The Dragon would most certainly have been freed too. So to be honest I could still sympathise with him on some level. That being said I think he would have never learned the ways of the old religion and simply not opposed it- he may still have angered the triple goddess. It may have been with Arthurs death, the Camelot victory, and the Queens ascension that the prophesies come to pass (but of course these are left up to the viewer to conclude). Still Merlin did not need to kill Morgana. Why. Heres what weve read in the past month, including titles from Rick Riordan, Kendare Blake, and more. It is unclear what Morgauses true nature was. If Merlin ever went back, where did he go after all his friends had passed on? And what a gift that must have been for these performers, particularly Morgan and James, to get to fully dive into the depth of emotion there, to be vulnerable and expressive in a way we rarely get to see men be in genre media (or at least we didnt in 2012). They claim they did though, which makes me honestly wish I could hear what was discussed in the planning stages, you know? If Uther were killed in Series 1, Morganas personality equally suggests shed be guilt ridden at her part in it, and unlikely to reveal her magic to Arthur so shes not found out as a conspirator, especially as Tauren was a magic user. The humour returned but wasn't overdone, the relationship between Merlin . 3/ Fucking up Big Time with Morgana: Merlin drove Morgana down the path of villainy. FREE US ALL!. I actually did some research and the king arthur stories are said to be largely fiction based on other Kings in history which I found that surprising. After all Morgana did still love Arthur very much at that point, and if she pleaded with Morgause, who loved her, its doubtful that Morgause would have killed Arthur. They held the episode together and did a remarkable job at bringing a believability to the emotions of their characters. Merlin was never bad and all his decisions were out of kindness. But the funny part about Merlin was that Capps and Murphy werent exactly introducing us to new characters when they set out to create the show. From that very first episode where Merlin was devastated by the shackles destiny, through a journey of realizing that he was choosing to follow a man, not a myth, all the way to the end of Arthurs life (and Merlins realization that he had lost the man, but was still shackled by destiny), we were watching Merlin and Arthur become two halves of a whole, and shaping a world that they and we tragically wouldnt be around to see flourish. The last season was the worst. Would a Merlin reunion disappoint people? He was not corrupted by bitterness or crushed by regret. But you can still generate a prediction for those distances (or any other distance from 100 meters to 100 miles) using our race time predictor. Merlin further sealed Arthurs fate by betraying Mordred and not allowing him to flee with the woman he loves either, and therefore gives him a reason to hate Arthur and the knights of Camelot. For the most part, his efforts in The King's Man are limited to intelligence . Merlin, our protagonist, never got his reward for all those years of hardship. then , the destiny will be fufilled and Merlin has no need to live that long and have backache for centuries. Why do you think the Merlin series finale is so hard to get over? There was a point when I wondered if Merlin would in fact subvert Arthurs death, or at least end before it happened, but when an older Mordred arrived in the form of Alexander Vlahos in season 5, Arthurs prophesied death became inevitable. And ultimately knowing him gave her the strength she needed to break out of the golden cage shed probably have been trapped in all her life, if not for the events of the story. Why in the world did Merlin end? Also the Lacelot Gwenivere adultery was more intense than they showed in the show. Arthur if anything looked like a rather inept king. When Merlin came to an end after 5 years in December 2012, million viewers tuned in to say goodbye to Gwen (Angel Coulby), Arthur Pendragon (Bradley James), Merlin (Colin Morgan) and Morgana (Katie McGrath). Tragic endings are much harder to shake off, because you carry all of the characters regrets and what ifs around with you. In the legend of Arthur he DOES come back and in the finale they implied thatsaying that Arthur would rise again when Camelot needed the most. From that moment on, Arthur had no chance. Gwen went from servant to queen, Arthur went from inexperienced prince to competent king, Morgana went from philanthropic princess to queen of darkness, and even Mordred got to transform from loyal friend to reluctant enemy. If youre looking for a new Percy Jackson podcast, look no further than Prophecy Radio, which will discuss all of Rick Riordans projects, new and old. i totaly differ with thatit would bring nothin but humiliation to its fanatics. Could he ever attach himself to people, knowing that he would only lose them like hed lost everyone else hed ever loved? One of my favorite scenes in the whole show is in the last episode of season three. A part of me wonders if this was what the actual writers of the show had intended. Lately as I watch in obsessive mode its been buggiing how much Arthur was so mean to Merlin but I think it was his immaturity at certain stages and he didnt seem close with any of the others after Merlin showed up on the scene. It will never be okay. And its not just us! The name "Merlin" is actually an alias as her true name is . Even celebrating the lasting endurance of Merlin, it would be remiss of me not to note how the series failed its female characters in the later seasons. Merlin, played by Colin Morgan (Humans, The Fall), was a bright-eyed, Harry Potter-esque teenager arriving in the 'big city' of Camelot, immediately running afoul of the arrogant and entitled . We spent five years watching these characters grow and change and become the characters we knew from legend. Magic users across Camelot and all of Albion would have looked on Arthur as their hero. So before we dive into the intricacies of . Neither one of them would have become villains under these circumstances. Furthermore, Morgause straight up used Arthur to try and kill Uther in a sneaky and underhanded way, which as Merlin notes, Arthur wouldnt forgive himself for. Those are his mistakes. He gave her the antidote. Its so ridiculous to me that the series ended the way they wanted it to, that this was the story they wanted to tell. The Dragons advice in this instance was only wrong in that he should have told Merlin to make sure Uther died. Yes, she confides in Merlin, but this only after he says he already knows and she has little choice in this regard. I couldnt bear the thought about having a complete idiotic title character, which should have been a wise man as the legend told. Once again the Dragon gives the young wizard advice that could have avoided the future we see in series 5. Also Merlin could have turned Morgana against Morgause by telling her that Morgause had made her the source of her spell, which Morgana did not know about. Nothing of the journey from the very first episode we start on ultimately comes to pass. Merlin! Everything we watch ultimately is a failure. Merlin and Arthurs destinies were not a foregone conclusion either. With all the hate that is within Morgana there would never be any kind of peace possible because shes greedy for revenge (especially against Uther) So he didnt fail there. Casts a spell that makes everyone in Camelot fall asleep. If not with Uther, Morgana has constantly stated and witnessed Arthur being better than Uther, but chooses not to have faith in what she says and knows of him. THE ENDING IS LIKE SO SAD I AGREE I HATE THE ENDING. I think that the reason Arthur never became a great king was simply because Merlin fucked up. So while he technically fulfilled his destiny, his storyline did not come full circle like the others did. To make one final Harry Potter comparison, the epilogue of Merlin had the exact opposite effect on me that Deathly Hallows did, in that I didnt feel cheated into accepting that a story I loved living in was truly over, but rather felt encouraged to live in that emotion and tragedy and possibility for as long as I could, mining the emotion of it and holding the entire series in higher regard as a result. The big threat (the birth of Tiamut and the destruction of Earth) has been avoided, and our heroes are left to sort out . Five months later, and were still not over the dramatic, traumatizing Merlin series finale. ;), but maybe they could have made a season 6 and even more, like, for example, to make Arthur get revived or something Personally, Merlin is one of my favourite series ever but the ending really disappointed me And why did they have to kill Arthur??? I had to interpret the ending of The Adventures of Merlin in a positive light, or I wouldve gone insane: Merlin is in the court scene when Guin is declared the primary ruler of Camelot after King Arthur has been announced dead. Storytellers usually cant help but leave their readers/viewers one small silver lining, just enough to allow them to make their peace with an otherwise tragic ending. But. He has powers beyond comprehension even as a child, doesnt fall for Merlins lies, is clearly in control even though he is a child and tells Merlin he will never forget his betrayal. Imagine that Arthur seeing a Dragon swoop in to save him. Merlin informed Sir Percival of King Arthurs passing and Sir Percival informed Gaius, Queen Guinivere, and the Sir Leon. He believes so fervently in that destiny that he has taken the chance to lay down his own life countless times, and had chosen to believe in the good. Ive always loved the story of Merlin and King Arthur and when this TV series came out I was as excited about it as everyone else. In the final episode it states that Arthur will live again when the world needs him the most. I might be in the minority when I say I really loved that final shot, of Merlin emerging thousands of years later at the dried-up banks of Avalon, still waiting for Arthurs return. He may have protected them years ago from evil sorcerers, but he has since drowned and burned innocent men, women and children! Merlin premiered 10 years ago today, promising a fun family adventure. I found myself a little curious last night and went looking for articles about the ending of Merlin and found this one. Speaking with "GMA" via telephone, Behar recalled how . Personally I think it would have been better if Merlin had told her about his secret. The pandemic is giving me time to rediscover Acorn, Netflix and others but I quite enjoyed your recap. Those of us who watched last December wish we could tell you the feels are a phase which will pass, but as we here at Hypable know first hand, thats just not the case. He also knows that sometimes there are roundabout ways to interpret the dragons advice. If he had allowed Uther to die then the following things would have happened. Just discovered this show on Netflix. It was obvious that the Arthur from seasons 1 and 2 did not hate magic like his father and in time could have easily been swayed to view it as a force for good in some instances. Morgana could have explored the full extent of her powers and would not have posed a threat to either Arthur or Merlin. And all four had interesting, layered relationships with the rest, ripe with just the kind of ambiguous potential that fuels a fandom (incidentally, another similarity between Merlin and Harry Potter). It would take a cold hearted bastard to let a pleading child be executed. I mean, there must be a reason why Merlin is still alive at the very end of the episode. Can you imagine Uther doing that? I agree with you that the people who produced this wanted to show that while prophesies can be made the ultimate outcome can be changed. Now Arthur at that point was already shown to be a lot more open minded to the use of magic. None of these actors ever held back when it came to expressing the emotional truths of their characters, but the Merlin series finale took the show to a whole other level. There is belief among people till this day that one day when Britain needs him the most, hi will rise ag. Unfortunately however this never happened! The end is frustrating, Merlin would have saved Arthur by calling the Dragon to take them to the lake or even by not ignoring the prophecy about Mordred and go on the battle field to help Arthur instead of being the hero to Camelot and failing Arthur. Aaaahahahahahaha, that last paragraph is hilarious!!! What I dont agree with, is that it is even remotely a fitting ending for the show. Merlin does have a hand in it, as much as she has a hand in making him sterner and calculated, if not ruthless at times. In this respect the ending of the show makes more sense to me now. A . Merlin would never have made that decision, ans it frustrated me that they wrote it that way because it felt utterly out of character. In this interview, Murphy acknowledges that, "Yes, it is quite sad," but at the same time, "it's quite a sad legend, to be honest, so it . For this reason Merlin convinced Arthur not to agree to their demands and not to bring magic back. He did everything wrong. When you are the last dragon lord and the great dragon advises one thing and your father-like teacher who has shown to be wrong so often that he apologizes in every episode, why would you listen to the teacher? May 29, 2022 . She would not have been able to manipulate Morgana as she only did so because Morgana felt scared and alone, being magical in Uthers kingdom. But by establishing that Merlin is still out there, is still waiting, the writers made sure that we would never stop waiting either. 4/ He turned Arthur against magic for good, by killing his father with it, which only happened because of Morgana whom he had turned evil. Did he find love? What did it mean, this bond of destiny? In fact, it was in the P-51 Mustang that the Merlin, produced under license as the V-1650 by the Packard Motor Car Company, gained perhaps its greatest renown. She does it again when she goes to the druids but refuses to leave to protect them; not does she admit to going to them of her own will. Furthermore the Dsir warn him that he will not get another chance if he does not return magic. He took Morgana to meet the Druids who told her exactly what she was and became allies for her outside of Camelot. If Merlin had listened to the Dragon once again, he would have eliminated a powerful threat, but he instead kept her alive. The Dragon says that there is a prophecy that Arthur will unite the lands of Albion and bring magic back, but lets not forget he also warns Merlin that there are a number of threats that could prevent this from happening. I was thinking the same thing, that someone should remake it, but the thought of recreating the costumes, sets, script, rehearsing, acting, filming, then music writing and post production you would need to be really dedicated! Expectations and emotions were running high as the audience waited to see how the show would tie up the many loose ends and conclude Arthur Pendragon's epic saga to save Camelot with the help of his . The title character fails completely. merlin ending truck explained. Merlin, played by Colin Morgan (Humans, The Fall), was a bright-eyed, Harry Potter-esque teenager arriving in the big city of Camelot, immediately running afoul of the arrogant and entitled Prince Arthur, played by Bradley James (Damien, Underworld). What I dont agree with, is that it is even remotely a fitting ending for the show. I understand that the show got cancelled, so there is no way to further the plot, but I feel like Merlin ultimately failed his destiny and let the King down. Morgana lusted for the throne of Camelot. Trailer Trucks. And that leads us to the real reason we cant let go of Merlin: the series finale. I would have had Gaius die in the last episode of series 4. Merlin may not have spoken up, but ultimately neither did she. Was she pure evil, or was she just simply wanting to free the land from Uther? While the film managed to avoid being delayed too much because of the pandemic, its release date was pushed from April to July 2022 before Sony Pictures Releasing settled on an . Morganas secret is safe with Merlin not simply because hes her friend, but because hes her inferior and Uther is unlikely to believe him. I just feel really disbelieving that hed never come to that conclusion. A favorite of mine is the Kilgharrah conspiracy here. (If it hadnt, we wouldnt have cared enough to write this article in the first place.). This is Morganas choice. So I've put together a happier version using lots of different clip. The truck switch on the engine, and from the villa emerges a figure that seems (but we are not sure) Mr. Bailey. And what is he even waiting for, exactly for his destiny to be fulfilled, or for his friend Arthur? He would have continued to look on Morgause as an ally, as she had revealed the truth to him. Here Morgana has finally decided to dispose of Uther and Merlin hearing of her plan talks to the Dragon. On top of that he would have had Morgana convincing him not to treat those with Magic so cruelly. Mistakes are made mirroring the imperfection of our own decisions but it doesnt stop Merlin trying to live by his values and seeking to achieve a goal beyond himself and for the greater good even at great cost to himself. for i bage that you atleast make the sixth episode as you have explained it would be. It's one thing to spare a tyrant who persecutes your kind, but to drive your friend down the path of villainy is another. From that moment on, Arthur had no chance. The finale held neither respite nor relief, as true endings rarely do. He found a certain solace in Minerva and amidst his depression tries to still help Pol after he learns about Pol's father's outstanding debt toward . Kilgarrah probably meant that Arthur already built what he was destined to achieve, by setting things in motion. Disposing of both of them obviously eliminates the threat they pose to Arthur and Merlin. Merlin stopped this from happening by ignoring the Dragons advice that Uthers time had come to its end. And the more time passes from me having watched it and yet it still comes frequently to mind the more I appreciate its lasting legacy and impact. Yeah, it pretty much ranks up there as one of the few works of fiction well never, ever forget. Maybe one day Ill recreate the TV show Merlin after all Im still young and lots to come! ), that final shot was the nail in our collective coffin of doom: after all this time, Arthur has still not returned. It feels unresolved, like a failure of character writing. Merlin would never have made that decision, ans it frustrated me that they wrote it that way because it felt utterly out of character. If he was going to actually poison her, then he should have gone through with it. And who among us cant relate to that? She has been able to stand up to, and question both, and whatever Uthers threats to magic users, his relationship with her suggests that at very least he wouldnt kill her for having magic. 1/ Sparing Mordred: He should have followed the Great Dragons advice and killed him, or at the very least not made Mordred suspicious of him. He could have lead him out into a field and had the dragon burn him to death. Well this and the Kilgharrah conspiracy which is awesome but I think this is more likely as if they had intended Kilgharrah to be the villain then they would have dropped more hints. I kept waiting for Merlin to become more than just a servant to Arthur, sure Arthur cared a lot for him, but imagine how it would have been if, as you said, Merlin revealed his powers earlier on and Arthur came to accept them as a powerful weapon. As for Gwen, at least we can make up a happy ending for her. He declares Uther a hypocrite and a liar who has murdered innocent people simply to ease his own guilt over his wifes death. Still Merlin did play a hand in it by delaying the assassin and giving Morgana enough time to save Uthers life. Firstly, it lies in a sexist area of Morgana needing a man to save her. Its more a case of if Merlin does things correctly then that future will unfold. Merlin would never have made that decision, ans it frustrated me that they wrote it that way because it felt utterly out of character. Free Guy was every bit the action comedy Ryan Reynolds name is becoming synonymous with, but there is a hell of a lot more to it than that. A full trailer is a term that is used in the US for a freight trailer that is supported by the front and rear axles that are pulled by a drawbar. But even those endings are easier to get over than the ending of Merlin. Rai, in "Merli: Sapere Aude" Season 2, finds himself lost and unable to focus on one thing. Its hardly a wonder that after this, being told that Morgana was going evil, seeing shades of it, and seeing her lying that he chose the poison, especially as he was weakened and desperate. We dont know, because this tragic ending was not an ending at all. Still you can see what I mean about how this episode alone shows us that Arthurs destiny is not a something that is definite. Particularly the middle seasons suffered by falling back on a more superficial monster-fix-reset-repeat formula to keep its characters from both moving too far forward and veering too far off the beaten path. (If it hadn't, we wouldn't have cared enough to write this article in the first place.) True to its concept, Merlin depicted its heroes as ordinary, modern-ish people, familiar and relatable to a modern audience even if the backdrop was fantastical. It was finally revealed that Merlin was the sorcerer and has been looking after Arthur the entire time, and ultimately he had won the war for Camelot. It has been suggested that 'Myrddin' is a name . The series was a lot of fun to watch. I just feel really disbelieving that hed never come to that conclusion. Arthur also argued that even if Gwens father had been using magic then he did not deserve to be persecuted as long as he had not used it to harm anyone. Maybe I wont have Morgana come back with Arthur but I loved the rest. Bringing you that one movie, show, book and album that you need to consume. Cenred was at war with Camelot because of his hatred of Uther. Thing is, Morganas personality and choices also ultimately worked against her, and in that regard, when she continually had the chance to reassess and repent, she never did. Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgard), for example, may well be being set up as a villain for Season 2, while the final moments also seem to be setting up a love triangle between Nimue, Arthur (Devon Terrell . If he have not done that, Morgana might repent (not sure but i think all she wants is acceptance and trust ) and mordred will not be an enemy if Arthur did not kill her love (Kara). Merlin saw what a disaster modern society was, so he brought Arthur back. Yes, it would have been amazing to have gotten it sooner; no, they wouldnt necessarily have been able to catch lightning in a bottle twice. (Arthur would have obviously revealed why he had killed him) and had destroyed his legacy, by bringing magic back to the realm. Throughout the series Arthur and Merlins destiny are if you will pardon the pun, not set in stone. One of the key reasons why the finale will stay with us forever is because of how deeply it moved us. I think what we had seen of Merlin up to that point, would have led to him realizing this task was Arthurs test and could can get the dude for good. This is, in our opinion, ultimate proof that the BBC is run by a cult of evil geniuses. Merlin sealed Arthurs fate. Using his ability Invasion, Gowther saw in Meliodas' memory that Merlin was the one that attacked and rendered him unconscious, her reasons unclear. Rise of the Titans is the culmination of all three, wrapping up Tales of Arcadia with a feature film that brings together all of the characters for a climactic battle. It was literally the perfect place for him to tell him it was possible. Living in constant fear of Uther, being betrayed by her best friend etc. Morgause does this so that she can sneak in and kill Uther and Arthur. Since everyone is familiar with the legend of Merlin King Arthur and Camelot it was a bit frustrating to watch an alternate story that turned out so differently and so badly. Let us know in the comments below! Your analysis has a great deal of merit, but their decision to end it like that really makes the entire show pointless. He shows in his actions and actually says that a number of times. Merlin and Mordred are both portrayed as parallel characters, traversing opposite paths but both Catalysts to the heros destiny. The ending ruins the entire story of the series in my opinion in what was a very epic storylinewith the entirety of it destroyed just by the last episode. In the final scene, when Emrys is walking through Modern Great Britain and he is walking past Arthurs grave. Mordred would have grown up in a society where his kind was accepted, and would have looked on Arthur as his hero who slew the evil tyrant Uther and saved his life, whilst Morgana would have been able to discover her magic powers and not felt like an outsider because of them. Can someone explain the ending of Merlin? The main reason Merlin worked, and why we cant just forget about it now, was because of the sheer heart poured into it from everyone involved. Gaius is on the edge about it, but Merlin points out at some point later that Morgana could have shifted Uthers views if shed chosen to be braver. And Arthur killing his love. Arthurs destiny wasnt to rule over camelot, thats propably Gwens destiny. (Another reason why Gwen and Morganas arcs ended early, and why Merlin and Arthurs couldnt reach their ending until the finale.). Heads up, Taylor Swift fans Red (Taylors Version) is coming even sooner than we expected! The Dragon does always to be fair give Merlin the most ruthless and callous suggestion. Morgana may have felt some guilt over Uthers death for a while, but ultimately as Uther was a tyrant and his death allowed the fair and just Arthur to emerge. I think what we had seen of Merlin up to that point, would have led to him realizing this task was Arthurs test and could help him turn it for good. Its vision of medieval times had the too-clean, glossy shine of a Disney movie (indeed it was clearly inspired by Disneys Sword in the Stone), but even so, there was something refreshingly informal about the way the characters looked and behaved. When Merlin premiered 10 years ago today, nobody imagined that the series would have such a lasting impact on its audience, and while the series itself was fantastic, I think the real reason we cant let go is that the show didnt let us: it ended on a note of reckless emotional abandon and then didnt really end. Its possible she may have still tried to take the throne from Arthur, but doing so would have been no easy task for her. Many have blamed the Dragon for this but I dont think you can completely. TBH when I wrote this I was just trying to look at it from a different point of view, but I admit the ending does still bug me too. While he never wanted reward or recognition for what he did, that didnt mean he didnt deserve it that the audience wasnt expecting that payoff after having to watch him carry his secret for all these years. Thanks to his foolish actions both Morgause and Morgana became Arthurs enemies when they could have instead become very powerful allies of his, or both disposed of. What if Romeo and Juliet had just talked to each other like normal people? He would have been the one who killed his father, the enemy of all magic and exposed his hypocrisy. Everyone else had their Golden Age (although most of it happened during the gap between seasons 4 and 5), but Merlin only came into his power at the very end, when Arthurs reign was over. What does Albion represent now, today? The great kingdom Arthur was supposed to build would have happened by season 2 and Morgana would not have gone down the path of darkness, had Merlin listened to the Dragon. Season 1 so fully leaned into the intensity of these character dynamics that it almost had nowhere to go but down: the series certainly did not pay off on all that was set up in that first season, and it wasnt really until the final act that it fully committed to the intensity of the bond between Merlin and Arthur. We see Merlins character grow from a young, naive boy only discovering his abilities to a man whose magical power is realised and matched only in strength by his kind and loyal nature. This only further convinced Arthur that magic was a force for darkness and could not be allowed in Camelot. Im sorry for the typos, Im on mobile. Lets try that again. Merlins destiny or purpose with King Arthur wasnt over.

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