"[63] Consequently, Guzmn Decenas deserted from the Armed Forces and brought more than 30 army deserters to form part of Crdenas' new criminal paramilitary wing. At first, estimates mentioned that 148 inmates had escaped, but later counts gave the exact figures. [164] Banners written by Los Zetas, the Gulf Cartel's former armed wing, appeared all across Mexico, celebrating the death of Crdenas Guilln. [244] In the border city of Reynosa, 85 inmates escaped from a prison on 10 September 2010. Both the Mexican and U.S. government increased their efforts to apprehend Crdenas Guilln. "[12][A 2], He was then extradited to the United States from Mexico on 19 August 2011 to face charges on drug trafficking. [205] In the midsts of violence and panic, local authorities and the media tried to minimize the situation and claim that "nothing was occurring", but the facts were impossible to cover up. Cano Flores was later sentenced to 35 years in prison and ordered to forfeit US$15 billion on 13 May 2013, making him "highest ranking Gulf Cartel member to be convicted by a U.S. jury in the past 15 years. [263], Although there have been efforts by the federal government to wipe out police corruption, Terra Networks published an article of a witness who said that the police forces in Matamoros work as "informants for the Gulf Cartel" and report on the activity of the Mexican military, and even "wave at [the cartel members]" when they see them in the streets. [10] It is currently based in Matamoros, Tamaulipas, directly across the U.S. border from Brownsville, Texas. [326] In addition, due to the low-paying salaries of many policemen, the Gulf Cartel often "buys" many law enforcement officers in Mexico. [323], FBI agents have claimed that the Gulf Cartel moves millions of dollars in cash through the Rio Grande Valley each month, a tempting amount for many U.S. [188] The strong ties the Gulf Cartel has with the prison gangs in the United States have also raised concern to American officials. [79], In 2002, there were three main divisions of the Cartel, all ruled over by Crdenas and led by: Jorge Eduardo "El Coss" Costilla Sanchez, Antonio "Tony Tormenta" Crdenas Guillen, and Heriberto "El Lazca" Lazcano Lazcano. [87], The former leader of the Gulf Cartel, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, was captured in the city of Matamoros, Tamaulipas, on 14 March 2003, in a shootout between the Mexican military and Gulf Cartel gunmen. [333] Top leaders of the Gulf organization, like Juan Garca brego, Osiel Crdenas Guilln, Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez and Antonio Crdenas Guilln, among others, have been charged by the U.S. government for laundering millions of dollars. In 1986, according to Proceso, Cabeza de Vaca was arrested for stealing weapons under the orders for a Drug Trafficking Organization (DTOs) of the Gulf Cartel. [89] According to government archives, this six-month military operation was planned and carried out in secret; the only people informed were the President Vicente Fox, the Secretary of Defense in Mexico, Ricardo Clemente Vega Garca, and Mexico's Attorney General, Rafael Macedo de la Concha. [174], However, his brother Osiel Crdenas Guilln disapproved the existence of this mercenary group, since he had created Los Zetas, the parallel version of Los Escorpiones, and they had turned against the organization. [250] The 5 guards that were supposed to supervise have not been found, and the Federal government urged the state and municipal authorities to strengthen the security of their prisons. [136] This military-led operation was a result of more than six months of intelligence work. [278] Below is the basic structure of the cartel: It's worth noting that there are other operating groups within the drug cartels. [270] Since February 2010, the major cartels have aligned in two factions, one integrated by the Jurez Cartel, Tijuana Cartel, Los Zetas and the Beltrn-Leyva Cartel;[271] the other faction integrated by the Gulf Cartel, Sinaloa Cartel, La Familia Cartel (now extinct) and the Knights Templar Cartel.[272][273]. . In June 2019, Carlos Abraham Ros Surez, also known as El Oaxaco, was arrested. [175] El Universal reported that Mexican authorities identified the gunmen that were engaging in confrontations against the troops in Matamoros, Tamaulipas as members of the Los Escorpiones group. Das Golf-Kartell, Cartel del Golfo oder auch CDG ist eine kriminelle Vereinigung in Mexiko. [41] During the four-week trial, 84 witnesses, ranging from "law enforcement officers to convicted drug smugglers," confessed that Garca brego smuggled loads of Colombian cocaine on planes and then stored them in several border cities along the MexicoUnited States border before being smuggled to the Rio Grande Valley. When the hostilities began, the Gulf organization joined forces with its former rivals, the Sinaloa Cartel and La Familia Michoacana, aiming to take out Los Zetas. [262] On 7 November 2011, about 1,660 policemen were released from their duties because they had either failed their control tests or refused to take them. [186] The U.S. National Drug Threat Assessment mentioned that the drug trafficking organizations like the Gulf Cartel tend to be less structured in U.S. than in Mexico, and often rely on street gangs to operate inside the United States. [245] Reports first indicated that there were 71 fugitives, but the correct figures were later released. He was the first drug trafficker to be on that list. [340] Arms trafficking from the U.S. to Mexico, however, is often carried out individually, and there is no criminal group in Mexico or an international organization that is solely dedicated to this activity. [17], By the 1980s, Garca brego began incorporating cocaine into the drug trafficking operations and started to have the upper hand on what was now considered the Gulf Cartel, the greatest criminal dynasty in the US-Mexico border. [221][222] Moreover, the state of Tamaulipas was no exception; according to Santiago Creel, a PAN politician and pre-candidate for the 2012 presidency, the PRI in Tamaulipas has protected the Gulf Cartel for years. [246] On 5 April 2010, in the same prison, a convoy of 10 trucks filled with gunmen broke into the cells and liberated 13 inmates, and the authorities later mentioned that 11 of them were "extremely dangerous. [137] Milenio Television mentioned that the Mexican authorities had tried to apprehend Crdenas Guilln twice before this incident, but that his personal gunmen had distracted the Mexican forces and allowed him to be escorted in his armored vehicle. [135] Other sources mention that one news reporter was also killed in the crossfire. In fact, they are paid around $3,618 pesos (about US$260) a month in all of Tamaulipas. [196], The Gulf Cartel and other Mexican drug trafficking groups are active in the northern and western parts of Africa. [302][303][304] Investigators believe that more unreported kidnappings have occurred in nearby locations. [228][229] The municipal president of Tampico, Tamaulipas, scar Prez Inguanzo, was arrested 12 November 2011, due to his "improper exercise of public functions and forgery" of certain documents. Un tiroteig que ha tingut lloc la matinada d'aquest dilluns a l municipi de Goshen (ubicat al comtat de Tulare, estat de Califrnia, als Estats Units) ha deixat 6 morts, inclosos una mare de 17 anys i el seu nad de 6 mesos, segons han informat les autoritats locals. Exmilitares de lite entrenados por fuerzas especiales de Estados Unidos e Israel. The potential alliance was conducted by Juan Reyes Meja Gonzlez (alias "R1"), from the Gulf Cartel; and Rogelio Gonzlez Pizaa (alias "Z-2"), from Los Zetas. [91] However, it was believed that Crdenas still controlled the Gulf Cartel from prison,[92] and was later extradited to the United States, where he was sentenced to 25 years in a prison in Houston, Texas for money laundering, drug trafficking and death threats to U.S. federal agents. [356] Apart from using these common ways, once the product is across the border, common cars and trucks are used for faster distribution in different cities. Those who were more loyal to the Crdenas family stayed with the Rojos, while those loyal to Jorge Eduardo Costilla Snchez, like Flores Borrego, defended the Metros. "[256] They also reported that in Aguascalientes, a state where violence levels are much lower, policemen are paid five times more than in Tamaulipas. [63] In response to the rising power of the Gulf Cartel, the rival Sinaloa Cartel[77] established a heavily armed, well-trained enforcer group known as Los Negros. [321] He is allegedly reported to have been protected by a large private army of gunmen. Drug Wars: Narco Warfare in the twenty-first century. [289], Protection racketeering Vicente Carrillo Fuentes era Victor Casillas en la serie, protagonizado por Ral Mndez. [248] The federal government "strongly condemned" the prison breaks and said that the work by the state and municipal authorities of Tamaulipas "lack effective control measures" and urged them to strengthen their institutions. [300] The Mexican Lucha libre wrestler Lzaro Gurrola, known as the Estrella Dorada (Golden Star), was also arrested for kidnapping people for the Gulf Cartel. [316] The newspaper La Vanguardia mentioned that the Gulf Cartel receives "large sums of money by extorting businesses" all around Tamaulipas. [318] --> Garca brego was apprehended on 14 January 1996, and Mexico shortly after received certification on 1 March. He is also a former member of the Federal Judicial Police in Tamaulipas. Stealing oil from PEMEX and selling it illegally has been one of the many funding activities of the Gulf Cartel. Nevertheless, after the arrest and extradition of Crdenas, internal struggles led to a rupture between the Gulf and the Zetas. Gente Nueva, also known as Los Chapos, in reference to their drug lord Joaqun Guzmn Loera, is a large group of well-trained and experienced gunmen that function as one of the elite armed wings of the Sinaloa Cartel, created to counter, battle and destroy the Jurez Cartel's influence in the Mexican north-west, as well as to battle and destroy La Lnea which is currently the Jurez Cartel's largest remaining cell. [178] Crdenas Vela had held a grudge on Flores Borrego and the Metros because he believed that they had led the Mexican military to track down and kill his uncle Antonio Crdenas Guilln on 5 November 2010. In Sicario: Day of Soldado (2018) the CIA framed the Matamoros Cartel for killing the antagonists men to intentionally start a cartel war between rivals. [112] The U.S. federal court awarded two helicopters owned by Crdenas to the Business Development Bank of Canada and the GE Canada Equipment Financing respectively, and both of them were brought from "drug proceeds". When the series begins, he is ex military, 30 years old, and the ruthless leader of 'Los Emes', the armed wing of the Gulf Cartel, which is the top threat to the Sinaloa Cartel. The leader of Mexico's most brutal drug cartel was arrested early Wednesday morning, but his capture will most likely have only a minor impact on what the US government has called "the most. [27] On 14 January 1996, Garca brego was arrested outside a ranch in Monterrey, Nuevo Len. officials. [243] The authorities mentioned that the incident is "under investigation," but did not give further information. [103] However, continual disagreement was leading the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas into an inevitable rupture. [310] La Jornada mentioned that before the rupture with Los Zetas in 2007, the corridor of Reynosa, Tamaulipas was often used for human smuggling. [195] Along with the market in the United States, the drug market in Europe is among the most lucrative in the world, where the Mexican drug cartels are believed to have deals with the mafia groups of Europe. "[260] The Joint Operation Nuevo Len-Tamaulipas issued in 2007, along with several other military-led operation by the federal government, have brought thousands of troops to restore order in Tamaulipas. [118] Other reports mention, however, that the rupture occurred due to a disagreement about who would take on the leadership of the cartel after the extradition of Osiel. The attack took place early Wednesday when gunmen used a car bomb to blow up the entrance to a state prison in Tula, Hidalgo. [56] The next in line was Sergio Gmez alias El Checo, however, his leadership was short-lived when he was assassinated in April 1996 in Valle Hermoso, Tamaulipas. [169], Los Escorpiones, also called Grupo Escorpios,[170] (The Scorpions), was believed to be the mercenary group that protected Antonio Crdenas Guilln, the former leader of the organization. According to the media outlet, Baltazar Hinojosa brother in law, owns a shell company created by the law firm, where its board of directors' members is his wife and three daughters. Los Zetas, (Spanish: "the Zs") Mexican crime syndicate formed in 1997 as the enforcement arm of the drug-trafficking Gulf Cartel; it broke away as an independent organized criminal enterprise in 2010. They also fought for coastal cities Acapulco, Guerrero and Cancn, Quintana Roo; the state capital of Monterrey, Nuevo Len, and the states of Veracruz and San Luis Potos. With their expansion within the Gulf cartel, their disentanglement and Z-40's takeover they probably started to look more like the Vampiros from Zero Zero Zero or like regular Sicarios. Kidnappings [65] Among the original defectors were Jaime Gonzlez Durn,[66] Jess Enrique Rejn Aguilar,[67] Miguel Trevio Morales,[68] and Heriberto Lazcano,[69] who would later become the supreme leader of the independent cartel of Los Zetas. The creation of Los Zetas brought a new era of drug trafficking in Mexico, and little did Crdenas know that he was creating the most violent drug cartel in the country. [62] Among his first contacts was Arturo Guzmn Decena, an Army lieutenant who was reportedly asked by Crdenas to look for the "best men possible. El Cartel De Los Sapos En la vida real: Fernando Henao Montoya. The Gulf Cartel, originally founded in Mexico the 1930s to smuggle whiskey and other illicit commodities into the United States, expanded significantly by the 1970s under Juan Garcia-Abrego, who became the first drug trafficker to be placed on the FBI's Ten Most Wanted List. The Mexican Mafia, also known as La eMe, is a Mexican American criminal organization in the United States. [265] The federal government is also constructing three military bases in Tamaulipas: in Ciudad Mier, San Fernando and Ciudad Mante. It operates in more than half of the country's 32 states. [180] When the Gulf cartel and Los Zetas split in early 2010, some members of the Rojos stayed with the Gulf cartel, while others decided to leave and join the forces of Los Zetas. [78] The group operated similar to Los Zetas, but with less complexity and success. Protection racketeering Vicente Carrillo Fuentes era Victor Casillas en la vida real: Fernando Henao Montoya Brownsville Texas... But did not give further information [ 245 ] Reports first indicated that there were fugitives. Known as la eMe, is a Mexican American criminal organization in the crossfire [ 318 --! Directly across the U.S. border from Brownsville, Texas Golfo oder auch CDG ist eine kriminelle Vereinigung in.. 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Jack Clayton Westfield State, Articles L