Scientists from NASA and organizations around the world will convene physically and electronically in Barrow, Alaska, the northernmost U.S. city, during the first week of Arctic sunrise at Barrow January 23 29. The sun has powered almost everything on Earth since life began, including its climate. Last Updated: November 15, 2019 . & Jerry Bonnell NASA Technical Rep.: Phil Newman. 04.15.08 - 10.27.08 - After a nationwide search for junior science researchers on GLAST mission, three people have been chosen for these prestigious post-doctoral positions. The Atlantic Hurricane Season began early in 2007, and by mid-December it was still going. NASA by Caltech. Goddard Symposium to focus on "Going to Work in Space.". Americas plans for opening the space frontier are featured in an interactive exhibit scheduled to tour Connecticut for three weeks beginning May 14. Researchers now believe that some of the most intense winter storm activity over parts of the United States may have origins in far-flung parts of the Pacific Ocean. When summer storms arrive, it's not only beach-goers who are affected; the rains can also have an impact on living creatures far below the ocean surface. 05.07.07 - In fact its actually a tiny hair that got on the photographic plate sometime in the process of taking, developing Continue reading , A new version of SkyView has been installed to accommodate the issues that off center GALEX GR4 images presented. NASA has set June 7 as the new target launch date for GLAST, from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida. 10.06.08 - Understanding Earth: Our Ocean. This uses knowledge of the GALEX survey to find the center of the Continue reading , Lots of people are using the Image gallery. NASA will hold a series of news media briefings Sept. 8 - 9 to preview the space shuttle's fifth and final servicing mission to the Hubble Space Telescope. 06.05.08 - Several bases of operations for NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) are gearing up for data from the recently launched satellite. The solar-powered lander has run out of energy after more than four years of science on the Red Planet. 05.27.08 - Atmosphere NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) launched successfully on June 11, 2008, at 12:05 p.m. These maps show the average percent snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere for December 2008 (top) and February 2009 (bottom), the first and last months of meteorological winter. Scientists are using a video of Earth and the Moon taken from 31 million miles away to develop techniques to study alien worlds. A blind engineer at Goddard had the vision for a solution to a problem that ultimately required a trip to Europe to help with a Soyuz capsule re-entry. 05.16.07 - By the afternoon of August 4, 2008, Tropical Storm Edouard was headed for the U.S. Gulf Coast. 12.16.08 - 02.15.08 - Along with a redesigned user interface, these efforts have culminated in the launch of the new Earth Observatory (see screenshot below). 10.02.08 - The radar antenna was pointing toward Titan at an altitude of 970 kilometers (684 miles) during the closest approach. featured, along with a brief explanation written by a professional astronomer. 02.26.08 - document.write( '' ) Scientists at NASA reveal a new understanding of the coronal heating enigma. 02.08.08 - 03.17.08 - During the night of Oct. 15, Space Telescope Operations Control Center engineers at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center turned on and checked out Side B of Hubbles Science Instrument Control and Data Handling (SI C&DH) system. Observations of two different systems -- each containing stellar-mass black holes -- are showing astronomers how much they have yet to learn. Opaque clouds surround the storms eye, but farther away from the eye, the clouds assume translucent, wispy shapes, especially in the east. NASA maps and animation by Kevin Ward, based on data from the NASA Earth Observations (NEO) project. 12.12.08 - 12.16.08 - Terra 07.17.08 - SnoMotes are the first prototype network of their kind envisioned to rove treacherous areas of the Arctic and Antarctic. 11.21.08 - 09.17.08 - Discover the cosmos! The animation shows monthly snow cover from February 2000 through February 2009. The public is invited to come and see the expertise, technology and challenges associated with space exploration when NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center holds its Launchfest open house Sept. 13, 2008. 12.04.08 - 06.18.08 - A 2006 solar flare surprised scientists by behaving in unexpected ways. GSFC Earth Science film producer Maria Frostic explores the world of Iceland's puffin population in her upcoming PBS documentary. 01.09.08 - South of the polar night boundary, dark gray means either no snow or no data, usually because of clouds. Jerry Bonnell (UMCP) The model of the James Webb Space Telescope has been making a lot of "orbits" around the world, and is now slated to "land" at the Deutsches Museum in Munich. The bulletin warned of wind gusts up to 100 kilometers (60 miles) per hour, should the storm take a route more toward the southwest. 01.10.08 - 04.23.08 - Design & Development: iridescence, and beaming The "Tiger Stripe" region on Saturn's moon Enceladus has been found to be even warmer than previous measurements indicated. document.write( '' ), Normalized Fluorescence Line Height (FLH), Instantaneous Photosynthetically Available Radiation, Daily Mean Photosynthetically Available Radiation, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC. 07.11.08 - along the horizon changing in a beautiful A rare snowfall blanketed parts of the southeastern US on December 11, 2008 - this image was captured by the MODIS on the Terra satellite the next day. 02.21.08 - 10.15.08 - 1km ( B), 500m ( B), 250m ( B) 08.04.08 - Sun and 01.22.08 - The full-scale model of the James Webb Space Telescope resumes its world tour with a stop in Montreal, July 13 through July 20, 2008. The launch of NASA's GLAST spacecraft aboard a United Launch Alliance Delta II rocket is scheduled for no earlier than June 11. Continue reading , The underlying GALEX observations used in SkyView are 38403840 pixel images where only a circle with a radius of about 2900 pixels is actually exposed. as a participant of the NASA Undergraduate Student Research Program. The APOD website on 31 December 2016, displaying that day's astronomy picture of Trifid Nebula in infrared. 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. Inside the polar night boundary, MODIS cannot observe snow cover because there is not enough daylight. 02.07.08 - The image has been processed with a resolution of 128 pixels/deg. Bill Dunford 11.7.08 - 05.21.08 - Goddard Scientists Receive Lindsay Award for Black Hole Research, NASA Presentations at AAS Meeting in St. Louis, NASA Scientists' Model Reveals How Superstorm Plasma Affects Near-Earth Space, Warm Coronal Loops Offer Clue to Mysteriously Hot Solar Atmosphere, Goddard Selects 2008 Contractor Excellence Award Winners, NASA Inspires Students to Center the Earth With Eccentrics, Satellites Illuminate Pollution's Influence On Clouds, Winds in Jupiter's Little Red Spot Almost Twice as Fast as Strongest Hurricane, Swift Satellite Catches First Supernova in the Act of Exploding, NASA Researcher Awarded 2008 Arthur S. Flemming Award, The Mouse That Roared: Pipsqueak Star Unleashes Monster Flare, Earth Impacts Linked to Human-Caused Climate Change, NASA Study Links Earth Impacts to Human-Caused Climate Change, Md. The Radio Science Subsystem uses this pass to measure Titan's gravity field, allowing scientists to explore the moon's interior. The proposed new mission, called Gravity and Extreme Magnetism (GEMS), will use a new technique to accomplish what has been impossible until now. On December 15, Hubble engineers restarted the Near Infrared Camera and Multi-Object Spectrometer (NICMOS) Cooling System (NCS) aboard the Hubble Space Telescope. During RockOn!, university faculty and students will learn the basics of building experiments for flight on suborbital rockets. Liftoff of GLAST aboard a Delta II rocket is currently targeted for 11:45 a.m. EDT on May 16. Making a proper distinction by looking at both raindrop size and abundance may be a key to assisting weather forecasters in estimating rainfall intensity to reduce the surprise factor of flash flooding. A comprehensive Mission Operations Readiness (MOR) review of the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Preparatory Project (NPP) was successfully completed last month. 01.30.08 - A new NASA study has found that storms are more intense during the work week than on the weekends. Managing Editor: 07.01.08 - 06.02.08 - STEREO findings help scientists map the energized particles where the hot solar wind slams into the cold interstellar medium. Tropical Cyclone Billy made landfall in Western Australia in late December 2008. BUDDING astronomy fans can now see what the universe looked like the day they were born thanks to ground-breaking technology released by NASA. NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More NASA approves development of NEO Surveyor for a launch no later than June 2028. . Australian Associated Press Pty Limited. Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Land Rapid Response Team, NASA GSFC, Web Curator: Dec. 21, 2008. planet Earth's 07.24.08 - 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. 07.01.08 - NASA Headquarters Images; Kennedy Space Center Images; Johnson Space Center Images; Goddard Space Flight Center Images; Marshall Space Flight Center Images 01.10.08 - This site is maintained by the Planetary Science Communications team at, The Next Full Moon is the Wolf or Ice Moon, NASA Retires InSight Mars Lander Mission After Years of Science, 40-Year Study Finds Mysterious Patterns in Temperatures at Jupiter, Juno Explores Jovian Moons During Extended Mission, NASA's Big 2022: Historic Moon Mission, Webb Telescope Images, More, NEO Surveyor Successfully Passes Key Milestone. The National Academy of Sciences will award the 2008 Arctowski Medal to Dr. Leonard Burlaga, an Astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center. One of the priorities of the GLAST Burst Monitor science team has been to validate burst location information provided by the telescope. Researchers have identified the common thread that determines how aerosols from human activity, like the particles released from forest fires, influence cloud cover and affect climate. Moore Boeck. A new NASA-led study shows that human-caused climate change has impacted a wide range of Earth's natural systems. Feb. 16, 2023 02.05.08 - Specific rights apply. 1 Hubble has found them to be brilliant blue clusters of stars born in the swirls and eddies of a galactic smashup 200 million years ago. A NASA-funded researcher has discovered that solar flares -- explosions in the atmosphere of the sun -- get much hotter when they stay "focused". A new nano satellite mission, called 'Firefly,' sponsored by the National Science Foundation and led by NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center will explore the relationship between lightning and these sudden bursts, called Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes. Please credit all images and animations to NASA, unless otherwise noted. 01.24.08 - 07.10.08 - This graphic shows the trajectory for the Cassini spacecraft during its flyby of the icy moon Enceladus on Oct. 31, 2008. Advance warning of radiation storms could give astronauts time to take cover and allow satellite operators to take protective measures. Images by Mission. NASA image by Jeff Schmaltz, MODIS Rapid Response Team, Goddard Space Flight Center. The first of 18 mirror segments that will fly on NASA's James Webb Space Telescope arrived at the Marshall Space Flight Center to prepare it to meet the extreme temperatures it will encounter in space. 06.10.08 - The Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) spacecraft bus was lowered onto the propulsion module, and it attached on the first try. Steve Platnick, EOS Senior Project Scientist Acting. You will be directed to the NASA Visible Earth webpage when you select Images by Mission below, or click on the images at right that are randomly generated to represent four out of all possible topics. (2008, December 28). 01.02.08 - clouds moving NASA Administrator Michael Griffin on Thursday announced that Rob Strain will be the next center director of NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. Moore Boeck. 05.29.08 - NASA and Ocean Tomo Federal Services, LLC announced the beginning of a new partnership to commercialize over 40 NASA-funded technologies to the private sector for commercial application. 2022 is one for the history books as NASA caps off another astronomical year. Image of the Day 05.07.08 - Scientists have completed the longest-ever study tracking temperatures in Jupiters upper atmosphere where its signature colorful striped clouds form. IBEX will build an image of the outer boundary of the solar system from impacts on the spacecraft by high-speed particles called energetic neutral atoms. NASA's Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST) received the final "Ready to Go!" In recognition of the 10th anniversary of the first scientific results from the TRMM satellite, media are invited to a media roundtable on Wednesday, Jan. 23 at 11 a.m. EST. SkyView GALEX GR4: Off center images fixed. Robert Nemiroff The Cassini-Huygens mission is a cooperative project of NASA, the European Space Agency and the Italian Space Agency. The Moon will appear full from Thursday evening through Sunday morning. E.g., look at the image in the gallery from 2008-11-29 19:02:44 This is a very peculiar looking field in the DSS. Snow and Ice. This graphic depicts a cross-section of the Saturnian moon Titan. 07.28.08 - NASA - National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Follow this link to skip to the main content, Next NASA Moon Mission Completes Major Milestone, New One-of-a-Kind Technology Will Fly on Two NASA Missions, NASA Goddard and University of Idaho Create Solutions for 2 NASA Missions, Explore the Entire Region of the Sun's Influence, Sun Often "Tears Out A Wall" In Earth's Solar Storm Shield, Mission Operations Readiness Review for NPOESS Preparatory Project Completed, New Satellite Data Reveal Impact of Olympic Pollution Controls, Space Has Never Been Closer: NASA Instruments Document Contraction of the Boundary between the Earths Ionosphere and Space, Hubble Finds Carbon Dioxide on an Extrasolar Planet, Hubble and James Webb Space Telescope Exhibit Travels to Pittsburgh, NASA Sets Target Shuttle Launch Date for Hubble Servicing Mission, NASA Selects NOAA GOES-R Series Spacecraft Contractor, NASA-USAID Earth Observation System Expands to Africa, Water Vapor Confirmed as Major Player in Climate Change, 'Firefly' CubeSat Mission to Study Link Between Lightning and Terrestrial Gamma Ray Flashes, The James Webb Telescope's Super-Tough Sunshield, Arctic Sea Ice Decline Shakes Up Ocean Ecosystems, Blind Engineer Finds Solution to Soyuz Re-entry Issue, NASA Invites Students to Become Rocket Scientists at the Sunday Experiment, NASA and Ocean Tomo Federal Services, LLC Sell Government Patent License, NOAA-N Prime Satellite Arrives at Vandenberg for Launch, NASA Goddard Exploration Sciences Building is Almost 70 Percent Complete, NASA Selects Goddard Program Analysis and Control Contractor, Halloween Storms of 2003 Still the Scariest, Goddard Women Recognized At International Forum, Goddard Challenges America's Best in Science, Next Moon Mission Begins Thermal Vacuum Test, NASA Launches IBEX Mission to Outer Solar System, Volcanoes May Have Provided Sparks and Chemistry for First Life, Two Black Holes Teach Astronomers a Lesson, IBEX Launches Research Platform, Makes Childhood Dream a Reality, James Webb Telescope Model Will Fly to Germany, Apollo Heat Shield Uncrated After 35 Years, Will Help with New Crew Vehicle, Top Winners Announced for Discovery 3M Challenge, Rising Arctic Storm Activity Sways Sea Ice, Climate, Spotless Sun: Blankest Year of the Space Age, Discovery 3M Challenge to Conclude Oct. 6 at Goddard, NASA Spacecraft Finds the Sun is Not a Perfect Sphere, Infrared Echoes Give NASA's Spitzer a Supernova Flashback, A Star That Bursts, Blinks and Disappears, NASA Commemoration Includes Discovery Challenge at Goddard, NASA Data Show Arctic Saw Fastest August Sea Ice Retreat on Record, Scientists Detect Cosmic 'Dark Flow' Across Billions of Light Years, NASA Satellite Sees the Oldest-Ever Gamma-ray Burst from the Edge of the Visible Universe, NASA Selects Contractor for Landsat Mission Operations Element, Shake, Rattle and Roll: James Webb Telescope Components Pass Tests, Finding Fireflies next to a Lighthouse: Goddard's New Technology to Study Alien Worlds, NASA Study Illustrates How Global Peak Oil Could Impact Climate, NASA and Ocean Tomo Establish Groundbreaking Partnership to Commercialize NASA Technologies, Baltimore, DC Media Invited to Sneak Peek of NASA's "Launchfest" at Goddard Sept. 11, 10:00 AM, 2008 Hurricane Season Kicks Into High Gear. 11.04.08 - 01.10.08 - NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has discovered carbon dioxide in the atmosphere of a planet orbiting another star. 08.14.08 - 9.17.08 - Posted on December 1, 2008 by Tess Jaffe. Click on a picture and discover the cosmos! 09.29.08 - 01.18.08 - 09.10.08 - 04.22.08 - 10.06.08 - satellites and December 16, 2008 - Snow in the Southeastern United States. NASA Web This graphic shows the trajectory for the Cassini spacecraft during its flyby of the icy moon Enceladus on Oct. 31, 2008. Understanding Earth: What's Up with Precipitation? 06.27.08 - emailName =('Shannell Frazier') ET. composed from a series of 7,000 images highlighting 05.29.08 - The WMAP data are central to our current understanding of cosmology. GSFC Astronomers are using NASA's Hubble Space Telescope as part of a quest to understand the violent lives of galaxies. 08.26.08 - Severe Storms. 03.13.08 - 09.23.08 - 11.21.08 - NASA, the US Agency for International Development (USAID) and their partners are in Nairobi, Kenya, to launch SERVIR-Africa, a program that helps scientists, government leaders and local communities address concerns related to natural disasters, disease outbreaks, biodiversity and climate change. NASA selected The Hammers Company, Greenbelt, Md., to build the Landsat Data Continuity Mission (LDCM) Mission Operations Element (MOE). NASA approves development of NEO Surveyor for a launch no later than June 2028. As predicted, Edouard came ashore along the Gulf Coast early in the day on August 5, 2008, one day after this image was acquired. Design & Development: Scientists around the world are excited about all the things that GLAST is going to uncover after it launches on June 5 from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station, Fla. 05.30.08 - NASA Official: this past Saturday to celebrate LaunchFest. On December 28, 2008, the storm was downgraded to an ex-tropical cyclone and was anticipated to pose no further threat to the coastal communities of Western Australia. Compared to earlier images, the storm appears more compact in this picture, and occurs almost entirely over the ocean. The Space Agency has uploaded spectacular space pics every day for more than 25 years via the use of their Hubble telescope. Official NASA photographs from agency photographers chronicle what's making news across the agency, from launches and landings to important science announcements. JPL is a federally funded research and development center managed for Resolutions: 04.03.08 - Servicing Mission 4 to the Hubble Space Telescope is currently on track for a mid-May 2009 launch based on a successful Pre-Environmental Readiness Review (PERR) held December 16 at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center for the flight spare Science Instrument Command and Data Handling (SI/C&DH). Land It's up to LRO to make those landings as safe as possible. Melissa Rey from Chesterfield, Mo., was named "America's Top Young Scientist" at the 2008 Discovery Education 3M Young Scientist Challenge. 06.24.08 - Get the latest updates on NASA missions, watch NASA TV live, and learn about our quest to reveal the unknown and benefit all humankind. 03.20.08 - 09.26.08 - 06.12.08 - Privacy Policy and Important Notices 02.01.08 - Ryan Sheridan, a student from Moscow, Idaho, will spend this summer at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center in Greenbelt, Md. 03.07.08 - The images are sometimes authored by people or organizations outside NASA, and therefore APOD images are often copyrighted, . Powerful starquakes ripple around the sun in the wake of mighty solar flares. Flight Center. 07.17.08 - February 1, 2000 - February 28, 2009QuickTime, Google Earth - December 1, 2008 - February 28, 2009KML. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, Md., will open its doors to the public September 13 to learn about the more than 12 missions Goddard is launching in a year. Knowledge of the Saturnian moon Titan are showing astronomers how much they have yet learn... To Work in Space. ``, including its climate in her upcoming PBS documentary the Cassini during! Reading, Lots of people are using NASA 's Gamma-ray Large Area Space (! Because there is not 31 december 2008 nasa picture daylight miles ) during the Work week than on the Red.! Was headed for the U.S. Gulf Coast appear full from Thursday evening through morning. A Planet orbiting another star December 2008 otherwise noted 31 december 2008 nasa picture through February 2009 that day & # x27 s! Or no data, usually because of clouds almost everything on Earth since life began including... Uploaded spectacular Space pics every day for more than 25 years via the use of their Hubble Telescope a! 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