The term site or website comprises -by way of illustration, but not limitation- the data, texts, graphics, images, animations, musical creations, videos, sounds, drawings, photographs and other contents included in said site and, in general, all the creations expressed in any medium or vehicle, whether tangible or intangible, regardless of whether or not they might be the subject of intellectual property in accordance with the Consolidated Text of the Spanish Intellectual Property Act. Learners have varying levels of ability and some will have their own specific requirements within a classroom. Accept individual differences in children. 1.1 Analyse the role of initial and diagnostic assessment in agreeing individual learning goals. 2. Learning outcome 1: Be able to agree individual learning goals with learners. En su cuenta online podr comprobar toda la informacin y el estado de su suscripcin. El usuario no usar contraseas de otras personas, siendo responsable de mantener la confidencialidad de sus cuentas y contraseas. Review the effectiveness of own practice when planning to meet the individual needs of learners, taking account of the views of learners and others b. Learning outcome 4 The head teacher; deputy/assistant head teacher; SENCO; key stage co-ordinators; subject co-ordinators; class/subject teachers. Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners. Identifying what learning content would be most effective for your people means thinking about the skills needs of your organisation, your teams, and your people at an individual level. Ms informacin. More information. En cumplimiento del artculo 10 de la Ley 34/2002, de 11 de julio, de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Informacin y Comercio Electrnico (LSSICE) se detallan los datos identificativos de la entidad. Also, my expectations will be clear. They should be perceived in this way. Here we look at five key areas that can be utilized by teachers to achieve this. Let students work in the way that is best for them. The teacher has to supply a safe and supervised classroom for the pupils to learn in and it will be my responsibility to maintain this. 10 UET7. It makes possible development of the learning plan". The first is that learner engagement is far more likely to be deeper, as they will feel more intrinsically motivated to complete the online course, knowing that it is tailored to their needs. Asimismo, tambin se entendern incluidos en este sitio web todos los microsites a los que se pueda acceder desde el presente sitio web, excepto que dicho microsite, expresamente recoja unas condiciones de uso propias, en cuyo caso se le aplicarn stas. Mistakes form part of life and help us grow and learn. Individualized instruction allows teachers to provide students with personal attention and individual pacing. Subscribing to the Free Subscription Plan entails the express acknowledgement and acceptance of the content access conditions of said plan by the user. ELESAPIENS shall not be liable for any delays or failures that might occur in the access to and/or functioning of the services and/or contents of the website due to a circumstance of force majeure. Exigir la indemnizacin que pudiera derivar por el uso indebido o ilcito de todo o parte de los servicios y contenidos prestados a travs del sitio. Con carcter general los servicios y contenidos ofrecidos a travs del sitio web estarn disponibles en espaol e ingls, sin perjuicio de la posibilidad que se reserva ELESAPIENS de ofrecer los mismos en otros idiomas oficiales. Users shall be personally liable for any kind of damage caused to ELESAPIENS, direct or indirectly, for failure to comply with any of the obligations deriving from these general terms or other regulations governing the use of this site. learning etc. Pago por Transferencia: Esta modalidad de pago est limitada a suscriptores del plan School. De la calidad y velocidad de acceso al sitio y de las condiciones tcnicas que debe reunir el usuario con el fin de poder acceder al sitio y a sus servicios y/o contenidos. No part of this website may be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, copied, communicated publicly or converted, totally or partially, by means of any manual, electronic or mechanical system or method (including photocopying, recording or any information recovery and storage system) across any medium or vehicle known at the present time or that might be invented in the future without the consent of ELESAPIENS. 5. School home or work. Similarly, you can stop receiving promotional emails and news by unchecking this preference in your profile settings. ELESAPIENS does not assume any liability for the services and contents, nor for the availability and conditions (technical or otherwise) of access thereto, that are offered by third-party service providers, particularly information society service providers. Durante el periodo que dure la suscripcin contratada, el cliente tiene a su disposicin contratar la suscripcin de un plan superior. En cualquier caso, los datos personales de los alumnos nicamente se utilizan para la gestin de grupos y asignaciones por parte del docente. Users undertake not to introduce, store or disseminate over this website any content that might infringe intellectual or industrial property rights or, in general, any content in respect of which they do not have the right, according to the law, to make available to third parties. After, Consider the same case scenario in your assignment 2. En cumplimiento de lo dispuesto en el Reglamento (UE) 2016/679, de 27 de abril, General de Proteccin de Datos, ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN S.L. These are: 1. Use the services and contents available solely for personal purposes. The use of hyperlinks to this website shall only be approved by ELESAPIENS by written authorization and provided that the hyperlink is created in accordance with the terms set forth hereunder: ELESAPIENS guarantees the confidentiality of the personal data provided by users and their processing in accordance with the current legislation on personal data protection: EU Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on General Data Protection. Users shall use the services and content exclusively for their own personal purposes while any subsequent usage thereof with the intention of making profit or deriving any benefit, direct or indirectly, is prohibited. This information helps to identify which parts of the website users most frequently access and how we can create a better service for them. Reproduce totally or partially this website on another different website; users may not create frames of this website or the websites that are accessible herefrom that conceal or modify -by way of illustration but not limitation- contents, advertising spaces or trademarks belonging to ELESAPIENS or third parties, regardless of whether or not they involve acts of unfair competition or confusion. Si solicitamos informacin de registro al usuario, este deber ofrecernos una informacin verdadera, precisa, actual y completa. Identify . To fulfill the above purposes, it may be necessary to communicate or disclose the information you have provided us to other collaborating companies, for example, technology providers for incident resolution and service management and integrated payment processing services such as Stripe and Paypal. Classroom management is important to gain control of the classroom. CONDICIONES GENERALES DE USO DEL SITIO WEB. Ultimately, adapting your teaching style to address different learning styles doesn't have to be difficult. It may be that people from different departments or team and management levels . The learner can: Explain why it is important to identify and meet the individual needs of learners. ELESAPIENS informa al usuario de la posibilidad de ejercitar sus derechos de acceso, rectificacin, cancelacin, oposicin y limitacin, mediante solicitud escrita dirigida a ELESAPIENSa la siguiente direccin: C/ Orense 20, 2. planta, Oficina 10, 28020 Madrid, Espaa. an unsuitable environment for assessment to take place. For example, in one session the learning objective is to 'identify a best practise feature from the video and indicate how to apply it to your own shared reading time.' To help the learners achieve this objective I used a best practise online video clip, demonstrating reading out-loud, and a linked worksheet which I created. Como ocurre con muchos otros operadores de sitios web, ELESAPIENS puede utilizar tecnologa estndar denominada cookies. The user is informed that any processing of personal data will fall within the scope of the current legislation in Spain on data protection, established by (EU) Regulation 2016/679, of 27 April, on General Data Protection. By identifying what are their goals I determine what they need to do in orders to achieve their goals. En cualquier caso, se notificar a los usuarios de este cambio mediante la colocacin de una notificacin en el sitio web de ELESAPIENS. The use of certain services available to users of this official site may also be subject to special terms, warnings or instructions, which must also be consulted and accepted by said users without reservation. ELESAPIENS offers different payment methods so that you can choose the one that best suits you or your requirements: Payment by Credit Card: You can use Visa and Mastercard. Get access to all 3 pages and additional benefits: Think about the aspects that influence children's lives today and those that have influenced them in the past. learning needs of learners styles, individual and group work, accessibility, reinforcing learning, opportunities for study skills, time management, engagement, goals, variety, You can: Portfolio reference a. Own planning makes it easy for, individual learners to implement what the plan constitutes. Las Condiciones Generales regulan el uso del sitio web de ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., con C.I.F. Las partes, con expresa renuncia a su propio fuero, se someten para la resolucin de cuantos litigios pudieran derivarse a los Juzgados y Tribunales de Madrid (Espaa). ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., con C.I.F. b. curriculum requirements. 3.3 Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners 3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners 3.5 Identify opportunities for learners to provide feedback to inform inclusive practice The client may ask ELESAPIENS for the invoice or receipt of the corresponding subscription. Para suscribirse a un Plan de Suscripcin Gratuito de ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L., como el plan Basic, en las condiciones establecidas por ELESAPIENS, es necesario conectarse a, y registrarse como usuario, cumplimentando el formulario electrnico que en cada momento aparezca en la pgina web de la tienda y siguiendo las instrucciones indicadas en el mismo. Si bien, en principio, la duracin de este sitio es indeterminada, ELESAPIENS se reserva el derecho a suspender o dar por terminada la prestacin de algunos o todos sus servicios, sin que esta decisin deba ser comunicada con antelacin a los usuarios del mismo. Visiting users are aware that the services and contents of this site are accessed and used under their sole exclusive responsibility. Listen in on conversations. Users accept to notify us immediately about any unauthorized use of their passwords, accounts or any other security breach. . Cookies are small archives that are transferred to your computer when you visit a website and they help to provide additional functionality when you return to the site. These general terms are governed by the laws of Spain. As learners are being taught in, different ways they get to understand better through the different teaching methods applied by their, teachers. However, they cannot and should not completely eliminate failure. Minors under 16 years of age may only register with ELESAPIENS through a group code associated with a teachers account on the platform. This includes the IP address, the Internet services provider, the domain name, the date and time of your visit, the written search elements, the site you previously visited, the type of navigator and the type of operating system used. Todos los precios publicados en nuestra pgina web son con impuestos indirectos incluidos. Identifying the individual needs and learning styles. This will make the teacher to adjust on areas that needs. Should ELESAPIENS intend to use your personal data in a manner other than that set forth in the Privacy Policy in force at the time of providing us with your data, it shall make every possible endeavor to contact you at the electronic mail address you have provided to us. Thoughts like, Why try if Im going to fail anyway, lead to thoughts like, Im silly, clumsy, and unable to learn. In this way, failure can lead to bad self confidence and high levels of anxiety the students cant control. There is also, individual provision of learners need allowing the teacher to provide the lesson associated with the, learners expectations (Skrzek, 2019). o documento vlido en derecho que acredite su identidad. Asimismo, la utilizacin de determinados servicios a disposicin de los usuarios de este sitio oficial puede estar sometida a condiciones especiales, advertencias o instrucciones que tambin debern ser consultadas y aceptadas sin reservas por aquellos. Tambin acepta cerrar la sesin de sus cuentas a final de cada sesin. ELESAPIENS shall file the online document on which the agreement is formalized, which shall be accessible. They are aware of what is going on in the class. The atmosphere of the classroom determines how effective will be the teaching. ELESAPIENS reserves the right to amend the content of this Privacy Policy for the purpose of adapting it to legislative or case law innovations as well as those that might derive from codes existing in the field or, as the case may be, strategic corporate decisions. Utilizar los servicios y contenidos ofrecidos a travs del sitio de forma contraria a las condiciones generales de uso y/o las condiciones particulares que regulen el uso de un determinado servicio y/o contenido, y en perjuicio o con menoscabo de los derechos del resto de usuarios. Estar involucrado en actividades ilegales. Schon (1983) suggests "reflect while you're doing it" and "reflect after doing it" I like this straight forward approach. El cliente tendr acceso a los contenidos del plan de suscripcin contratado durante el periodo contratado. Manning and Bucher (2012) describe withitness as a descriptor indicating that a teacher is aware of what is occurring within his/her classroom at all times and is able to multitask with competence and confidence (p. 270). 3.3 Explain how your own planning meets the individual needs of learners. I feel students and teachers possess joint responsibility in student behavior, and I will uphold my responsibility by memorizing and following our classroom vision in and out of the classroom. Use of the website of ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L, requires the knowledge and full acceptance of the legal warnings and the terms in force at any time users access said site, which terms are specified below. HOW OWN PLANNING MEETS THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF LEARNERS, Personal planning as an educator is essential in the general progress of individuals. Also, individual learners can assess their learning plans. Some terms that you will often hear when discussing support for diverse learners are Differentiated Instruction, Inclusive Pedagogy, and Universal Design for Learning. HOW OWN PLANNING MEETS THE INDIVIDUAL NEEDS OF LEARNERS 2 Learning Outcomes Personal planning as an educator is essential in the general progress of individuals. Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. This document sets forth the Privacy Statement of ELESAPIENS LEARNING & FUN, S.L, S.L. This context provides a more perceptive framework for learners' skills and enhances additional learning (Petty . 3.4 Explain ways in which teaching and learning plans can be adapted to meet the individual needs of learners. Set aside different spaces where all of your students can really thrive, focus, and engage with the lesson material. IN ADDITION to Tier 1 instruction, an additional time per day gives teachers time to re-teach the elements of reading that . Explain why it is important to identify and meet your individual needs of learners. Para cumplir las finalidades anteriores, puede resultar necesario comunicar o ceder la informacin que nos ha proporcionado a otras sociedades colaboradoras, por ejemplo, proveedores tecnolgicos para solucin de incidencias y gestin del servicio y servicios integrados de procesamiento de pagos como Stripe y Paypal. For example when carrying out the individual tutorials I found it difficult to keep track of where each learner is in their work at any given time. To terminate the provision of a service or supply of content, without indemnification, when the use thereof by users is unlawful or contrary to the requirements of the terms governing same without prejudice to the requirements of the specific terms governing the use of a certain service and/or content intended for website users. Create a diverse classroom that welcomes all learning styles. A circumstance of force majeure shall be any circumstances that cannot be anticipated or even though anticipated are inevitable and that give rise to the failure to perform any of its obligations. (hereinafter ELESAPIENS) wishes to inform the user of the website of its policy regarding the processing and protection of personal data of those persons who voluntarily communicate via email with ELESAPIENS, fill out data collection forms or use any other service available on the website which involves the communication of the users personal data to ELESAPIENS. 3.3 Explain how own planning meets the individual needs of learners. Due to the interruption, suspension or cancellation of access to the website as well as reasons of availability and continuity of the functioning of the site or the services and/or contents thereon when this arises from (i) either an interruption of the service for technical maintenance work on the website (ii) or for a reason beyond the control of ELESAPIENS whether this is attributed direct or indirectly to the latter. ELESAPIENS advierte que no se podrn modificar las facturas de suscripcin una vez emitidas, sin perjuicio del derecho a obtener factura rectificativa en los supuestos previstos en la normativa vigente (Real Decreto 1619/2012, de 30 de noviembre que aprueba el Reglamento por el que se regulan las obligaciones de facturacin). We should not get intimidated in approaching others and coming together to share resources, strategies, and anything that concerns teaching and learning. It teaches students how to treat one another in and out of the classroom., I can do this by decorating the classroom and getting to personally know and communicate with the students. The use, under any modality, of all or part of the content of this site is subject to the requirement of requesting prior authorization from ELESAPIENSand/or legitimate third-party holders and the acceptance of the pertinent license, if applicable, excepting the provisions governing the rights acknowledged and granted to users by virtue of these general terms or so determined under the specific terms that ELESAPIENS establishes to regulate the use of a particular service and/or content offered over this website. During the subscription period, the client may sign up to a higher subscription plan. Difamar, insultar, acosar, perseguir, amenazar o de otra manera violar los derechos legales de otras personas; Publicar, exponer, subir, enviar por correo electrnico, distribuir o divulgar (colectivamente, Transmitir) cualquier contenido no apropiado, profano, difamatorio, obsceno, indecente o ilegal; Enviar archivos que contienen virus, archivos daados o cualquier otro software similar, o programas que pueden daar o afectar de una manera negativa el funcionamiento del ordenador de otra persona, pgina web, cualquier software o hardware, u otro equipo. Condiciones Generales regulan el uso del sitio web de ELESAPIENS el sitio web de ELESAPIENS sets forth the Statement! Being taught in, different ways they get to understand better through the different teaching applied... Site are accessed and used under their sole exclusive responsibility can really thrive focus... To address different learning styles doesn & # x27 ; t have to be difficult be able agree... 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