Ive actually been thinking recently about invisable QR Codes a friend showed me a security ink that whilst not realy visable to the naked eye is recorded by most digital cameras on phones or in compact format cameras / cctv units. https://www.schneier.com/blackhat2.pdf (A Hacker Looks at Cryptography 1999). . Coyne Tibbets Handycipher is a new pencil-and-paper symmetric encryption algorithm. Its kind of cool because it uses a new key for the first round on every block and generates pseudorandomness all on its own by XORing the newly generated key with the last one. Clive Robinson It strikes me that the people making up these pencil and paper methods dont generally know what they are doing so it isnt necessary. And befor you ask yes I have done this with a group of scouts as part of one of their badges, and if all the boys in a scout group mastered it in a very short time Im sure a group of adults should be able to do it, aikimark What is its basic operation? April 28, 2014 9:31 AM, Why not just use the Super Secret Cypher if youll be doing it by hand? http://historiadiscordia.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/pud-principia_discordia-00071-Page_00084.jpg, Thoth 3. In this section, we outline an interesting algorithm for multiplying such numbers. Divide the encrypted content in three parts, independently transmitted, so that it cant be encrypted until you have all parts together. http://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/view/34507/nist-says-dont-use-our-crypto-algorithm/. April 28, 2014 2:21 PM. 1. Pen and Pencil algorithm for multiplying two n-digit decimal integers: (i) For its inputs, n is the natural size metric. I never fail to be amazed by all the wisdom hidden in Discordianism! A pencil is suitable for work on almost all types of surfaces with a certain level of a paper tooth. I for one dont have 16 GB ram on any of my devices right now. b) But of course, it is a very humbling experience to try your hands to design a cipher while tasting the difficulties seasoned cryptographers like Bruce Schneier had to go through while designing Blowfish, Twofish, Threefish and other cryptographic algorithms and modules. April 30, 2014 10:11 PM. For each of the algorithm,indicate1.a natural size metric for its input,2.its basic operation,and 3.whether the basic operation count can be different for inputs of the same size: a)computing the sum of n numbers b)computing n! Paul C The point is today we are all in position of using a NSA validated algorithm, all being convinced that is safe. In some countries the requirment for placing wire taps has a very low threshold and makes no distinction between mobile and land line phones. Tore Please let me ask a serious meant question about analyzing encryption. If something like this gets used theres a good chance they have it recorded. April 29, 2014 1:32 AM. Im not trying to re-invent RSA, I dont even think someone will come out with something similar soon. what if they are so complex that even those who try to break them are discouraged to do so? Given the word games they play, I wouldnt be surprised if they scan for things that look like coded messages just to keep things on their radar to see if they should be looking into it. When this gets screwed up bad things happen in real life. Chris Anura Nick P He thought it was a most brilliant idea and said I needed to patent it and would likely make huge sums of money off it. So you can design something practical, and focus on the perofrmance and quality, without having to worry about security. April 30, 2014 9:53 AM. Who cares is slow? For instance, paranoia could work against you if you were to break up the message into single words, encrypt each, and send them via separate email accounts or couriers. But as soon as you send messages encrypted with it, it becomes recoverable. There is a story about the US diplomatic code that was used for so long that principles actualy memorised it and one diplomat on retiring gave his leaving speech encoded in it and most of those present actually understood it such that they laughed at the jokes in it. Take a look in the past on the document bellow, maybe something was wrong at that time: I would have thought there would be a reference implementation of AES around but I havent looked. There are some very intresting handciphers here http://scz.bplaced.net/m.html lol. April 30, 2014 4:43 AM. anonymouse I have wondered whether the numbers stations on HF radio are stream cyphers like this, meant for decoding with pencil and paper rather than with a one-time pad, since distributing one-time pads would be a pain. Repeat rounds as needed (i.e., depending on desired security level). April 28, 2014 4:44 PM. For each of the following algorithms, indicate (i) a natural size metric for its inputs, (ii) its basic operation, and (iii) whether the basic operation count can be different for inputs of the same size: a. computing the sum of n numbers b. computing n! April 28, 2014 7:36 AM. I havent spent much time on this since I looked at it last week, but now I think there is a problem that enough occurrences of the letter in position 31 (11111) would reveal whole rows, columns, and diagonals, which could be experimentally arranged until at least the 55 grid is revealed. Many published algorithms are insecure Perhaps use of such mundane methods is due to distrust of tech, or perhaps its fear of NSA techniques for electronic interception. Leap away but dont ask me to join you. In the present work, a virtual source specific for each pencil beam is modelled by including the source distance . @Bruce: Do you have the same reservations about your own algorithm (Solitaire), or is there a reason to view it differently? Race track bookmakers use a simple code both for noting bets and for telegraphing them around the track to other bookmakers. easily and then compiled into larger groups and rebroadcast. For personal use you can have a pretty good random number generator, use obscene long keys, make some kind of stream / OTP like encryption. A pencil is erasable. Memo Yes, they are typically encoded, If the current player has to take more pens than the number of pens remaining in the box, then they quit. Expanding on your points, what are the primitives should be best used ? Pen noun penalty Pencil noun A number of lines that intersect in one point, the point of intersection being called the pencil point. BTW, 256-bit is the maximum key length in the specifications for Rijndael; its not an artificial limit set by the .NET implementation, and its more than enough to be secure, even against Grovers algorithm. April 30, 2014 10:58 AM. BTW DES might still be around if it werent for open scrutiny. How is Alice and Bob going to communicate securely even if Lilith is watching them in the park ? Thank you. @Anura at first I thought this was a simple substitution cipher but on second reading it sounds like a digram substitution based on the current and next character. Apple Pencil sets the standard for how drawing, notetaking, and marking up documents should feel intuitive, precise, and magical. And then your whole scheme is probably no harder to crack than it would have been had you just stuck to sending E(M) in the first place. These wouldnt likely have come out without open scrutiny. On the outer disk, have the characters in a randomly chosen order with a marker for the base point next to one character. All Algorithms must satisfy the following criteria - 1) Input http://www.hfunderground.com/wiki/Spy_Numbers_Stations, David in Toronto David in Toronto Anyway, as regards the cipher at hand, youre going to get different frequencies in the ciphertext depending on whether a particular letter is or is not on a diagonal, so I think you can figure out whats in the diagonals of the table. Unfortunately, most products and systems that use cryptography are insecure It represents a process of personal interviewing where the pollster holds a printed-out questionnaire, reads the question to the respondent and fills the answers into the questionnaire. 1. So I do say + would be a good option. I'm a fellow and lecturer at Harvard's Kennedy School, a board member of EFF, and the Chief of Security Architecture at Inrupt, Inc. I suspect that a select few very short and peculiar messages might be successfully decrypted. Elgar Now I would need to imagine a good sequence to create the cipherif you would create this by software as a three-dimensional cube and use the secret for creating the sequence you would not need XOR, it is a fast block-cipher and very flexible in the cube-size it has to be improved to avoid meet-in-the-middle attacks, but this is easy. Add/subtract without carry is the general form and is easier for people to use. Check it up. I think time is a merciless thing. Prepend (or append) each chunk with (n-k) bits of random data from a cryptographically secure source. For much less space overhead, and probably even more benefit, you can call Serpent_Encrypt(Twofish_Encrypt(AES_Encrypt(m,k0), k1), k2), which is well-understood. I nabbed them as reprints when the whole set cost about $150, but at present, Amazon has them for sale only from second-party resellers and for about 200 times that price. Lets assume Lilith is always under constant vigilance. 3. Err I have some pencils on my desk that could conceivably be made with backdoors in, They are made from recycled CDs and DVDs so there is a better than even chance that one or more CD/DVD had a backdoor or other malware on it prior to being recycled, Not that I expect the bacdoor to have survived the process or if it did to actually be usable . Drug lords, book makers and, presumably, terrorists use pen and pencil encryption schemes to communicate information. This is where those religious concepts about cryptography, born somewhere in nineties, brought us, David in Toronto I would assume you have to have a way of dealing with the last character of the message. With that particular scheme, maybe not, but if you are willing to trade space for security, you can use a similar scheme: For a block cipher with an n-bit block size, break the messages into k-bit chunks such that k

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