, please God, don`t let it happen to me and we watched it. ask about ubrelvy, the anytime, anywhere migraine medicine. good to see you, sir. but it's not just about savings. i want to hear you say it out loud. (group) i did it my way! There are still things we don`t know and there are still things that subpoena-backed investigators will find out that journalists only have pieces of, that`s just how it works. >> they made new law, yeah. Only Mr. Navarro knows why he wants to minimize that, but here we`re showing you from that Navarro report that he has been so passionate about promoting, this is the same report that Trump tweeted about in the announcement of January 6th rally and the secret march. Obviously we want to question him. And so my question to you, if this is criminal evidence, which it may or may not be, what does a lawyer or a prosecutor do with those hours where the apparent question seems to be, were more crimes committed and more people hurt because of in this case the president`s refusal to act? They`re not only the four corners of the legal case. michael, we always love having you on more than one topic. he gets two committees and he'll run around, pretend to be a congressman, and that alleviates any responsibility i may have to deal with him, and that's where he is. he stands accused of it. I think we need to seize a lot of those voting machines. IE 11 is not supported. Uploaded by u put it all on the line. let me think for a moment. The president reached up towards the front of the vehicle to grab at the steering wheel. my doc wrote me the script. take care. A Wall Street Journal published an editorial immediately saying this was, quote, too good to confirm. it's not a what if or a when, it's here repeatedly. That`s interesting. it's pretty much that even keel the whole time. And I think he shouldn`t get an award just for doing his job right when others are not. that's usually more about bribes and kick backs than coups and war crimes. And there were reports that some unnamed people in the Secret Service said they wanted to disagree with her and they`re welcome to go participate and put their names on record under oath the way she did. any expectation otherwise, ari, is a joke, because the behavior pattern has shown us it's not going to change. MELBER: Appreciate it. You have the power to do it. Whoever is my governor in November, I`ll talk to again about it. for best results, use with every wash. this has been medifacts for head & shoulders. The Comic Book Murder. And shout out to again Killer Mike who offered some of those lessons a decade back in the iconic anthem Reagan. they go the trial in special cases, and they win. smith publicly overshot the mark and found juries rejecting some of his cases about the powerful, including a senator turned defendant turned victor over jack smith in a showdown, so if you're donald trump right now, you're worried jack smith will shoot again for another aggressive case. MSNBC. less sick days! he's a tough but low profile prosecutor with a very long record. the test is going to be how you govern the house in concert with the white house and the senate, especially senate republican who is look at this leadership in the house and shake their heads. Ari Naftali Melber, born on 31st March 1980, in Seattle, Washington to Barbara D. Melber, mother, and Daniel M. Melber, that sounds like a here to me. Again, Liz Cheney was very clear in trying to get White House counsel to cooperate. after months of denials, presidential candidate john edwards admitted he had an extramarital affair. And tonight we`ll be joined by someone you may know from politics, culture and music. new pressure on memphis police after 29-year-old tyree nichols died after an encounter with police earlier this month. well, look, i appreciate you weighing in. he has a rare record of prosecuting presidents and heads of state. i got us t-mobile home internet. prosecutors work for the government. You just gotta keep going. The show premiered on July 24, 2017, and became the "longest-running" show at "MSNBC's 6 p.m. hour in network history" in 2021, beating "CNN in total viewers" and performing better against Fox News "than any other show before it." police say he had, a quote, medical emergency and he was running from officers. You have a lot of experience in this field. That`s why we subpoenaed him. We`ve had from the ground up, not the top down. And the I.G. 03:00 am. that's one reason some jurisdictions in the unite, and you can count had up, have over years at a time, no charges for the officials or police who work there, no matter what they do. And here`s what else he said on THE BEAT. Mr. Bannon`s trial begins Monday. MELBER: Yes, I did say. for a limited time, get welcome unlimited for just $25/line. I`ve seen no group of people accelerate financially as quick as we`ve been able to education-wise. justice in america. we are joined now by a veteran of the mueller probe and fbi, andrew weissman. it's one pill, once a day, that's effective without topical steroids. Would have been possible? trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. ARI MELBER, MSNBC HOST: Happy Friday, Nicolle. Now Navarro told us here on THE BEAT that he disclaimed anything about that. Now, I think that in my particular -- in my community in particular, there are certain things that we could do, that we could press for, I think we could press for a black agenda. Killer Mike has a new song out and he`s talking about how to locally organize what he says the next generation is doing already. you see, son, with a little elbow grease, you can do just . MELBER: Copy. That was Grammy- nominated singer-songwriter, Phoebe Bridgers, talking to me this week, that we aired this week, about her creative process. Where we talk to artists and musicians. UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have you been in contact with the FBI about the January 6th investigation for the DOJ? there's no outrage coming from republican leaders right now. Having said that, he still makes for a fact witness. >> that was mayor giuliani at the time, but the scandal and obvious legal question he knows as a prosecutor was not whether some other unnamed government employees were good people. >> exactly. now, just as smith's prosecutions had that history with mayor giuliani, he had his own brush with the trump administration announcing charges in the case i just mentioned, throe days before that president was going to attend a trump white house summit. VANCE: So he, having no privilege against testifying to assert, has got to show up. we're workin' it too. We just walked through how there`s the day-to-day prices, people are hurting. LOFGREN: Well, it seems more than coincidence that he has what is described as this unhinged meeting where he is going to appoint Sidney Powell to be special counsel or -- and going to seize the voting machines, and then as soon as they are ushered out, he releases really the call to arms, also citing Mr. Navarro and the voting machine myth. when the facts suggest they have to turn and investigate their own -- government leaders, their own bosses, the police who are their government teammates in investigations -- that is harder. Joyce and John, thanks for kicking us off. And then there`s what you`ve been exploring for a long time, which is the also go to the structural problems in America. He has of course accepted responsibility for all kinds of things that he claims were allowed, like his so-called sweep but we also found this clip of him publicly promoting the idea back in December 2020. it's someone who gives up themselves so that others will get the help they need. The decision on you know, illegality is something that, you know, the Department of Justice has to decide. you spend time probing members of congress across both parties. MELBER: Based on the available public evidence, what is the significance of that meeting, that late-night meeting which explored potentially a legal and military related efforts to overthrow the election, and what Donald Trump later did that night, which as we shows is cite Mr. Navarro and this other strategy also potentially illegal to overthrow the election? he appears to have attended the january 6th insurrection, at least in some format, according to albuquerque journal reporting. that's why i do what i do. I also want people to run for statewide elections that may not have or didn`t think they had the courage and the money to because we`ll get behind you and support you. In this special report, MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent Ari Melber shows you how Trump's DOJ . silent retreat? rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. And we have the result of that, that is, as I understand it, Pelosi and the vice president reached out to those that accounted for the force that probably saved our republic. zinc that cold! new unseen footage from special counsel jack smith. REP. JIM JORDAN (R-OH): Well, this is a question, this is straight on the Supreme Court -- Supreme Court`s decision. you can almost feel the drag when people walk by with their phones. Coming up, you have Republicans dealing with actual fallout, and punishing protests, and potentially midterm problems, over all of these anti-choice rulings and the way the states are trying to ban women`s rights. friends in government, how it's going to look. cashback on flapjacks, baby backs, or tacos at the taco shack. it shortens colds! And why some Republicans cannot answer what they`re doing and what it means. tv The Beat With Ari Melber MSNBC January 12, 2023 3:00pm-4:00pm PST . At trial, sometimes you pick details that will stick in the jury`s mind. the national broadcasting company (nbc) is an american english-language commercial broadcast television and radio is the flagship property of the nbc entertainment division of nbcuniversal, a subsidiary of is headquartered at 30 rockefeller plaza in new york city.the company also has offices in los angeles at 10 universal you just singled them out, precisely because when they convince people, some confused people or otherwise of the lie, those people then believe that they are living under the illegitimate government, that they are the freedom fighters. You`re the opposite of that. just tell us - what's your why? don't take if allergic to rinvoq, as serious reactions can occur. now, that was an option available to smith, but honestly, a really bold one. zicam. giuliani was pushing very, aggressive policing and profiling of minority areas as mayor of a stint as a big-time prosecutor. take away the roof over their head. Current events and sharp analysis of top trending topics. The show was launched on July 24, 2017, and was recently nominated for a 2020 Emmy Award for Outstanding Live Interview. tonight on msnbc there's a national day of racial healing. >> there's no doubt that this is already a tragedy. it was a visible failure. they concern attempts to intimidate people into not telling this court what happened to them 20 years ago and attempts to obstruct the work of this institution at any cost. But thanks to Reaganomics, prison turned to profits `cause free labor`s the cornerstone of U.S. economic --. They are going to get investigated, but whether or not this was deliberate or intentional has not been determined. Dateline. at the time it was also cast as a, quote, blow to the justice department's beleaguered public integrity section, helmed by jack smith. in critical condition after what was reported broadly as confrontations with police, but his stepfather released this photo from the hospital saying, no one should look like this because of a traffic stop. MELBER: And was it a bad idea or wrong to pursue the military to seize American voting machines? but now, i can disrupt eczema with rinvoq. the world could use. >> well, i guess i'd make a couple points. (cecily) i think the bike's probably faster. MELBER: We got about 90 seconds left, although I`d love to have you back again. not the committee, not the house doing it, but the actually doj. >> yes, it does. it's kevin. It is suspicious what the Secret Service is up to. schedule your appointment today. life. He would not order them to evacuate the Capitol and dispersed. your thoughts tonight. MSNBC's nightly newscast will still begin with Ari Melber at 6 p.m., Joy Reid at 7 and Chris Hayes at 8. It matters not because of the sort of salience or this sort of gossiping nature of him fighting with this own agents, although that`s quite a scene if it were a movie. there's a lot we don't know. you know, just that part had to stop. so again, it he really is the right person for the job, with as much experience as you can have for a very unique undertaking. they deflect to weaponizations of the government, right? It will focus on something that we know about but like so much else with this committee, it may give us more detail and evidence that a sitting president stood by and did nothing, fell down on the job, failed, some called it dereliction of duty, while a major national security target was stormed with his own vice president inside. your contribution will help improve the lives of children and families around the world and you'll receive updates on how your support is tackling the issues you care about most. So, I don`t think he would need a letter from us to be made aware of what we`ve come out with. Ari Melber, an Emmy Award-winning journalist, writer and attorney, is the host of The Beat with Ari Melber airing nightly at 6pm ET on MSNBC. chase. unlike older medicines, ubrelvy is a pill that directly blocks a protein believed to be a cause of migraine. he's one of the few living american prosecutors who's done it abroad as a war crimes prosecutor at the u.n. court at the hague. sorry, i had another thought so i got back in line. and that's as you can imagine one of the most intricate places you can try a case in america. So, yes, I`m very comfortable with the fact, particularly as, you know, overt action can be innocent in conspiracy, well, I don`t think it`s innocent that overt act. Of course, Steve Bannon goes to trial on Monday. where is the general consensus among our political leadership that we need to nip this in the bud? We -- it`s very clear that the president, former president has culpability. He was difficult. These are just facts. so, you know, more fun and games to come, but this is what you expect. so u bring ubrelvy. someone who cares about other people and gives of themselves. So I think it`s not a coincidence. but smith's willingness to roll up obstruction into a wider case is certainly something team, trump is going to be worried about. So, shout out to Greenwood for that. FLANNERY: Yes, I think it is enough. rinvoq is not a steroid, topical, or injection. Even though they didn`t get unionized. fainting can also happen. Feared from warzones to Congress, special counsel Jack Smith is now leading two Trump investigations. What can happen right now, even while he`s sitting in that courtroom is that he can, you know, direct his people to send us all the documents that wouldn`t interfere with his being there in court, and we haven`t gotten them and I`m wondering, I`m guessing we maybe will not. Examining the high stakes surrounding key issues affecting communities across America, cutting through the political noise with compelling . MSNBC Chief Legal Correspondent, Host of 'The Beat with Ari Melber'. you put it on airplane mode when you pass our house. did you know, unless you treat dandruff regularly, it will keep coming back. web pages

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