| If it feels weird, then you don't have to! On the battleground of disability rights, the reclamation of words is just one of many weapons to be used. For instance, women have traditionally been labeled bitches by men who were threatened by the assertive behavior of women speaking freely or acting independently. (Helpful Examples), 7 Better Ways To Ask Are You Okay? (Friendly & Caring), Ponder About vs. Ponder On vs. Ponder Upon vs. Ponder Over. Crippled is a harsh word to refer to someone who is disabled. Terms. Todays New York Times Spelling Bee letters: A, C, I, P, V, Y, and center R (all words must include R). However, its still more appropriate than crippled. We mostly want to use it when someone has an injury, as it can be offensive if we try to say that a disabled person is damaged if they have no control over it. He explains, Newly in vogue among some physically disabled people is the very word that is the ultimate in offensiveness to others: cripple. Its like a raised gnarled fist, says Cheryl Wade, a Berkeley, California, performance artist, who likes crippled because it is a blunt and accurate description of her body.. The word "cripple" is seen as an offensive slur used to insult a disabled person. I was born with my physical disability,. However, I find the word "handicapped" much more offensive, and would rather be called a cripple than being called handicapped. Sometimes, our bodies fail us. These posts will provide definitions, explanations, as well as alternative words and phrases to use in place of the one being examined. I am debilitating. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested! Again, its best to use with someone who has picked up an injury and is likely to recover. Is it legal for employers to disallow labour unions? But Do We Have to Ban the Word Entirely? At its core, it is oppressive, derogatory, and hurtful, no matter the intention behind its usage. No. Do you know why I loathe but? The word spaz is slang for spastic, which is a medical term that was originally used to describe people with cerebral palsy. Youve likely seen the r-word all over the internet and you may also have spotted plenty of campaigns against it. If we do not know what has caused a person to be disabled, there is nothing stopping us from asking. I'm just confused and that's making me frustrated. It is my belief that reclaiming words such as cripple could be a step forward for the disabled community, just as suffragette was for the womens rights movement. A cripple is a person or animal with a physical disability, particularly one who is unable to walk because of an injury or illness. Unfortunately, though, its also been weaponized against plenty of people with mental illness to describe their symptoms. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. It serves as both an identifier and a unifier. Our daily newsletter is FREE and keeps you up-to-date with the world of HR. Although lame is still regularly thrown around as an innocent enough teen insult, its connotations make it detrimental to people with disabilities who have difficulty walking or who struggle with social interactions. Here onThe Rolling Explorer, I am going to start questioning it. The slur "cripple" is discussed at length in Joseph Shapiro's chapter titled "Tiny Tims, Supercrips, and the End of Pity" from his book, " No Pity: People With Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement ." Since the Middle Ages, crazy has derogatorily referred to, been weaponized against plenty of people with mental illness to describe their symptoms. Privacy Respectful discourse is the key to successfully reclaiming words. Shapiros usage of the word militant when referring to self-pride has a potent undertone; perhaps, with enough work, the word cripple can become akin to a bullet in the gun on the battleground of disability rights, just like suffragette.. You may think cripple sounds like a neutral term, but its now an outdated, offensive way to refer to someone who struggles with movement. You can find even more stories on our Home page. Sometimes it doesnt even compare to the actual pain someone has gone through. Definitions of Cripple* - Merriam Webster Noun 1. Its so important that we stop making light of the real struggles people with OCD face by describing ourselves as OCD because we like to line up our pens on our desks. Copyright 2023 KM Business Information Canada Ltd. Tim Hortons under pressure to improve board diversity. People of the LGBTQ+ community may use queer to talk about themselves and the spectrum of gender identity, with some members even shunning specific labels like gay or bisexual and instead only referring to themselves as queer, seeing it as a catch-all term for their sexuality. - cripple is a slur that only physically disabled people can reclaim - uplifting physically disabled people does not equal putting other disabled people down . Disability slurs pepper so many everyday conversations that it may be hard to steer away from them, but changing your vocabulary to eliminate words that harm the disability community is worth your time. I think we should carry him out of here before he gets into any more trouble. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Many terms that some people view as harmful are not viewed as hurtful by others, and even where some people are hurt by certain terms, others may be hurt by the replacement of such terms with what they consider to be euphemisms (e.g., "differently abled" or "special needs"). Disabled is the best choice because it refers to anyone who is not able to use their arms or legs correctly. Additionally, the second definition in the verb section is particularly problematic because it equates cripple with a lack of wholeness.. Crippled is not politically correct. Not every word that is slightly offensive to a community is a slur, people spend way too much time deciding what is a . [8], List of disability-related terms with negative connotations, Lyttkens, C. Hampus. Hi, so just in general conversation with someone who is physically disabled they felt really hurt by someone using the word "crippled". Removing disability slurs from your everyday lexicon takes time and effort, but framing disability in a neutral or positive way instead will help reduce the stigma surrounding disability and mental illness. By subscribing to my mailing list, you will be the first to know when new posts are live. One of these reasons is ignorance, in that its not known when a word has been reclaimed; there is no ad taken out in newspapers or worldwide cell phone alert that notifies the whole disabled community that certain words are undergoing a rebrand. For more information, please see our There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. It surfaces in policies, actions, media, and the. This is counterintuitive to the idea that reclaiming words allows a marginalized group to possess militant self-pride through the use of language. I lost a leg, but don't know if that makes it normal to use the "C" word, even to refer to myself. and our The definition of incapacitated, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is to make someone unable to work or do things normally, or unable to do what they intended to do.. The phrase has long been used to mean that someone is actively ignoring what you have to say, which may seem pretty innocuous at first. As you can see, it is extremely offensive. There are no situations where you should use it. Language, as defined by non-disabled people toward disabled people, reduces disabled people into woeful figures in need of help, or a cure, or (worse) something to be feared and avoided. 1. Thanks :). [3], For some terms, the grammar structure of their use determine if they are harmful. Offensive a:a lame or partly disabled person or animal b:one that is disabled or deficient in a specified manner, 1.to deprive of the use of a limb and especially a leg, 2.to deprive of capability for service or of strength, efficiency, or wholeness. 10 Other Ways to Say May I Have Your Attention, Please?. TikTok video from parker (@sk8.r.d13): "anyway while I have ur attention , cripple is a slur u shouldn't b using it if ur able bodied (try and start shit and i'll turn off my comments again)". As usual, I am going to refer back to the definition first. The use of language that was once employed to silence or dehumanize people is now being rectified by reclaiming words that were once harmful to the very communities they were used against. TheApiary 2 yr. ago Yes, it's a very rude way to refer to someone. Is there anything we can do to help. These examples will show you what it looks like: Damaged isnt one of the best choices on here. 3233 views. Alas, we dont (yet) live in this open and equal utopia. I think shes been injured for about three months. Im disabled. Based on both my own personal experiences of being disabled and societys demonstrations of what a disabled person is allowed to be, disabled people are reduced to stereotypes and treated as such. A cripple rafter runs from hip to valley on a roof or is cut short to allow for an opening such as a chimney or skylight. The definition of injured, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is hurt or physically harmed., Typically, injuries are not lifelong. is cripple a slur. "[1] However identity-first language, as in "autistic person" or "Deaf person", is preferred by many people and organizations. There is no 'but. Do not speak over me, do not speak down to me, do not patronize me, do not disrespect me and my experiences. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. | These pieces were written in two different times in our history, about two decades apart, thus offering two differing perspectives on the reclamation of words for the disabled community and other marginalized groups. The word midget is derived from the word midge, which refers to small, annoying insects. There are plenty of other disabilities as well, and the term disabled refers to them all. As a group of experienced English writers, we enjoy sharing our knowledge in a language that everyone is able to understand. You are not nearly as injured as you seem to think you are! Since were talking about replacements for crippled, well focus on the physical disabilities, which is why disabled still works as the best replacement. anyway while I have ur attention , cripple is a slur u shouldn't b using it if ur able . Offensive a: a lame or partly disabled person or animal b: one that is disabled or deficient in a specified manner 2. something flawed or imperfect Adjective being lame, flawed, or imperfect Verb 1. to deprive of the use of a limb and especially a leg In the 1500s, the word insane referred to people with intellectual or mental health disabilities, and it later became associated with asylums that trapped and mistreated mentally ill people. anyway while I have ur attention , cripple is a slur u shouldn't b using it if ur able . Would saying person with breasts or person who has sex with the same sex be just as acceptable to both those within and outside of those communities? Retard is one of the most recognizable disability slurs, but even a spate of awareness campaigns abouthow the r-word hurts people with intellectual disabilities hasnt taken it out of peoples vocabularies. The slur cripple is discussed at length in Joseph Shapiros chapter titled Tiny Tims, Supercrips, and the End of Pity from his book, No Pity: People With Disabilities Forging a New Civil Rights Movement. Shapiros text is over two decades old, however, which is why a more modern take on language usage in conjunction with disabilityamong other marginalized communitieswas something I sought as a touchstone for todays views on slurs. "a few books short of a library"), a term meant to imply that a person has reduced or limited mental faculties, Attention-seeking, commonly used to label someone who is suffering emotionally, Crazy cat lady (derogatory term typically aimed at mentally ill and, Dummy (in the context of a stupid or ignorant person), used as a derogatory insult towards mentally disabled people; the term also used to be used to describe people incapable of speaking, suggestive of an insulting, Inmate (when referring to a psychiatric admission), Munchkin (see "Midget" above), a term derived from the 1930s feature film, Mutant, referring to someone with an uncommon genetic mutation, Not the brightest bulb / Not the sharpest tool in the shed (mentally disabled derogatory term), Out to lunch (slang term for "crazy" or mentally ill), Psychopath, which is an old term that used to mean a person with a mental illness, Quasimodo, which translates to "half-formed" or more commonly "deformed", and made infamous by the fictional character, Schizophrenic, when referring to an individual, This page was last edited on 11 January 2023, at 18:06. intense enough to be clinically diagnosed as obsessive-compulsive disorder. Oops! 60 years later, we still havent retired the word spaz from our everyday conversations, but its time to leave it a thing of the past. Hes incapacitated. I am only passionately curious. Albert Einstein My column: https://medium.com/silly-little-dictionary avionmedium@gmail.com, How to Start Understanding the News in a Foreign Language, Why You Need to Practice Languages Tipsy if You Drink, The Many Ways Learning a Language Improved My Life, 3 Reasons Why You Should Consider Learning a New Language, Lessons From the Dictionary: Waiting for the Climacteric, A Simple System to Keep Your Learning Journey Fun, https://medium.com/silly-little-dictionary. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. For example, crazy should be avoided in describing persons or their behaviors, but is less likely to cause offense if used as an intensifier as in "crazy speed". Your doctors will tell you that. Its an awful shame. I tease the Merriam-Webster dictionary about words it made up according to the editors of the New York Times Spelling Bee puzzle. others, so conflating the two is a huge no-no and so is using this phrase. Suffragette has been so successfully rebranded that most dont even know of its initial intention to be used as a derisive title; the power of the word was so completely shifted to the ladies of the movement that no one would even think to use it as a slur nowadays. Ive been damaged ever since that rugby match. On the Use of Disability-Adjusted Life Years in Health Policy. However, Thornes assertion that the reclamation of words is all about power cannot, as he says, be done effectively if the marginalized community in question is not on the same page. Plenty of people with disabilities have been called spaz for simply existing in their bodies or speaking or thinking in ways able-bodied, neurotypical people dont understand. ", "People-First Language: An Unholy Crusade", "Resource on Person-First Language - The Language Used to Describe Individuals With Disabilities", American SpeechLanguageHearing Association, "Disability etiquette - Tips On Interacting With People With Disabilities", "I'm Not A "Person With a Disability": I'm a Disabled Person", "Terms to Avoid When Writing About Disability | National Center on Disability and Journalism", "ENC1101 First-year Composition - Guidelines for Avoiding Ableist Language", "Advice for Staff - Disability Etiquette - Appropriate Language and Behaviour", "The Pitfalls of Political Correctness: Euphemisms Excoriated", "The Transcontinental Disability Choir: What is Ableist Language and Why Should You Care? Shouldnt it be a given that of course, a disabled person is indeed a person? It is a slur deserving of its own respect. An injury would have to be quite serious for someone to end up immobilized. In his chapter, Shapiro believesalong with some of the disabled people he interviewedperson with a disability is the most acceptable way to refer to a disabled person. A college student with faulty collagen. The word crippling is also used as an adjective. Share. Typically, damage is something that can happen to someone, whether its their fault or not. Although weve made progress in dismantling the mental health stigma, people with mental illness still are called crazy for having noticeable symptoms of schizophrenia, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bipolar disorder, and anxiety. . 2022 Mighty Proud Media, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Banner Photos - William Yi Photography, A post shared by Mighty Well (@mightywell_), You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life, The Vitality of a Strong Support System Guest Blog post with Wonders Within Reach, How The Cursebreaker Series Changed The Fantasy Genre For The Better, London Fashion Week Is Still Ableist My Experience As A Disabled Model, Why Disability Representation At Fashion Week is So Important, Ableist Language To Avoid And Acceptable Alternatives Spaz Edition, Turning Disability Discrimination Into Creative Inspiration College Years, Ableist Language To Avoid And Acceptable Alternatives Lame Edition, Ableist Language To Avoid And Acceptable Alternatives Deaf Edition, Keeping The Holiday Spirit Alive During the Covid-19 Pandemic in 2020, Ableist Language To Avoid And Acceptable Alternatives Confined To A Wheelchair Edition. Ive been injured for about six months. Words have power since they have societal connotations that are both conscious and unconscious. [citation needed] Views vary with geography and culture, over time, and among individuals. We dont realize it when were speaking, perhaps, but every vowel we shape and every consonant we form are, by unspoken agreement, imbued with meaning. The intention of this essay was to explore the idea of whether power can indeed be shifted back to marginalized groups, but I am still unsure if there is an answer. I think Im finally starting to recover, though. The original word that sparked the idea behind this essaycripplemay never be something that will be acceptable (in my opinion, at least) to have a non-disabled person call a disabled person but thats OK. We should be mindful of the language we use when referring to others, particularly marginalized others, but so long as we try to be respectful and always open to discussion, thats what matters. You have been debilitating for a long time, and I really think you should visit a doctor! Its a potential way to turn the tables against those seeking to harm them, and a compelling way indeed. This quote shows the reasons why some people in marginalized communities might not embrace the usage of demeaning terms. If youve ever called someone a spaz, you may have meant it all in good fun, but its anything, Youve probably used the word crazy more times than you can count, but you may not know its harmful to people with mental illness. Youve damaged him more than you realize with that little stunt. The reason you should really consider transitioning cripple out of your everyday vocabulary and replacing it with some of the examples above is because of its ableist connection. Worker slammed over "cripple" slur. We exercise judgment in when and where it's appropriate to use. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Since the Middle Ages, crazy has derogatorily referred to people who have a disease or sickness. Please complete the form below and click on subscribe for daily newsletters from HRD Canada. The word "handicapped" is supposed to be the most formal name for a disabled person, and the most respectful. We can use disabled as a blanket term to refer to all kinds of disabilities. There, youll also find thoughts and questions by our community. One of the discussions about the reclamation of words was with Cheryl Wade, who is a fan of using the word cripple to describe herself. It may be slightly uncomfortable, but talking to disabled people about the way they want to be described is the most sensible and sensitive way to live. About UsWe are on a mission to help you become better at English. [2], There is disagreement as to what causes harm. Its time for a change. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is a completely valid diagnosis, but that doesnt mean its a great way to describe yourself. This is a very light word to use compared to the others. For example, a word like cripple might carry the underlying meaning of someone frail or disfigured, someone like Tiny Tim from A Christmas Carol: a young boy unable to fully live independently as he is disabled. It is not offensive, and it is a great way to show them that you mean no harm. Every other week, I will be sharing a blog post that highlights one of the words from the downloadable glossary above. But yes, it is definitely a slur, and as an able bodied person I can't say it. Founder of The Rolling Explorer. Ableism is deeply embedded in our society. limp) and creopere, or someone that creeps (ie. -cripple punk rejects the "good cripple" mythos. This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Theyre both hurt after colliding with each other. Through the creation of multiple tenses and the addition of belief, the word now has such strong negative connotations that any use of any form of the term is considered offensive by many in the disability community, especially, of course, when its directly being used as a slur. Disability slurs, however, dont receive the same negative press as words that harm other minority groups, so theyre often regularly interspersed in our conversations. Disabled people dont typically get called hurt., The definition of hurt, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is to feel pain in a part of your body, or to injure someone or cause them pain.. The definition of immobilized, according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is to stop something or someone from moving.. This is why a quote from Paul Baker, a professor of English Language at Lancaster University, explains the publics discomfort with reclaimed words so well: Control language and you control the society. If people dont care to think too hard about their language, they will follow what has come before without too much questioning, perpetuating stereotypes. Our systemically ableist society has allowed these words and phrases to grow in popularity for too long. [1] The German and Dutch words Krppel and kreupel are cognates. Should HR offer feedback to failed applicants? As in, "cripple is a slur, BUT-" "People shouldn't use cripple, BUT-" "Well sure it's a slur, BUT-" "I agree the cripple is a slur BUT-" Do you know why I loathe 'but'? I wish there was something more I could do. Its impossible to overstate the importance of respectful discourse in the effort to reclaim words, something women and the LGBTQ+ community, it can be argued, have done with a great deal of success. You should not blame yourself at all! And that's what's happening. Using autistic as an insult became especially popular as the internet spawned chat rooms and discussion forums, but just because someone hiding behind a screen thinks autistic is an acceptable insult doesnt mean its not a disability slur. In lieu of a group chat of every marginalized person getting everyone up to speed on new definitions and thus discontinuing the use [of a reclaimed word] in the older negative way, we have to recognize that not everyone will agree to the terms and conditions of reclaimed words and thats OK. A disabled person, for example, has to be comfortable with other disabled people not being comfortable with reclaimed words, but nevertheless hope we can either come to some consensus or, at the very least, agree to disagree. Successfully reclaiming words well, and a compelling way indeed where it & # x27 ; t using! Of the new York Times Spelling Bee puzzle | if it feels weird, then don... 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