Additionally, many phony SEALs will spell awards and citations incorrectly. SEALs arent stationed on ships. R. T. P. Woolard addressed this in an article he wrote for The Blast some years back. If he is going to make up stuffwe expected better than this. Im only mentioning this because if someone asked me to list the obstacles I would say, Parallel Bars, Stump Jump, Low Wall, etc. Sometimes imposters pay a price for their deceptions. It takes a special person to give their life for their country, and these brave men and women have a piece of my heart (its a big one) He can tell you with 100% certainty whether or not the dudes a SEAL. One way to prove whether or not someone was a Navy SEAL is to do a FOIA request. My class 87 went green, red and then blue for 1st, 2nd and 3rd phase. Part 3 BENJAMIN CRAIG SLAMAN the FOX News SEAL CIA Jerkoff Dude. FOLLOW AND LIKE US --> EXTREME SEAL EXPERIENCE 5701 Bar Neck Rd Cambridge, MD 21613 PHONE: 757-572-7203 Navigation Menu . It also appears that he didnt give all of his shirts away because this is a new photo, FaceBook;, Category: Combat veteran, Stolen Valor, US Navy Posers & Embellish-ers, US Navy SEAL - Poser I wonder how his family feels about his lies; does his wife look at him differently or did she suspect all along it was little more than a fairy tale. Thanks!! Very disappointed in paul for doing this, and really wish he didnt fake but you cant truly fix being a POS because habits follow you no matter what. SEAL Teams 1, 3, 5, and 7 are based out of Coronado, CA, and SEAL Teams 2, 4, 8, and 10 are based out of Little Creek, VA. ``I had some students that were very, very marginal,' Ashman said. He had a training accident and was sent stateside in mid-October. You had to get off the parallel bars and jump from log to log on the way to the low wall). Its pretty simple. Its a contraction of his middle initial (B), and his last name, Allen. Paul seems to give advice on being a SEAL while disrespecting the Air Force and Coast Guard. Great comments gents. . There was another guy in Naperville who did the same shit he no longer lives in Illinois so if I was Paul be prepared for payback fuck face its coming real soon. Wait until the mother fer is dead and check on his headstone. I asked him if he knew what Stolen valor was. He faces up to five years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. That is the kind of thing unknowing people use on TV. Yes, first letter A. Ewing was impressed enough with his former sailor to sign as co-guarantor when Nolan leased a new $68,959 Mercedes S320 for his business in 1998, according to court records. I just lost a friend who was a SEAL way back before lying about it was even a thing. For example, Class 52 was designated 7102, which stood for the 2nd class of 1971. He has NO clue what hes talking about, hes pulling crap out of his butt. The SEALS came to them and recruited them. Cargo Net 7. It was tough finding enough men to join the service during the Vietnam war, and the Navy SEALs were no exception. 13. But he has never met one. Jose Carlos Montanez - Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame. Sorry for the late reply. Keep us posted Phil! Nolan's charade unraveled on Nov. 8 when he pleaded guilty in Norfolk federal court to making false statements to federal agents. 2000 Trident Way I am slow at getting around to this story about the douche bag piece of shit named Paul. Paul Puccillo - Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame. 2017 Jeep Grand Cherokee. ``I asked him how he got through the hellhole in Hanoi,' Schantag said. 19. His name is Gary J. Sprinzl. He was questioned about being a SEAL and he states he was in Class 230. Thanks, Protecting the Valor of those who have defended our freedom, Paul Puccillo Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame, John William Zelenock, BUD/S Graduate, Fake SEAL, Anthony Gordon Phony Vietnam Veteran, Blog of Shame, Paul Puccillo; phony SEAL : This ain't Hell, but you can see it from here, Richard Elmer Johnson US Army, US Marine SNCO, Purple Heart, POW, Blog of Shame, Theodore James Kosin US Army SGT, Purple Heart, DSM, Two Tours in Afghanistan, Blog of Shame, Leslie R. Coward U.S. Navy SEAL, U.S. Army CIB, Blog of Shame, Jose Carlos Montanez Navy Chief, U.S. Navy SEAL, BUD/S Class 176, Panama 1990, Blog of Shame, Thomas William Cole US Army SGT, Two Purple Hearts, Operation Urgent Fury, Blog of Shame. 11. A website dedicated to exposing fake SEALs had given him a five-star rating on its "Wall of Shame," its most ignoble designation, meaning the "claimant is 'incorrigible' and continues to make.The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). He got fired from our place of work and I found out after he was fired that he said he served for 15 years when he interviewed and was an ex navy seal. Most phony SEALs wont even have an idea of what the name of the SEAL Training center is even called. Since the beginning of Naval Special Warfare in early 1943, there have been roughly 17,600 men who completed training of some sort and served with the Naval Special Warfare Teams (including the Underwater Demolition Teams, the SEAL Teams and the earlier NSW units of WWII). I was in class 68 and graduated with class 69, and named Honor graduate. After knowing him as well as I did, I can spot a fake pretty easily. Remember the part where Casey Ryback (Steven Seagal) punches Commander Krill (Gary Busey) after he spits in his soup? A highly-decorated fake SEAL Team 6 commander who served in Korea, Vietnam, the Gulf War, and top secret "black ops" inside Iran in 2009 has outed Don Shipley as a real Navy SEAL, sources confirmed today. Two minor amplifications. BUD/S is an unclassified school, no more classified that attending cooking school in the Navy. Schantag, the Missourian who uncovers POW frauds, tells of the ``dog-bone man,' an imposter from Arkansas who tried to impress women with a fanciful story of escape from a Vietnam prison. ``I'd just say, `Excuse me, but to the best of my knowledge, you're not a Medal of Honor winner. The events surrounding both those incidents leave lots of unanswered questions. Does anyone know where he lives in Arlington I know a few people who would like to speak with him. I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but theres a good chance hes a phony SEAL. Hampton Roads is rich in the romance of frogmen and the famed SEAL Team 2 and owns bragging rights to TV ``Survivor' Rudy Boesch, probably the most celebrated SEAL of all. He said he has read about men who make false claims of wartime heroism, some even posing as Medal of Honor recipients. I was so good, I didnt need to go to BUD/S, They didnt have to go through BUD/S to become a SEAL. Having 6 kids at the time and a freshly broken femur, I declined. MENLO PARK, Calif. (KGO) -- A former Lake Tahoe bartender has used his phony stories of being the most . Ever since the raid on UBLs compound, there has been an epidemic of guys claiming they were Navy SEALs, when in fact they arent. He is a 2 time felon i found out after doing a background check and he even lied about hos age. About Shame Wall Of Seals Navy Fake. . Nolan, referring to the businessman and his colleagues, said, ``They better stay out of the United States because they didn't know who they were messing with,' the agent testified. You are correct, Craig. However, there is NO such thing as a SEAL Team 9. Barbed Wire Membership to his site also includes free and unlimited SEAL verification. If a guy claiming to be a SEAL says he was the one who shot Osama Bin Laden, you can rest assured that youre likely talking to a fake. He seems to be making up quite a bit of stuff.'. If so I feel sorry for this guy. Oddly, neither does anyone else in the Navy SEAL Community. Paul Puccillo comes to us fromWheeling, IL. Many rescue swimmers and AWs were potential recruits due to the nature of our training. Related Article BUD/S Class 234: Where Are They Now? The masquerade surfaced in February when an organization that exposes SEAL imposters posted his name on its Internet ``Wall of Shame.'. Dirty Name Most folks that Ive known who had an incurable disease didnt go around trying to convince anyone that they were super heroes. ', ``I made no boasts, no claims that I did anything heroic, that I fought anywhere, that I won any medals. Larry Bailey, a former SEAL then active in the Internet site, called Ashman on a Sunday night in February 2000 and told him to apologize to Arrowood within 48 hours or his name would appear on the site's ``Wall of Shame.'. Hooyah Logs Paul was a SEAL mentor on a facebook page whereyoung impressionable men that are striving to become part of one of the most Elite units in the world gather. He almost made a whole career out of being a Navy SEAL in Vietnam starting out very early in the war. My uncle changed his name and his widow played hell just getting the USN part put on his headstone. He lured investors by posing as a former secret operative with the Navy, according to court papers. Quickly became friends with Paul, but became very skeptical because he was very vague with his service and had no deployment photos. ASVAB Scores For Air Force Jobs: All 130+ For 2022, How To Choose The Right Military Branch For You, 6 Ways To Check If Someone Was In The Military / Verify Military Service. No SEAL has ever been taken prisoner of war. They get to and from areas of operations / conduct training operations from ships, but they are NOT stationed on them. His name was Donald R Ash. There were no SEALs back then but the part about getting USN put on that granite slab is 100% true. One technique Ive seen Shipley use is to ask the phony if he could guide him to the bell from the front entrance of the BUD/S compound. Organizations that expose imposters say claims by bogus Rambos with enhanced military resumes have reached epidemic levels. 18. the SEALs made several efforts to block an upgrade for Chapman, infuriating the Air Force. As of January 2020, there have been a total of 336 SEAL classes that have completed BUD/S training. ``Ever since then, I've had a burning hatred for the people who would steal their honor.'. On Oct. 25, 1967, President Lyndon Johnson awarded him the Medal of Honor in a White House ceremony. The officer version of an Enlisted Pararescue is the Combat Rescue Officer (CRO). Randy Lee Everette, 44, of Virginia Beach, a former Navy man, operates a Web site dedicated to honoring Medal of Honor recipients and exposing fakes. Each week he (and sometimes his wife Diane) call up phony Navy SEALs and confront them about their claims. My husband was a Marine assigned to the Tehran Embassy in 1979. Thank you, Hey Wendy, He likes []. Arrowood had been a SEAL. Because of this, they did not require corpsman to go to BUD/S. Yeah, Id be highly suspicious of anyone claiming they have multiple bounties on their head. Before the outbreak, she became a journalist in order to interview several individuals and document their personal stories. Retired Navy SEAL Don Shipley BUSTS Phony Navy SEAL Robert "Robbie" Robinson from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. There are also 2 additional reserve SEAL Teams, 17 and 18, which are made up of reserve members. Paul Puccillo - Fake Navy SEAL, Blog of Shame Navy . Unless you were a SEAL yourself, theres no way youre going to know whether or not the answer is B.S. He was in a single digit BUDs class. Paul had a post regarding HIS SEAL platoon during September 11, 2001, its a long read but worth seeing where his mind is at: In the post above he refers his platoon as naval commandos. Try as we may to find his records, the United States Navy seems to have no idea who he is. When a student DORs, hes instructed to ring the bell 3 times and place his helmet in the line of quitters. training. ", Speak to recruitment advertising specialist. He said his wife was a fat bitch that gained weight since they first met and cant stand her for always accusing him of cheating so thats exactly what he does and would laugh. As far as the teams are concerned these individuals are persona non gratis. This guy my daughter was dating claimed to be a navy seal. He goes by Ballen, Debbie. I was going over these comments while recently updating this page, and curiosity got the best of me.So I decided to verify if Robert Ray Alexander was ever a Navy SEAL with Don Shipley (Im a member of his site). Though temporarily blinded in his right eye by a North Vietnamese hand grenade that landed about two feet away, Lee helped rescue a Marine reconnaissance unit under withering enemy fire. ry wc rh lm cl rn rf mh ok ze et ik cm kr bu And it swarms with SEAL wannabes like Nolan. I just looked up his name in the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor, which lists all Purple Heart recipients since World War 1. Schantag said complaints mushroomed from two in 1997 to 7,000 last year. Have honor and not embellish your record with stolen valor. Retired Navy captain. He never spoke once about any disease or injury other than he worked as a bartender most his life after being discharged. Image: Here's a full list of all of the obstacles on the Navy SEAL O-course in order from start to finish: 1. His name is not listed., He was never a SEAL, boat guy, etc. Balance Logs 8. Email: [emailprotected]. The star-shaped medal, which hangs from a blue sash adorned with 13 white stars, has lost its original sheen and is tarnished with age. Very informative. Most phonies will have no idea what hes talking about, and will assume he means a weapon. Anyone, and I mean ANYONE, that has been through the O-course as many times as a trainee has will know the names of EVERY obstacle on the course. Do you know when Class 165 graduated? 5. In July, after OmniTrade had fallen behind on its rent and was preparing to leave the office building, two men showed up at Nolan's office and repossessed the exotic fish he kept, leaving behind the empty tank, employees said. I cant believe this joker pretending to be a seal and luring people into thinking your a hero. ``But he didn't come clean,' said Arrowood, who now teaches at Hickory High in Chesapeake. The site received one complaint about a man who spins his yarns at an Oceanfront nightspot in Virginia Beach. Arrowood said Ashman did not apologize and on Feb. 15, 2000, Ashman's name was added to the ``Wall of Shame,' where it remains today. He declined requests for an interview. Paul was nice enough to show off this Dog Tags, these must have been ordered on Ebay because the military does not put the members unit let alone UDT/SEAL. Doc is one of the most decorated SEALs of the Vietnam War, with 2 Bronze Stars and 5 Purple Hearts. Chuck Newell recruited my buddy Andy Nichols out of FASO Det Jax in the 90s. Do you know Mr. Ashman? I talked to my interpreter Hiep, who lives in Houston -- hadn't talked to him in 31 years. I have two brothers that served and literally wanted to know after reading his bullshit where he lives. 35 34 Related questions More answers below Where is the bell at the BUD/S training center anyway?. Are there other resources where I can check his claims without spending money other than the FOIA? The future couldn't have looked brighter for boyishly handsome Robert Nolan, once named sailor of the year on the carrier America. Not happening. San Diego, CA 92155-5599 Click Here to see what a FOIA is and how to request one, and heres the contact info for WARCOM: Naval Special Warfare Command Includes all. Paul loves to wear SEAL shirts, some from SEAL Team Four, plus nothing says sexy more than going on a date with your wife wearing your standard mail order U.S. Navy SEAL shirt. Hey Kurt, Peter Toth, 58, faces one count under Section 419 of the Criminal Code of Canada for unlawful use of military uniforms or certificates. 9. the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. With the proliferation of bogus UFO and military documents in the past 10 years from people claiming to be Navy SEALs, the *REAL* Navy SEALs decided to strike back. We've gone to 7 states and confronted 15 phonies to date and were only getting warmed up. As I mentioned earlier, there are 4 teams in Coronado (1, 3, 5, and 7), and 4 teams in Little Creek, Virginia (2, 4, 8, and 10). He will be able to verify with 100% accuracy the claims, heres where to get in touch with him: Immediately walking in to the grinder, you make a right and will see the bell right in front of the first phase office. Then remind them of Stolen Valor!! How could you fake this and think someone wasnt going to catch on. If a guy doesnt completely get the obstacles correct, it may depend on the year he went through training. Its been pretty well established by multiple accounts that former SEAL Rob ONeill is the guy who shot UBL. Again, hes wearing a SEAL Team Four shirt. Went through SERE training in the Philippines back in the 80s, what fun we had (lol)! 4. Not sure. Works Fridays, saturdays and mondays. He is lying to everyone even his girlfriend, There are a lot of people looking for him who know where he lives snd works now. Additionally, theres no way the phonies are going to pull a fast one on Don Shipley. While he never actually served in the US Military, he has a passion for writing about military related topics. They are NOT lowering the standards Paul and SEALs dont do water drills. ``Was it dishonorable? Robert Ray Alexander. Alleged Violations and/or Charges 05/30/2017 by hombrerana1221. If someone is claiming that, they are lying to you. So how exactly do you check to see if someone was a Navy SEAL? He used to say how he deserved to be someone with special treatment for what he said was for being a hero and a seal to the end. Think about that. Most of the Obstacle course was modified I believe in 1987. Robert Anthony Nolan used charm and a distinguished military resume to woo a succession of wives and girlfriends, recruit investors for his Virginia Beach import-export business and impress Republican officials and the former skipper of the carrier America. A quick and easy way to trip up a potential fake navy SEAL is to ask him something like: Is a Draeger a semi-auto or fully-auto weapon?. What a loser. And he tells someone to refrain from speaking on things that theyknow absolutely nothing about, we think Paul needs to follow his own advice!!! His videos are a joke and where did he come up with these stories he deserves to be punished and a real seal and soldier to explain how things really are out there and not in his fairytale land. They have a "wall of shame" webpage and you can now research. Employees at the Virginia Beach office building that housed OmniTrade International said that one day early this year, a small green car with the license plate REPO 1 pulled up behind the late-model Lexus Nolan then drove. Paul, we have some bad news for you, SEALs do not refer themselves as naval commandos. Next time I run into a braggart, I will throw a question or two at them! So I knew then that everything else he told me was going to be a line of B.S. He is the brother of Los Angeles Chargers tight end Virgil Green Professional career Jacksonville Jaguars. ``When I heard (Arrowood) was coming to the building, I thought, `Oh, geez, maybe I shouldn't have been doing that,' ' Ashman said. Thanks for publishing. Saturday, February 15, 2014. I requested to serve there when i left Iceland Navcomm station Keflavik. ', The Ohio license plate read ``SKIP M.' Smaller letters at the bottom spelled ``NAVY SEAL.'. Slide For Life Hey Delana, What incurable disease lying and bs. Never says he completed or became a SEAL. Paul is asked if he is a Navy SEAL, Im sure each of you can guess his answer because hes a humble man. Not to bum out anyones day but at the Coronado facility, the Phil Bucklew building has been torn down, there is construction currently on the site. The Commercial Drivers License DELTA Ghost. Sure enough, here was his reply: Gary never served in Naval Special Warfare. Then you tactically take cool pic of your kid, not forgetting to get your SEAL Team Four shirt in it!!!! I just want to know if he did attend these trainings and did he become a SEAL also. A lot of this is correct, however in 1972 we wore green t-shirts, not white. 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